Is A Military Draft Constitutional?

Okay, so? That does not mean that the Government would have had enough troops without the draft, it just means that in the beginning more wanted to volunteer than the system was set up to take in.

What it actually means is when “the people” believe the nation is actually being threatened they’ll show up to defend her. When they think fucking politicians are taking the nation into war unnecessarily they’ll simply tell the bastards to “go piss up a fucking rope.” The 13th amendment confirms the people’s inalienable right to do exactly that.

So, what was the threat to our nation by Korea or Vietnam when our youth were [unconstitutionally[/b] conscripted to die and be maimed and mentally destroyed?
Well, Congress has the ability to call forth the militia right? And the Militia is all able bodied men age 17-45 right? So...yeah that's a draft.

Are Militia personal conscripted by force to be Militia members or are they Militia members "voluntarily?"
The Balancing Test is not in the Constitution, but it is inherently necessary. Its as if GM was selling cars, but not manufacturing keys to start them.

The Constitution created the Federal Judiciary to determine cases in controversy.

If party one says, my Constitutional issue is more important than yours, who and how is that question to be determined if a balancing test is not used. How is the case in controversy is to be sorted out if the Court cant interoperate the Constitution?

Stick your "balancing act" up your ass! There's no such constitutional authority or power of the Court. The General Welfare clause and your fictitious balancing act are nothing more than fucking excuses for corrupt bastards to violate the letter of the Constitution and you know it!!!!! If you don't know it you're a fucking idiot!!!!!
If military conscription is constitutional, what about this?

Section 1. “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

Section 2. “Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.” (Amendment 13, United States Constitution)

Conscription is unconstitutional and should be removed from our nations laws.

A free Democratic society should not need to force its citizens to serve and conscripts make very crappy soldiers.