Immigrants Might Leave Economy Better Off

"Maine has a lot of lobsters. It also has a lot of older people, ones who are less and less willing and able to catch, clean and sell the crustaceans that make up a $1 billion industry for the state. Companies are turning to foreign-born workers to bridge the divide.

“Folks born in Maine are generally not looking for manufacturing work, especially in food manufacturing,” said Ben Conniff, a founder of Luke’s Lobster, explaining that the firm’s lobster processing plant has been staffed mostly by immigrants since it opened in 2013, and that foreign-born workers help keep “the natural resources economy going.”

Maine has the oldest population of any U.S. state, with a median age of 45.1. As America overall ages, the state offers a preview of what that could look like economically — and the critical role that immigrants are likely to play in filling the labor market holes that will be created as native-born workers retire.

Nationally, immigration is expected to become an increasingly critical source of new workers and economic vibrancy in the coming decades.

It’s a silver lining at a time when huge immigrant flows that started in 2022 are straining state and local resources across the country and drawing political backlash. While the influx may pose near-term challenges, it is also boosting the American economy’s potential. Employers today are managing to hire rapidly partly because of the incoming labor supply. The Congressional Budget Office has already revised up both its population and its economic growth projections for the next decade in light of the wave of newcomers.

In Maine, companies are already beginning to look to immigrants to fill labor force gaps on factory floors and in skilled trades alike as native-born employees either leave the work force or barrel toward retirement.

State legislators are working to create an Office of New Americans, an effort to attract and integrate immigrants into the work force, for instance. Private companies are also focused on the issue. The Luke’s Lobster founders started an initiative called Lift All Boats in 2022 to supplement and diversify the fast-aging lobster fishing industry. It aims to teach minorities and other industry outsiders how to lobster and how to work their way through the extensive and complex licensing process, and about half of the participants have been foreign-born..."

So these "new jobs" that Biden is bragging about are going to illegal aliens who will work for less and drive down wages for hard working Americans. Thanks Brandon.:facepalm:
Are you serious? Cities, no matter who is in power are the first notch when we tighten our economic belt, Cities have lots of workers who have no power. The wealthy in America have successfully taken the wealth of the nation as their own. The wealth gap in America is shameful. Trump slashed taxes for the wealthy and corporations. He says he will do it again.
The wealthy have been successful in convincing the people that the poor and immigrants are taking their money as they get richer and richer. You are one of those people. Keep those immigrants out and you will be richer. You believe that.
Immigration is what made American an economic power. We have plenty of jobs, so it would do the same thing now.
Immigrants come to America for the same opportunities that our ancestors did. They would work, pay taxes and start businesses.
Trump lies about immigrants because it fools the rightys, He hired them by the boat load.

Trump slashed taxes for everyone not just the wealthy. My own son got a substantial tax cut and he is far from wealthy. You are just repeating lies fed to you by CNN, NPR,and MSNBS who also lied to you about the Russian dossier Hunter's laptop etc. Trump hired legal immigrants to work in his high-end hotels. That is a very common and legal practice . The Fairmont in Dallas has a lot of Europeans working in it.
Are the workers legal immigrants? The fact that this article mentions "newcomers" Answers that question ;)
They are taking American jobs from Americans. My brother lives near Center Texas. It has a large Tyson Chicken processing plant there. Tyson played 2000 Americans off and replaced them with illegal immigrants. They work for less and can't complain or strike.
Funny, we have a whole thread blasting immigrants trying to better themselves and do not mention those who hire them. Trump had them all over his golf courses. He hired them when he was building things.
The problem is you believe that crap Trump says instead of what he does. He is playing you guys for suckers. He is a rich guy who works for the benefit of people like him.
They are taking American jobs from Americans. My brother lives near Center Texas. It has a large Tyson Chicken processing plant there. Tyson played 2000 Americans off and replaced them with illegal immigrants. They work for less and can't complain or strike.
Are these illegals driving? If so, can they vote...What if only a few vote...that can effect the election...
Get those borders closed...And Give Americans their jobs back...I sure hope they show up at the polls...
We need our country back...
Are these illegals driving? If so, can they vote...What if only a few vote...that can effect the election...
Get those borders closed...And Give Americans their jobs back...I sure hope they show up at the polls...
We need our country back...

Nationwide something like 15% of the people on the road have no insurance...going up fast....and the Regime has no intention of doing anything about it.

We have been betrayed.
Nationwide something like 15% of the people on the road have no insurance...going up fast....and the Regime has no intention of doing anything about it.

We have been betrayed.
I would bet it's more than that...and a big percentage on the road with no license to begin with...and yes we have...
Wait until an unlicensed, uninsured, in a vehicle that isn't properly registered illegal slams into one of Let Them All In people...
(We won't discuss the other crimes in this thread...)
I would bet it's more than that...and a big percentage on the road with no license to begin with...and yes we have...
Wait until an unlicensed, uninsured, in a vehicle that isn't properly registered illegal slams into one of Let Them All In people...
(We won't discuss the other crimes in this thread...)

Ya....and they know that they will get away with it....the rules dont apply to them....they only apply to the citizens.

Something VDH talks about constantly.

We have been betrayed.

Buckle Up.
Ya....and they know that they will get away with it....the rules dont apply to them....they only apply to the citizens.

Something VDH talks about constantly.

We have been betrayed.

Buckle Up.
They do get away with it...and everything else... Actually, that applies to many who refuse to get insurance...or even renew tags...What's going to happen to them? You can't get blood from a stone...
They do get away with it...and everything else... Actually, that applies to many who refuse to get insurance...or even renew tags...What's going to happen to them? You can't get blood from a stone...

Civilization is being collapsed....and this cant be fixed this late into the my reasonable rational response is Party Mode:

Knowing the truth is very often far from a pleasant experience.

I do it anyways...because I am one of the few remaining Better People.
Biden has arrested and deported more immigrants than Trump did. The immigrants are building the economy up just like they always have.

Matthews: Illegal immigrants double under Biden

The Hill › opinion › 4423296-matthews-illeg...
Jan 23, 2024 — The number of illegal immigrants in the country has roughly doubled under President Biden. The United States had some 10.2 million illegal ...
There was a time when foreigners wanted to come to the United States to become AMERICANS. They learned our language, our traditions and became productive AMERICANS.
That has changed. Now, they come here in caravans looking for handouts, they bring drugs, disease and hatred for what America stands for, and are slowly destroying what
the founders of this country envisioned. Biden has been a failure when it comes to protecting our borders, he's made the strongest country on earth look like weaklings, he's
weakened our military with "woke" policies, he's defied policies that would make us energy independent, food prices have risen 20%, energy prices have increased 32%, and
rent prices have increased 19%. He's sent $6 billion to Iran, he's allowed skyrocketing attacks on U.S. troops by foreign adversaries and his pathetic "New Green Deal" has
hurt every hard working tax paying American. He's been nothing short of a fucking disaster for the once greatest country on earth. Every American should despise his policies...