Iran Accuses the US of Faking Persian Gulf Video

yours for sure...ya are the one jumping up and down for RP...not I...and the surge is a workin'...and Iran is the enemy(The Mullahs)...and we can clean house in Pakistan..and John McCain made a come back...and Hillary is a jerk...and Edwards will kick her butt along with Obama...and Duncan Hunter was right along with Tancredo...and Huckabee is above and behond RP...and Chuck Norris can kick youir butt...on and on need I really say more...I can if so inclined!...:cof1:

That's all fine and good, but you're getting crushed in the poll:

Read it and weep old timer!
This about summed it up...........

No. I think I've identified your problems though. First, you can't read. Second, you lack pop culture awareness. Third, you can't read. And fourth, you're ignorant on most matters on which you opine. Oh, and you seem to be a conservative retread from circa 2003.

Dungheap is full of caca...he is a cultural phenominum....bases his whole life on the music he listens too...:cof1:

Actually, he's referencing 'Team America', and making fun of you.

No. I think I've identified your problems though. First, you can't read. Second, you lack pop culture awareness. Third, you can't read. And fourth, you're ignorant on most matters on which you opine. Oh, and you seem to be a conservative retread from circa 2003.

You got part of it right then. I don't get my political views from Hollywood spoofs. :p