interesting study on US middle class

What can you buy a house for in Mississippi? In San Francisco it is over $650,000. I believe the medium in the U.S. is around $200k. Therefore there are definitely places where you can by homes for $80 - $100k. If you make $40k in that type of neighborhood you can lead a middle class lifestyle.

Yes there are obviously some differences. I'm not trying to say they are the exact same. But look at the cost ratios.



Well said, Kathianne.

I also wonder why more people do not resent the government for saying "we can fix your life" when its obvious that it cannot even fix its own workings.

I do not see more government as an answer, unless the question is "What is the enemy of more freedom?"

Also, many studies that look at income to determine where people fit in society, only look at wage type of income. In other words, if I had $500,000 and decided to take a year off and work on a novel, by some standards I would be considered poor. I have zero income, therefore I am poor.

Yep, I would not recommend income averaging that year. ;)
Cawacko, you can't honestly believe that the standard of living is equal between someone with 40k in Mississippi and someone with 150k a year in SF. At most, it would be 80k to be equal. Standard of living doesn't go beyond 100% generally, a you're shooting up above 200%.

Actually I could live in most Southern states comfortably right now. My income is close to $40k. The townhome I bought for $130k 11 years ago is NOW selling for $244k on avg. That's down nearly $40k from 2 years ago, but I could suffer through.

I'm not comfortable here. My property taxes are nearly $6k. My state income tax is high. Gas taxes are high, I was lucky to fill up yesterday morning at $4.09, it's at $4.49 today.
I live in a rural part of eastern Alabama. You can buy a nice house in my area for $80k to $100k a year.

In Sarasota FL, a vacant lot will sell for $150k (not in a great neighborhood), and in a planned subdivision I saw 3 bedroom 2 bath houses with a garage go for $500k to $750k.

Where you live makes all the difference in how much it costs to live.

My wife and I live as well as we do because we live in one area and I work in another.
I live in a rural part of eastern Alabama. You can buy a nice house in my area for $80k to $100k a year.

In Sarasota FL, a vacant lot will sell for $150k (not in a great neighborhood), and in a planned subdivision I saw 3 bedroom 2 bath houses with a garage go for $500k to $750k.

Where you live makes all the difference in how much it costs to live.

My wife and I live as well as we do because we live in one area and I work in another.

Does that make you an Alabama or Auburn fan?
Nick Saban is God, Watergerber's breath still smells like similac what does he know about cost of living. Cost of video games maybe.
Desh were dems trip themselves is most in the middle class aspire to move up. And as such don't want the gov. taking 50% as they try to get there.
Middle Class is determined by a middle ranking income.
When defined by the federal government, that's what is used.

Which is one more reason the federal government is a lousy answer to economic problems. If you think that local cost of living does not factor into the economic status of people, then you are deliberately blinding yourself.

If one lives in a place where a 3 bedroom home costs around $150,000, a loaf of bread is $1.50 a gallon of milk $2.75, and a gallon of gas in $3.89 then an income of $60,000 will allow a rather nice standard of living. But if one lives in an area where a 3 bedroom house runs $500,000, then $60,000 is not going to allow as high a standard of living. If one lives in a place like rural Alaska, where a loaf of bread is $3.00, a gallon of milk $4.25, and a gallon of gas $5.50, then again the standard of living from a $60,000 income will not be as high as where the COL is lower.

Unlike the government, PEOPLE judge "middle class" by their standard of living, not by some narrow definition of income.

And damned few people these days know what the fuck POOR means, either. Too many define "poor" as those who have to buy their TVs from a second hand store. Bullshit. TVs are a luxury. When one can afford luxuries - even second hand luxuries - then they are not nearly as poor as most are willing to define.

Poor is a family of 6 (plus Grandmother) living in a 2 room shack. Poor is when poaching a deer and squatting on a plot of land to grow some vegetables, and sneaking in fields at night to gather the grain the harvester missed are the means used to barely feed the family. Poor is not worrying about whether your TV is second hand or not, because you don't have electricity to run the damn thing.

Poor is NOT because one uses second hand furniture in a 3 bedroom, rent subsidized apartment. Poor is NOT because one has to choose between paying for cable, or buying TV dinners.
The problem for Obama is people in many Cali cities and NY cities, Mass etc $150,000 is smack dab in the middle class.
He should come out with the $250,000 rule
Bravo my poor little brain cell chanllenged friend, that was a question asked about where they feel they are in society.It was not asked to determine their actual status but their perception of there status.

Middle Class is determined by a middle ranking income.

Man, you are one dense women...

No shit braindead....thats EXACTLY what I just was their 'perception' of their status....People UNDER 20k are not middle class, even though the article states "four-in-ten Americans with incomes below $20,000 say they are middle class"...."About half of all Americans think of themselves as middle class"

I said, "I can understand someone at 150k thinking they are middle class...but not someone below 20k, anywhere thinking they are....but it seems they do...
So I conclude its how we perceive ourselves in the scheme of things..."
What can you buy a house for in Mississippi? In San Francisco it is over $650,000. I believe the medium in the U.S. is around $200k. Therefore there are definitely places where you can by homes for $80 - $100k. If you make $40k in that type of neighborhood you can lead a middle class lifestyle.

Yes there are obviously some differences. I'm not trying to say they are the exact same. But look at the cost ratios.

Supply and demand at work.
HaHa, I love the Tides tradition and I love Bear Bryant but I just do not like Nick Saban.

I was not thrilled with Saban's exit from Miami, but thats the way most coaches leave. (if they are not fired)

I like the fact that he doesn't spend much time worrying about what the alumni want, or doing PR stuff. He is there to coach football.

Our traditions are a wonderful thing. When I was a kid we would ride our bikes over and watch the practices. I can still see Bear up on his platform yelling in his bullhorn. Then grumbling after he put it down.

The home games are something special. This year we will be in the hunt for the SEC west. Next year we will be a contender for the National Championship.
compared to what?

to a large portion of the world population even people who are poor here are considered wealthy elsewhere

food to eat, medical care, a leak free home are available to most people in this nation and are not available to people in other nations

kind of reminds me of the watts riots, people who saw the la 'ghettos' that lived in places further east like chicago and detroit could not believe that people who live where the streets had palm trees thought that they lived in ghettos - problem is, people who lived there could not see themselves as being able to do better and saw the people and places around them far more desirable

so i guess the whole thing is relative to where you live

at least there are no regular bombings, but also, unfortunately, there are far too many shootings

by some of the definitions, i lived in a ghetto where a house two houses down from us was shot up one night - gang violence

oh well
Why do party's have to support any class? For some reason, Dems try to score points by claiming that not being "supported" is to be ignored. While it lacks principle 100%, it is effective. Of course, we need to see an end to subsidies and corp. welfare, but that is not something that is distinctly one party. Govt. should guarantee you're natural right to property, and little else in that regard.
Why do party's have to support any class? For some reason, Dems try to score points by claiming that not being "supported" is to be ignored. While it lacks principle 100%, it is effective. Of course, we need to see an end to subsidies and corp. welfare, but that is not something that is distinctly one party. Govt. should guarantee you're natural right to property, and little else in that regard.

Saban will get you there, he's a hell of a recruiter. He totally rebuilt LSU's program. He FORCED the kids to be student athletes, but he got them the best facilities educational and athletic.
I was not thrilled with Saban's exit from Miami, but thats the way most coaches leave. (if they are not fired)

I like the fact that he doesn't spend much time worrying about what the alumni want, or doing PR stuff. He is there to coach football.

Our traditions are a wonderful thing. When I was a kid we would ride our bikes over and watch the practices. I can still see Bear up on his platform yelling in his bullhorn. Then grumbling after he put it down.

The home games are something special. This year we will be in the hunt for the SEC west. Next year we will be a contender for the National Championship.

One thing I really regret is not going to the USC game when played at Auburn to start the 2003 season. I know they are your hated rival but I wanted to experience a game in SEC country and of course word from most 'SC fans were the Auburn fans were very gracious and full of Southern charm. We played at Arkansas in 2005 and I could not make that either. However I regret far more not making the Auburn game.
Oh yes, c.e.o.s care.

More Service sector jobs than ever before!

Kathianne and bravo are both just the most ignorant brainwashed neocon nonthinkers one could ever encounter. Go back to your thinktank and devise more ways to erode human rights and glut america with cheap labor all at the same time, it's what you're good at.