Infidelity Masks


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Now I know why women and morons wear a coronavirus mask:

All of the talk about Muslim women being forced to wear burkas in repressive Islamic countries in order to keep them modest, pure, and faithful reminded me of a book I read four or five decades ago. A lady wrote the book. I do not recall her name, or where it was published, but she said that Muslim women love their burkas because it allows them to make cuckolds of their husbands with impunity; an unfaithful wife can come and go with complete anonymity when she is wearing a burka.

I believed the book after I imagined how happy a married woman would be tap dancing out of a lover’s pad after completing a satisfying double-nooner knowing that she cannot be identified.

All things considered, I had to conclude that male Muslim extremists are really a collection of morons, or else they do not mind their womenfolk playing “Lets hide the pickle” at the drop of a burka —— just so long as the neighbors do not find out about it. Think about it for a while.

Now I know why women and morons wear a coronavirus mask:

All of the talk about Muslim women being forced to wear burkas in repressive Islamic countries in order to keep them modest, pure, and faithful reminded me of a book I read four or five decades ago. A lady wrote the book. I do not recall her name, or where it was published, but she said that Muslim women love their burkas because it allows them to make cuckolds of their husbands with impunity; an unfaithful wife can come and go with complete anonymity when she is wearing a burka.

I believed the book after I imagined how happy a married woman would be tap dancing out of a lover’s pad after completing a satisfying double-nooner knowing that she cannot be identified.

All things considered, I had to conclude that male Muslim extremists are really a collection of morons, or else they do not mind their womenfolk playing “Lets hide the pickle” at the drop of a burka —— just so long as the neighbors do not find out about it. Think about it for a while.

Thanks for the clown show, this one is very entertaining.

Now I know why women and morons wear a coronavirus mask:

All of the talk about Muslim women being forced to wear burkas in repressive Islamic countries in order to keep them modest, pure, and faithful reminded me of a book I read four or five decades ago. A lady wrote the book. I do not recall her name, or where it was published, but she said that Muslim women love their burkas because it allows them to make cuckolds of their husbands with impunity; an unfaithful wife can come and go with complete anonymity when she is wearing a burka.

I believed the book after I imagined how happy a married woman would be tap dancing out of a lover’s pad after completing a satisfying double-nooner knowing that she cannot be identified.

All things considered, I had to conclude that male Muslim extremists are really a collection of morons, or else they do not mind their womenfolk playing “Lets hide the pickle” at the drop of a burka —— just so long as the neighbors do not find out about it. Think about it for a while.

Do you wear a face covering when going to the grocery store or any other business, these days?
Because you are required to. Do you wear one?

I'm not required to. Why would I wear one? Where is the science that shows they are effective? Especially among a public with zero common sense. All a cloth mask achieves is more touching of your face. Do you wear one?
And are they wearing it properly? Or are they constantly pulling it up and down with dirty hands?

I don't give a shit. :)

I tried wearing one to mow, and all it does is make your face hotter. No deal!

On the bright side, seeing who's wearing a mask outs who the paranoid kooks are. :laugh:
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I'm not required to. Why would I wear one? Where is the science that shows they are effective? Especially among a public with zero common sense. All a cloth mask achieves is more touching of your face. Do you wear one?

You are spewing more bullshit my dear, there aint a store around that would let you in without one.
You are spewing more bullshit my dear, there aint a store around that would let you in without one.

LMAO! You make a funny!
In about 5 days, I'm gonna take that damn spit-shield sneeze-guard thing down and chuck it in the dumpster!

A customer isn't required to wear any mask in FL, silly boy.
Your freedom to not wear a mask ends where everyone else's health begins. There isn't a business around that would let you in without a mask.

You're fucking insane, bro. Don't tell me what happens in my neighborhood, bitch. I know.

You are a delusional weirdo. Employees have to wear masks here, but customers don't.