involuntary hunger/starvation

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
involuntary hunger/starvation in other parts of the world (chiefly africa and asia) is a matter of concern for certain groups

but what about involuntary hunger/starvation in the u s of a

we do not hear much about it (except when referring to the homeless)

but it is real

sometimes it is pride

sometimes it is abuse

sometimes it is lack of knowledge

sometimes it is fear

also, it is homeless families living in their cars because of eviction or job loss

bushco has done its best to dismantle the safety net in this nation

me, i am at a loss as to how this situation has come to pass in one of the wealthiest nations in the world

my solution, create a program that any citizen or legal alien can enter just by applying - it would replace food stamps with a card with a magstrip that would allow a person to go to any place that sells food and permit them to buy ingredients to make bread, fruit and vegetables (including nuts), eggs or any other food substance that is not precooked or preprepared

this would avoid the problem of people selling their food allowance for recreational substances

i know that people will consider this socialism, but it would be cheaper than the program (that does not work well) currently in place

in other words, more bang for our extorted tax dollars

sigh, it will never happen because the agricultural interests would fight it tooth and nail

oth, conservatives might go for it once it is shown how it would actually be cheaper
No one's hungry in America. The rich make sure of that, while the government purposely boards up food so that the poor can't get it.

yep, they would not want the price of subsidized food to fall too low

i think that the reps are secret socialists...when it come to supporting their voting base:(
The ability to buy ingredients won't help the homeless. Since they have no utensils, appliances or shelter, they wouldn't be able to cook the food.

If pride is keeping you from eating, then your pride will be your death.

I think that more money into programs that feed the homeless is a good idea. But something along the lines of shelters and soup kitchens will do more good for more people.

I think making mental health help available would be a good start too.
The ability to buy ingredients won't help the homeless. Since they have no utensils, appliances or shelter, they wouldn't be able to cook the food.

If pride is keeping you from eating, then your pride will be your death.

I think that more money into programs that feed the homeless is a good idea. But something along the lines of shelters and soup kitchens will do more good for more people.

I think making mental health help available would be a good start too.

Deinstitututionalization. We were supposed to get them out of the institutions and into friendly community outcare centers. But everyone forgot about the second part for some reason.
involuntary hunger/starvation in other parts of the world (chiefly africa and asia) is a matter of concern for certain groups

but what about involuntary hunger/starvation in the u s of a
we do not hear much about it (except when referring to the homeless)
but it is real
sometimes it is pride
sometimes it is abuse
sometimes it is lack of knowledge
sometimes it is fear
Find me a picture of a starving American. They don't exist, I've posted that challenge for 5 years running and no one could do it. Instead maybe you should get out in the real world instead of living in a Hugoesque fantasy land and realize the poor in large part actually have an overeating problem.

also, it is homeless families living in their cars because of eviction or job loss
bushco has done its best to dismantle the safety net in this nation
Oh yeah Bush made lots of cuts, why don't you name one?
The net has now been widened to include prescription drug coverage. Starting to look more like a hammock.

me, i am at a loss as to how this situation has come to pass in one of the wealthiest nations in the world

my solution, create a program that any citizen or legal alien can enter just by applying - it would replace food stamps with a card with a magstrip that would allow a person to go to any place that sells food and permit them to buy ingredients to make bread, fruit and vegetables (including nuts), eggs or any other food substance that is not precooked or preprepared
this would avoid the problem of people selling their food allowance for recreational substances
ROFL. You think welfare recipients are going to bake from scratch and shop for ingredients? I mean I have to ask, do you like get all?

i know that people will consider this socialism, but it would be cheaper than the program (that does not work well) currently in place
Well that's true, virtually no one would use it so yes.

in other words, more bang for our extorted tax dollars
sigh, it will never happen because the agricultural interests would fight it tooth and nail
??? Why would they? You just said they would be buying raw ingredients, those are more likely to come locally then goods that in cans. They would be all for it.

Your world is wistful, get your feet on the ground, observe more than opine and maybe you have some hope.
See my thread on Home schooling for a starving american.

Yes, but if we handed out free food on every street corner that child would still have starved.

That is not about starvation, that is about child abuse.
Find me a picture of a starving American. They don't exist, I've posted that challenge for 5 years running and no one could do it.

The specifics were not specified. Just a starving American.
starving American:

Let me quote one of my favorite americans, George Carlin. His thoughts on anorexia were crystal clear. "Only in America can we have this. But you know what? Spoiled, rich cunt doesn't want to eat? Fuck her."
i have lived in poor areas and worked as a helper to get people the assistance they need

the 'fat' poor are malnourished because lawmakers added various processed foods like sugar and potato chips to what can be bought with food stamps - the politics of hunger are criminal
Let me quote one of my favorite americans, George Carlin. His thoughts on anorexia were crystal clear. "Only in America can we have this. But you know what? Spoiled, rich cunt doesn't want to eat? Fuck her."

anorexia nervosa kills - it is a disease

and not a disease solely of 'rich cunts'

it strikes women of all socio-economic groups - and occasionally men

the involuntary part is where some parent(s) on welfare or assistance sell their food in order to buy recreational drugs leaving their children to do without

malnutrition of children screws up their development and creates a further burden on society

barbie dolls and thin fashion models create images that women and teenagers try to attain with disastrous results
Dano's challenge still hasn't been met. Show us these "starving Americans" ...the ones who can't afford food due to Bush's massive cuts! They fucking DON'T EXIST PEOPLE!

They haven't existed in this country since the days of FDR or before! Frankly, it's a testament to just how stupid and gullible you people are, to believe this crap. People aren't dying of starvation in this country, in fact, our "poor" people live a better lifestyle than some countries "wealthy" people! Get a clue!
anorexia nervosa kills - it is a disease

and not a disease solely of 'rich cunts'

it strikes women of all socio-economic groups - and occasionally men

the involuntary part is where some parent(s) on welfare or assistance sell their food in order to buy recreational drugs leaving their children to do without

malnutrition of children screws up their development and creates a further burden on society

barbie dolls and thin fashion models create images that women and teenagers try to attain with disastrous results

You've lost your fucking mind. Anorexia is a DISEASE! It is NOT caused by social economic conditions, it is not 'involuntary' in any respect, and it's a joke to suggest it is. Even IF we adopted some massive bureaucratic program to 'feed the anorexics' would they overcome the mental illness to actually EAT? As for drug addicts who sell their 'assistance' to buy drugs, what would change that? They are going to sell any fucking thing that isn't tied down, whether it belongs to them or not, to get their next fix... NO program is going to help them until they decide to get off the drugs.

We're always going to have a problem with mental illness... we are always going to have drug addicts... nothing we can ever do will eliminate that, it's a fact of life... a sad fact, but a fact nevertheless. Involuntary starvation in America, is NOT a fact, and hasn't been for quite some time.
You've lost your fucking mind. Anorexia is a DISEASE! It is NOT caused by social economic conditions, it is not 'involuntary' in any respect, and it's a joke to suggest it is. Even IF we adopted some massive bureaucratic program to 'feed the anorexics' would they overcome the mental illness to actually EAT? As for drug addicts who sell their 'assistance' to buy drugs, what would change that? They are going to sell any fucking thing that isn't tied down, whether it belongs to them or not, to get their next fix... NO program is going to help them until they decide to get off the drugs.

We're always going to have a problem with mental illness... we are always going to have drug addicts... nothing we can ever do will eliminate that, it's a fact of life... a sad fact, but a fact nevertheless. Involuntary starvation in America, is NOT a fact, and hasn't been for quite some time.

the first line of my post stated that anorexia is a disease - mental diseases are also referred to as diseases

as for a government program to help those with the disease, force feeding them is not legal and they need to be treated by mental health experts

as for the recreational drug parents, at least they will not be able to sell their food and hopefully their children will be able to eat
Don... Here is you initial post... (my commentary in red)

involuntary hunger/starvation in other parts of the world (chiefly africa and asia) is a matter of concern for certain groups

but what about involuntary hunger/starvation in the u s of a

It doesn't exist!

we do not hear much about it (except when referring to the homeless)

That's because it doesn't exist! Even the homeless are fed!

but it is real

No, it's NOT... hasn't been for nigh on 70 years or so, it doesn't happen in America!

sometimes it is pride

sometimes it is abuse

sometimes it is lack of knowledge

I've never seen a human so proud they wouldn't eat.
Abuse is going to happen regardless of any government program.
If you are too ignorant to eat, the government can not help you!

sometimes it is fear

WTF? Fear? Of eating food? Again, what can the government do?

also, it is homeless families living in their cars because of eviction or job loss

America has more homeless shelters and missions than any country in the world.
There is also the Salvation Army, located in almost every city in America.

bushco has done its best to dismantle the safety net in this nation

President Bush has spent more on government funded social programs than the past 3 democrat presidents combined. He has not 'dismantled' one single solitary program for the needy, and his 'Faith-based Initiatives' program is arguably his greatest contribution as president. This is just an outright fabrication and falsehood.

me, i am at a loss as to how this situation has come to pass in one of the wealthiest nations in the world

I'm at a loss as to how you became so misinformed. Where did you obtain your information? Nothing you've said makes one bit of sense whatsoever. It sounds as if you might have some mental disorders you haven't addressed, to make you this delusional. Have you eaten today? If not, tell me what city you are in, and I can give you the number or address of the nearest place you can get free food and shelter.
anorexia nervosa kills - it is a disease

and not a disease solely of 'rich cunts'

it strikes women of all socio-economic groups - and occasionally men

the involuntary part is where some parent(s) on welfare or assistance sell their food in order to buy recreational drugs leaving their children to do without

malnutrition of children screws up their development and creates a further burden on society

barbie dolls and thin fashion models create images that women and teenagers try to attain with disastrous results

And none of these could be helped by government programs providing food.

We have the programs in place to provide food for those unable to afford to eat. What we do not have is a program that checks on everyone's kids or forces food on people who choose not to eat for whatever reason.