Iran Designates CIA & US Army As 'Terrorist Organizations'


Just as helpful and civilized as our own blacklisting.,2933,298590,00.html

Iran's Parliament Signs Resolution to Label CIA, Army as 'Terrorist Organizations'

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran's parliament on Saturday approved a nonbinding resolution labeling the CIA and the U.S. Army "terrorist organizations," in apparent response to a Senate resolution seeking to give a similar designation to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

The hard-line dominated parliament cited U.S. involvement in dropping nuclear bombs in Japan in World War II, using depleted uranium munitions in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq, supporting the killings of Palestinians by Israel, bombing and killing Iraqi civilians, and torturing terror suspects in prisons.

"The aggressor U.S. Army and the Central Intelligence Agency are terrorists and also nurture terror," said a statement by the 215 lawmakers who signed the resolution at an open session of the Iranian parliament. The session was broadcast live on state-run radio.

The resolution, which is seen as a diplomatic offensive against the U.S., urges Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government to treat the two as terrorist organizations. It also paves the way for the resolution to become legislation that — if ratified by the country's hardline constitutional watchdog — would become law.

This was not a declaration by the Iranian people....80% of the Iranian parliament are actually Revolutionary Guard members along with Ahmadinejad'...who was actually head of the part that executed dissidents...Almo not only was the head but did alot of the executions himself...time to take out the little thug and buddies!
This was not a declaration by the Iranian people....80% of the Iranian parliament are actually Revolutionary Guard members along with Ahmadinejad'...who was actually head of the part that executed dissidents...Almo not only was the head but did alot of the executions himself...time to take out the little thug and buddies!

BB, it may not be a declaration by the Iranian people but that doesn't make it any less true.

Evil knows evil when it sees it.
This was not a declaration by the Iranian people....80% of the Iranian parliament are actually Revolutionary Guard members along with Ahmadinejad'...who was actually head of the part that executed dissidents...Almo not only was the head but did alot of the executions himself...time to take out the little thug and buddies!

Then you go get him and leave the rest of us Americans out of it.
Please elaborate..............

BB, it may not be a declaration by the Iranian people but that doesn't make it any less true.

Evil knows evil when it sees it.

who are you calling evil?...the US or Iran...or the US military or the Revolutionary Guard...which side if any are you on? Inquiring minds want to know!

I'd say both have a good quarter share in "evil plc"

should we turn a blind eye on all fronts? What would you personally fight for...Momma,sister,Dad,Cousin or the babe down the block...what would make you mad enough to put up your fists...never mind ya would turn the other
should we turn a blind eye on all fronts? What would you personally fight for...Momma,sister,Dad,Cousin or the babe down the block...what would make you mad enough to put up your fists...never mind ya would turn the other

I'd fight for the poor fuckers being shot in Burma; the poor fuckers being tortured in Uzbekistan, Egypt and Syria by the CIA's proxies; the unfortunate citizens of Iran who've trangressed the whims of a leader's ideals based in the seventeenth century and the honour of my pint spilled by a wastrel student. That's what i'd fight for.
I'd fight for the poor fuckers being shot in Burma; the poor fuckers being tortured in Uzbekistan, Egypt and Syria by the CIA's proxies; the unfortunate citizens of Iran who've trangressed the whims of a leader's ideals based in the seventeenth century and the honour of my pint spilled by a wastrel student. That's what i'd fight for.

And don't forget 'er majesty, Queen Lizbeth of Saxe Coburg Gotha....
You are hopless...........

I'd fight for the poor fuckers being shot in Burma; the poor fuckers being tortured in Uzbekistan, Egypt and Syria by the CIA's proxies; the unfortunate citizens of Iran who've trangressed the whims of a leader's ideals based in the seventeenth century and the honour of my pint spilled by a wastrel student. That's what i'd fight for.

This is a nolo contender...just Lib remind me of grade school whimps...I would fight for my lunch or lunch money...I would fight for a smaller kid who was abused by a bully and give the kid back his lunch or lunch money...this is the difference between real men and whimps...if not for us y'all would have no lunch money...just settle for the scraps!...end of story!
This is a nolo contender...just Lib remind me of grade school whimps...I would fight for my lunch or lunch money...I would fight for a smaller kid who was abused by a bully and give the kid back his lunch or lunch money...this is the difference between real men and whimps...if not for us y'all would have no lunch money...just settle for the scraps!...end of story!

Yeah, pussy! Yeeehaw!
This is a nolo contender...just Lib remind me of grade school whimps...I would fight for my lunch or lunch money...I would fight for a smaller kid who was abused by a bully and give the kid back his lunch or lunch money...this is the difference between real men and whimps...if not for us y'all would have no lunch money...just settle for the scraps!...end of story!

So the people of..say...Chile are now thanking their lucky stars that the US came along and saved their poor asses from democracy? Mass disappearances and dictatorship are the pinnacle of "standing up for the little guy"?

Maybe we should all send a telegram to the Burmese government congratulating them on following the tactics the US implemented in South and Central America?

So the people of..say...Chile are now thanking their lucky stars that the US came along and saved their poor asses from democracy? Mass disappearances and dictatorship are the pinnacle of "standing up for the little guy"?

Maybe we should all send a telegram to the Burmese government congratulating them on following the tactics the US implemented in South and Central America?

Just give your lunch money to almo already...I won't interfer...!;)
Just give your lunch money to almo already...I won't interfer...!

What about those who bring pack-up to work?