Inflation is down, the market is up

Inflation was triggered by Putin,
Inflation is part of having fiat currency, Sybil. Putin wasn't alive during the FDR administration.
Trump's buddy, attacking Ukraine.
Putin endorses Kamala, Sybil.
That is why it impacted all the industrial nations.
No other nation is using US dollars as it's currency, Sybil.
They all have experienced higher inflation than we have
No other nation is using US dollars as it's currency, Sybil.
and have had more difficulty fighting it. Hoe did you get so ignorant?
The illiteracy and ignorance is YOURS, Sybil.
Another factor was Trump's mishandling of Covid.
You are describing Democrats again, Sybil.
I expect dumb economics from Repubs. I am never disappointed.
The economy is not a political party, Sybil.
Inflation is the responsibility of those who are in charge of the economy.
No one is in charge of the economy. That's the beauty of capitalism.
Inflation is caused by the Federal Reserve, and only the Federal Reserve. It is controlled by Congress. Inflation is highest when the House is dominated by Democrats and RINOs, since desire is to expand government, causing the Fed to inflate the currency (to pay for it!).
If inflation has increased nearly 20% when Trump was in office, you would be blaming his economic policy…and rightly so.
The economy is not a policy.
The economy is the number one priority and Trump/Harris get the blame. Their energy policies are horrific.
Getting the government out of the way of economic activity is a high priority, true.
It is Biden that caused the oil (and energy) shortage, causing prices to spike. Inflation, however, is strictly by the Fed. Shortages are temporary, and are filled by the market sooner or later. In the case of Biden's energy edict, most of it was thrown out by a federal court. Oil production has somewhat improved, but processing it into gasoline is still a big problem, due to overregulation and the inability to ship it properly (due to Biden's banning of pipeline expansion).
The market pretty much always reflects how the economy at large is doing. It has never existed in a vacuum.
I've aways said that the market is in inverse proportion to the economy. When the market does well, consumers usually don't. Record profits/dividends right now are running simultaneously with high costs for consumers.

When oil is skyrocketing, the market is happy and consumers are pissed. Perhaps it's just semantics, but I view the economy as something that affects everyone, not just investors.
Ah, Covid didn’t start in 2020, in fact, it hit the US when your Messiah was President, don’t you recall him telling Americans it was under control, would be gone by summer, and couldn’t deliver necessary testing nor resources to address the problem

And if you think that a novel virus with no natural immunity nor vaccine that spread thru social contact killing a thousands a day wasn’t going to have an effect on the economy regardless of who was President your living in fantasy land