Iran’s Inflation Hits 50% as Coin Sinks to 660,000-rial to the Dollar

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Here’s a comforting message on a Sunday morning that follows Saturday night’s Iranian attack on Israel: 1 Iranian Rial now equals 0.000090 Shekel. Put another way: it takes 600,000 rials to get one US dollar, meaning the rial has lost 30% of its value in one week. Iran’s annual inflation rate has surpassed 50%, food prices are soaring, and Iranians are exchanging their money for gold.

As IranWire put it so eloquently: “The combination of a weakening currency, rising tensions, and a potential trade imbalance threatens to create significant economic hardship for the Iranian people.”

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The long expected by the experts/political class/Mind Molders the citizens overthrowing of the Iranian leadership never happens, just like the economic collapse of China and the overthrow of Putin.

U might wonder Y.
Maybe they could ask Argentina or Venezuela, or maybe North Korea, for some financial and economic advice... :thinking:

They ask the Russians and Chinese.....their best buds.....who are very skilled in such matters.

So do the North Koreans...the idea that this is a hermit nation has expired in for the fantasyland of the American Elites who knows.
Guno צְבִי;5962594 said:
Here’s a comforting message on a Sunday morning that follows Saturday night’s Iranian attack on Israel: 1 Iranian Rial now equals 0.000090 Shekel. Put another way: it takes 600,000 rials to get one US dollar, meaning the rial has lost 30% of its value in one week. Iran’s annual inflation rate has surpassed 50%, food prices are soaring, and Iranians are exchanging their money for gold.

As IranWire put it so eloquently: “The combination of a weakening currency, rising tensions, and a potential trade imbalance threatens to create significant economic hardship for the Iranian people.”

Don't worry the guy you voted for pResident will send Iran more money.
The long expected by the experts/political class/Mind Molders the citizens overthrowing of the Iranian leadership never happens, just like the economic collapse of China and the overthrow of Putin.

U might wonder Y.

I truly think you've lost your mind, maybe you should go look for it before it's too late??
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Maybe they could ask Argentina or Venezuela, or maybe North Korea, for some financial and economic advice... :thinking:

The west knows the best strategy to get rid of inflation, and many developing countries are catching on. The secret is to have an independent central bank that fights high inflation and any deflation as its central mission.

What is trump's plan? Taking away Fed independence, and giving himself control. He is basically looking to copy Argentina, Venezuela, Turkey, Iran, North Korea, etc.
I truly think you've lost your mind, maybe you should go look for it before it's too late??

You don't agree with Hawkeye that Iran is the "good guys"?:palm: What is happening to the world that I actually have to debate whether Iran is the "good guys"?
The west knows the best strategy to get rid of inflation, and many developing countries are catching on. The secret is to have an independent central bank that fights high inflation and any deflation as its central mission.

What is trump's plan? Taking away Fed independence, and giving himself control. He is basically looking to copy Argentina, Venezuela, Turkey, Iran, North Korea, etc.

The secret is to avoid lots of socialism and welfare programs. If government spends like a drunken sailor, you are finished. Argentina had that happen more than once. Venezuela's problem is clearly socialism and the government taking over more and more of the economy. Iran is spending heavily on military as is N. Korea. They can't afford the programs they're pushing.
Turkey is limping along as they always have.

Rampant inflation and the collapse of the economy is a result of far too much government spending and not enough economy to support it. That's Greece's problem. More than 50% of the population is on welfare or works for the government. In the UK, the largest employer is the NHS. Massive government drags nations down, always has, always will.

Zimbabwe, S. Africa, and Venezuela all made the mistake of trying to run their economies on political dogma rather than sound economic principles using people who know what they're doing. They've all failed as a result.
The secret is to avoid lots of socialism and welfare programs. If government spends like a drunken sailor, you are finished. Argentina had that happen more than once. Venezuela's problem is clearly socialism and the government taking over more and more of the economy. Iran is spending heavily on military as is N. Korea. They can't afford the programs they're pushing.
Turkey is limping along as they always have.

Rampant inflation and the collapse of the economy is a result of far too much government spending and not enough economy to support it. That's Greece's problem. More than 50% of the population is on welfare or works for the government. In the UK, the largest employer is the NHS. Massive government drags nations down, always has, always will.

Zimbabwe, S. Africa, and Venezuela all made the mistake of trying to run their economies on political dogma rather than sound economic principles using people who know what they're doing. They've all failed as a result.

If trump is elected, we will see where strong man economics get us, but we have seen everywhere else that it has failed badly.
If trump is elected, we will see where strong man economics get us, but we have seen everywhere else that it has failed badly.

Well, we should know what socialist-like economics get us, and at the moment, it's called Bidenomics. Lots of useless government spending, more spending on buying constituencies like college grads with huge student loans, programs that hurt the economy because they put politics first (all the greentard stuff), and a lack of concern for the person on the street being hurt by all of it.
Well, we should know what socialist-like economics get us, and at the moment, it's called Bidenomics.

Biden is much less socialistic than anyone in Western Europe. trump believes in strong man economics where he controls all private businesses. You saw that with the business consels.

I guess a reasonable comparison is Biden is like post-war Germany, and trump is like Nazi Germany.
Biden is much less socialistic than anyone in Western Europe. trump believes in strong man economics where he controls all private businesses. You saw that with the business consels.

I guess a reasonable comparison is Biden is like post-war Germany, and trump is like Nazi Germany.

Wrong, Walter. I lived in Western Europe for three (3) years.

Walter, when the government dictates what type of vehicle you will have to drive in a few years, this is Socialism.

Socialism, the control of goods and services…the next progression is Communism, the ownership of goods and services.

Slow Joe is the most Socialistic president since FDR.

Poor Walter.
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I did not launch an investigation but I saw a report that the Iranains mostly blame the West for inflation, blame sanctions, that the leaders get a pass.

The days when the Iranian people liked us are long gone.
Wrong, Walter. I lived in Western Europe for three (3) years.

I just do not believe you. There is no country in Western Europe that does not have one version or another of universal healthcare. Obamacare would be considered off the charts right wing in Europe.
I just do not believe you. There is no country in Western Europe that does not have one version or another of universal healthcare. Obamacare would be considered off the charts right wing in Europe.

Earl spent 3 years with the air force in Spain, he is fluent in Spanish.