IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election

the level of willful ignorance in the face of such criminality by both republicans and democrats is the very reason why our country is dead. you fucktards would rather point fingers and blame each other instead of seeing that the political elite are your true enemy.

Impressive.....You are ALMOST there.........

It's the Corporate Elite controlling America though........not the political Elite. Once you realize that politics is a whole new realm.
Nobody said it was Obama’s fault. What is necessary to find out is how high up in the government did the orders to do it come from. Apparently y’all fucking leftist aren’t interested in that kind of sanity and integrity in government you only seem interested in blaming Bush and covering for the current, (Oh So Transparent), administration.

"Nobody said it was Obama’s fault." ..........~stopped reading there..
The "Federal Reserve" is not's Corporate...........the sooner you learn that the better.

Why do you think we are spending so much money today to rebuild Iraq? We aren't at war with them anymore. Since when do we rebuild Countries we are mad enough to go to war with?.........Since Corporate America (Halliburton) owns the US debt and tells the President what he has to do........everyone knows the presidents are puppets........everyone has seen them change their stance..................just check out this spending in Iraq (a country we had no business going to war with) today in rebuilding costs.

your fools have talked impeachment

A damn good case can be made that nearly every President since and including FDR, (the father of American socialism) and even as far back as Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson should have been impeached for unconstitutional crimes against America’s Constitution. Just about every President and their administration since George Washington have evolved into more and more corruption. The Federal Government has become a pariah!
Impressive.....You are ALMOST there.........

It's the Corporate Elite controlling America though........not the political Elite. Once you realize that politics is a whole new realm.

Someday Junior you might realize that the corporate elite and the political elite are all members of the same organized crime cartel, but I doubt it because you’re brain-dead from your leftist brainwashing. You spent too much time wallowing in those tents full of human waste “Occupying Wall Street” when you should have spent at least half of that time occupying Washington’s Capital and White House. Oh! That’s right, your leftist Democrats still control the Senate and the White House, so that puts those bastards off limits to leftist protest, huh?

Can you tell us why you believe those who perpetrate Wall Street’s bribery of government is more corrupt than the bastard politicians in Congress and the White House who accept, seek, benefit and wallow in the bribery?
IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election

Should we wonder how far up in the “most transparent ever Obama administration” this organized criminality goes?

Wonder how many low level patsies will take the fall for it?

I would not call this "organized criminality" and I would be absolutely shocked and outraged, if Obama or anyone near his staff had anything to direct this targeting of political organizations for extra IRS scrutiny. I expect it is some very low level control freaks who don't like righties, using the power of their government position to harrass them. Shame on them.

This is far, far more of a scandal than the Bhengazi "scandal," and I'm bothered that Obama seems so passive about it.
I would not call this "organized criminality" and I would be absolutely shocked and outraged, if Obama or anyone near his staff had anything to direct this targeting of political organizations for extra IRS scrutiny. I expect it is some very low level control freaks who don't like righties, using the power of their government position to harrass them. Shame on them.

One thing’s for sure, the Obama administration is sure as hell working hard to stop the bleeding at some “low level” wonks, huh?

This is far, far more of a scandal than the Bhengazi "scandal," and I'm bothered that Obama seems so passive about it.

Personally, I’m giving them equal credence. 4 Americans were murdered in Benghazi due to the ineptitude of an administration that failed to protect them knowing full well the very, very dangerous nature of Libyan territory for Americans then tried to cover up their failure. Benghazi goes directly to the highest levels of the Obama administration and her majesty Hillary Clinton.