Is A Military Draft Constitutional?


Verified User
If military conscription is constitutional, what about this?

Section 1. “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

Section 2. “Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.” (Amendment 13, United States Constitution)
black robed tyrants lied to the people in their decision about the draft by saying that the founders would never have denied the government the ability to enslave a populace to fight for the defense of the nation, even though the revolutionary war was fought with an entirely volunteer force.
black robed tyrants lied to the people in their decision about the draft by saying that the founders would never have denied the government the ability to enslave a populace to fight for the defense of the nation, even though the revolutionary war was fought with an entirely volunteer force.

I've read the court's decision that criminally validated the constitutionally of the military draft. It's an absurd tangle of fucking mumbo-jumbo looking like it was written by a drunk. It's a senseless ideologically corrupted piece of crap!

Oh wait! Maybe taichiliberal and his leftist pals can convince us that the court and the government has the constitutional authority to override the 13th amendment in the name of the ”general welfare,” huh?
Short answer yes. Drafts and levies were the traditional way of raising an army in a time of need. It's also a benefit to the nation at large because a drafted army is much less likely to be used as a tool of oppression because it is made wholly of citizens instead of disconnected soldiers, as happened later with Imperial Rome for example.
Short answer yes. Drafts and levies were the traditional way of raising an army in a time of need. It's also a benefit to the nation at large because a drafted army is much less likely to be used as a tool of oppression because it is made wholly of citizens instead of disconnected soldiers, as happened later with Imperial Rome for example.

Then in your world the 13th amendment is simply more toilet paper, right?????
black robed tyrants lied to the people in their decision about the draft by saying that the founders would never have denied the government the ability to enslave a populace to fight for the defense of the nation, even though the revolutionary war was fought with an entirely volunteer force.

Yes, the strict constructionists who populate this board would have us speaking German for the last 70 years.
They would also have a powerless non-existent Federal Government with no ability to take any action because judicial balancing would be outlawed, if someone did not like a law all they would have to do is claim any Constitutional right was violated and the Feds would have to obey.
They would also have a powerless non-existent Federal Government with no ability to take any action because judicial balancing would be outlawed, if someone did not like a law all they would have to do is claim any Constitutional right was violated and the Feds would have to obey.

again, what are you talking about?
Yes, the strict constructionists who populate this board would have us speaking German for the last 70 years.

For your information at the beginning of WWII volunteers were being turned away because the enlistment system couldn't keep up with the willing sign-ups. Thus most simply waited for their draft notice which they likely would have never need to get if the draft had never been in effect.
For your information at the beginning of WWII volunteers were being turned away because the enlistment system couldn't keep up with the willing sign-ups. Thus most simply waited for their draft notice which they likely would have never need to get if the draft had never been in effect.

Lincoln had to use the draft as nobody wanted to enlist.
They would also have a powerless non-existent Federal Government with no ability to take any action because judicial balancing would be outlawed, if someone did not like a law all they would have to do is claim any Constitutional right was violated and the Feds would have to obey.

Horseshit!!!!! The founders were never concerned that the federal government would have " no ability." Their concern was that the fucking feds would take way more authority than necessary or proper. That's why they "strictly constructed" the Constitution with that in mind.

Do you expect, or would you accept a "broad" interpretation of the guarantee on your car or would you rather that the manufacture and insurer stick to the "strict construction" thereof?
Without a mandatory drat we would not have beaten the Germans in WWII.

Please produce the FACTS!!!!!

Then answer what fucking good is a Constitution that provides to the people a written guarantee of individual rights and limitations to government if politicians and courts can ignore the strict construction of that guarantee and Willy-Nilly make law that you call some kind of "balancing act"????? Where's this bogus balancing-act written in the Constitution?
Please produce the FACTS!!!!!

Then answer what fucking good is a Constitution that provides to the people a written guarantee of individual rights and limitations to government if politicians and courts can ignore the strict construction of that guarantee and Willy-Nilly make law that you call some kind of "balancing act"????? Where's this bogus balancing-act written in the Constitution?

it's a partisan thing. republicans shouldn't be able to use 'national emergencies' to override the limits of power, but democrats should be able to do so because they do it for the peoples own good......i mean for the good of the people. yeah, that's it.