

Colossians 3:23
Im not sure if its required to introduce yourself but I guess it is if others are doing it. My name is Norah, i'm 19 and from Texas. I'm currently a sophomore at Abilene Christian University and wanting to study animal sciences primarily livestock management. Ive started to get an interest in politics probably over the last couple of years following the news and current events. I consider myself to be a conservative republican and will be voting in my first election next year. I'm still probably not as knowledgable as I shoudl be over some of the issues but im learning and I think I can make some good arguments for some of my beliefs. I dont know how often I'll be able to give my opinions on things since I have school and I also work on the weekends at a stable in town but i'll try to make it count when I do comment. If you have any questions just feel free to ask. Thanks.
Welcome to the group!

I'll introduce you around if I have time.

There is a SLEW of decerebrate liberals in this group that are just idiots and/or trolls.
Just a heads up, you probably shouldn't post that much personal information. It's incredibly easy to find you and mess with you if someone is so inclined. And there are people so inclined here.
this is no place for a decent young person. the witches and warlocks will try to cast doubt continually and The Lord Jesus Christ is blasphemed. you will learn that politics is a never ending cycle of good vs. evil, light vs. darkness, right vs. wrong,[propaganda] it is like the star wars series; it never ends. enjoy your youth. do not waste the best years of your life occupied with the folly of man as he has failed to govern himself.
this is no place for a decent young person. the witches and warlocks will try to cast doubt continually and The Lord Jesus Christ is blasphemed. you will learn that politics is a never ending cycle of good vs. evil, light vs. darkness, right vs. wrong,[propaganda] it is like the star wars series; it never ends. enjoy your youth. do not waste the best years of your life occupied with the folly of man as he has failed to govern himself.

Use the force Luke.
Im not sure if its required to introduce yourself but I guess it is if others are doing it. My name is Norah, i'm 19 and from Texas. I'm currently a sophomore at Abilene Christian University and wanting to study animal sciences primarily livestock management. Ive started to get an interest in politics probably over the last couple of years following the news and current events. I consider myself to be a conservative republican and will be voting in my first election next year. I'm still probably not as knowledgable as I shoudl be over some of the issues but im learning and I think I can make some good arguments for some of my beliefs. I dont know how often I'll be able to give my opinions on things since I have school and I also work on the weekends at a stable in town but i'll try to make it count when I do comment. If you have any questions just feel free to ask. Thanks.


please be careful about telling to much personal information

most people are mostly good

a few people are like saints

and a few people are complete rat bastards.

you never know on the internets if someone there is a complete rat bastard.

protect your self girlfriend.

I am about your political opposite.

we will get along GREAT if you accept facts and don't lie.

hope to see you back again
Thank you to everybody for the warm welcome. I'm sorry for adding in too much personal information. I cant really fix that now but i'll remember that.
Im not sure if its required to introduce yourself but I guess it is if others are doing it. My name is Norah, i'm 19 and from Texas. I'm currently a sophomore at Abilene Christian University and wanting to study animal sciences primarily livestock management. Ive started to get an interest in politics probably over the last couple of years following the news and current events. I consider myself to be a conservative republican and will be voting in my first election next year. I'm still probably not as knowledgable as I shoudl be over some of the issues but im learning and I think I can make some good arguments for some of my beliefs. I dont know how often I'll be able to give my opinions on things since I have school and I also work on the weekends at a stable in town but i'll try to make it count when I do comment. If you have any questions just feel free to ask. Thanks.
I do quite a bit of business with a company in Abilene. What sort of horses do you work with? Several of my Uncles are seriously into those hay burners. They're into Standardbred racing. Every time I've been to the track to see them race their horses there's always a gaggle of pretty young ladies working in the stalls who are head over heals in love with horses.
I do quite a bit of business with a company in Abilene. What sort of horses do you work with? Several of my Uncles are seriously into those hay burners. They're into Standardbred racing. Every time I've been to the track to see them race their horses there's always a gaggle of pretty young ladies working in the stalls who are head over heals in love with horses.

They are mostly quarter horses and that's pretty much what i've always grown up around too and use for competition. They have a couple of draft horses there too at that particular stable but it's like 99% your standard american quarter horse. I love horses, they are amazing creatures with so much intelligence, so much personality and are just beautiful to me. They can obviously be very dangerous as well if you aren't careful and respectful of their power and I have had the bruises and broken bones to show for it, but I wouldn't trade a single day of it. My parents ranch has mostly quarter horses too but we've rented out stalls to others in the area and it's cool sometimes seeing the variety of horses that can come in and out.
They are mostly quarter horses and that's pretty much what i've always grown up around too and use for competition. They have a couple of draft horses there too at that particular stable but it's like 99% your standard american quarter horse. I love horses, they are amazing creatures with so much intelligence, so much personality and are just beautiful to me. They can obviously be very dangerous as well if you aren't careful and respectful of their power and I have had the bruises and broken bones to show for it, but I wouldn't trade a single day of it. My parents ranch has mostly quarter horses too but we've rented out stalls to others in the area and it's cool sometimes seeing the variety of horses that can come in and out.
I grew up on a farm till I was fifteen. Had to do farm chores from an early age. Mostly feeding, watering livestock and pitching poo, milking Herefords, pitching more poo, bailing hay, stacking hay....did I mention that I pitched a lot of poo?

I lost any sentimentality about livestock way back then. I seen quite a few mean and cantankerous horses that's idea of fun is rubbing you off on a fence, breaking your foot stepping on it, nailing you with a well aimed kick in the back or giving you a coronary chasing one out of the neighbors field for 6 or 7 hours. Smart? I find horses marginally smarter than a cow and substantially smarter than the typical Republican found on JPP but not even remotely as intelligent as a hog....and we won't discuss sheep (and don't listen to what these folks here say about me and sheep. It's a bunch of damned lies. Dolly and I are just good friends.).

As you can probably surmise I may have been raised on a farm but wasn't exactly cut out to be a farmer. It may have been all that poo I pitched.
I grew up on a farm till I was fifteen. Had to do farm chores from an early age. Mostly feeding, watering livestock and pitching poo, milking Herefords, pitching more poo, bailing hay, stacking hay....did I mention that I pitched a lot of poo?

I lost any sentimentality about livestock way back then. I seen quite a few mean and cantankerous horses that's idea of fun is rubbing you off on a fence, breaking your foot stepping on it, nailing you with a well aimed kick in the back or giving you a coronary chasing one out of the neighbors field for 6 or 7 hours. Smart? I find horses marginally smarter than a cow and substantially smarter than the typical Republican found on JPP but not even remotely as intelligent as a hog....and we won't discuss sheep (and don't listen to what these folks here say about me and sheep. It's a bunch of damned lies. Dolly and I are just good friends.).

As you can probably surmise I may have been raised on a farm but wasn't exactly cut out to be a farmer. It may have been all that poo I pitched.

and see for me all of the things you described above I love. I love the smell of a barn. Obviously shoveling manure, cleaning out a stall, and doing chores can get old at times especially on a really hot summer day or in the middle of a rain storm but I always end up missing it when i'm not doing it. As for poop I totally have been through it too :) I've shoveled it, i've stepped in it, i've even laid in it (not by choice), but it's all good. Oh and FYI i'm a republican and so i'd like to think that i'm smarter than a horse or a hog but I guess that's not up to me :)
and see for me all of the things you described above I love. I love the smell of a barn. Obviously shoveling manure, cleaning out a stall, and doing chores can get old at times especially on a really hot summer day or in the middle of a rain storm but I always end up missing it when i'm not doing it. As for poop I totally have been through it too :) I've shoveled it, i've stepped in it, i've even laid in it (not by choice), but it's all good. Oh and FYI i'm a republican and so i'd like to think that i'm smarter than a horse or a hog but I guess that's not up to me :)
Well just to clarify I said "Typical JPP Republican.". In comparison from what I've seen you post so far you write legibly, you're not full of hate and anger. You don't poop yourself in utter fear at anything you don't understand or are not familiar with. It's probably safe to assume you're a genius compared to most JPP Republicans. Trust me....that isn't exactly setting the bar very high.

Now if you express views that are patently dumb like, "Take your socialist hands off my medicare." or "Evolution is just a theory and not a fact." or "George W. Bush was a great President." then I might have to re-evaluate my views on your cognitive abilities! ;)

Having said that...we do have some Democratic partisans on here, a certain Desh comes to mind, who's grasp on reality is quite fluid, to be polite.

We do have quite a few libertarians on here and like most libertarians they have a few good ideas, a whole bunch of bad ideas, they accomplish exactly nothing and couldn't lead a duck to water. They are however terrific fun to have debates with. :)

As for me myself, I currently poll with Democrats but I was a card carry Republican from 1979 to 2004. Actually I decided to leave the GOP in 2003 over the immoral and unjustified invasion of Iraq. Having said that, as main street, pro-business, socially liberal Republican from central Ohio I moved to the South for 7 years and quickly discovered that, by the standards of the South, I was a bleeding heart commie pinko liberal and had become appalled at what damage the "Southern Strategy" had done the GOP (and the nation) with it's inherently racist and bigoted Southern populism which had really alienated me from the GOP as well.

But mainly I can best be described, using my father's characterization of me, as being a "Psuedo-Intellectual Horses Ass". :)
They are mostly quarter horses and that's pretty much what i've always grown up around too and use for competition. They have a couple of draft horses there too at that particular stable but it's like 99% your standard american quarter horse. I love horses, they are amazing creatures with so much intelligence, so much personality and are just beautiful to me. They can obviously be very dangerous as well if you aren't careful and respectful of their power and I have had the bruises and broken bones to show for it, but I wouldn't trade a single day of it. My parents ranch has mostly quarter horses too but we've rented out stalls to others in the area and it's cool sometimes seeing the variety of horses that can come in and out.

I love horses and miss riding.