Iran threatens US Warships!!!


Well...the right is right
Recently several small 'fast boats' from the Iranian revolutionary guard, swarmed 3 US Warships in a strategic straight near the Persian Gulf, forcing the US Sailors to man their guns. Apparently the Iranians sent a message to the US ships threatening that the US ships would soon explode, after dancing around for 20 minutes the Iranian ships retreated.

I believe this was nothing but a gimic by Iran to encourage more terrorism against Coalition shipping, operating in the area. In the year 2000 small crafts like the ones who taunted the US ships struck the USS Cole, disabling the ship, nearly sinking it...


This was an Al Qeada attack, one of many warnings we ignored on our merry way to reality, commonly known as 9/11.

I believe these provocations were simply for the proposes of broadcasting to the world how close you can get to US warships without being fired upon.

They should have fired upon those tiny ships, to send a message, our weak response only invites attack, showing weakness will not sway these irrational people rational. Those tiny ships packed with the right explosives could have sunk all three of those ships, and they sent threatening messages.

We're in international waters, suddenly swarmed by Iranian ships, threatening to blow up our ships, and we let them dance around for 20 minutes, it was a weak response that invites terrorism.
1. It's still relevant today...

2. Never said it wasn't in port, just that it was struck with similarly small craft...
We're in international waters, suddenly swarmed by Iranian ships, threatening to blow up our ships, and we let them dance around for 20 minutes, it was a weak response that invites terrorism.

and who is our commander and chief ?
wimpy assed Bush ?
WRL, this is ridiculous fearmongering. Were they threatening or warning?

Pentagon officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said after the Iranian threats a U.S. captain was in the process of ordering sailors to open fire when the Iranian boats moved away.

According to the officials, the radio transmission from one of the Iranian ships said

"I am coming at you...

You will explode in a couple of minutes."
Pentagon officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said after the Iranian threats a U.S. captain was in the process of ordering sailors to open fire when the Iranian boats moved away.

According to the officials, the radio transmission from one of the Iranian ships said

"I am coming at you...

You will explode in a couple of minutes."

They need to take English lessons.
The US govt also lied about the US shooting down an Iranian civilian airliner.

We do not have a good track record on honesty.
Except they, insanely didn't fire, there goes all the conspiracy theories, can we get back to reality now. The US didn't drop the towers, and we're going extremely out of our way to not even peck Iran.
Hard to belive someone who has lied so many times. I don't do it in my day to day dealings with people....why should I do it for my govt. They are proven liars.
Except they, insanely didn't fire, there goes all the conspiracy theories, can we get back to reality now. The US didn't drop the towers, and we're going extremely out of our way to not even peck Iran.

We can't just go around acting like jackasses in the world like you want us to. Us doing that LED to the twin tower bombings, whether you'd like to realize it or not.
Us retreating from Somalia, dismissing Bin Laden's declaration of war, ignoring a decade of attacks, burying our heads in the sand or dismissing real threats with conspiracy theories, these where the causes of 9/11.


The first World Trade Center attack...

Khobar Towers...

The USS Cole...
Us retreating from Somalia, dismissing Bin Laden's declaration of war, ignoring a decade of attacks, burying our heads in the sand or dismissing real threats with conspiracy theories, these where the causes of 9/11.

Not according to the Blame America First crowd that we have here. Reality must bite for them.