Is chivalry dead?


Common decency no longer a virtue?

Is it too much to ask to ban two words from our use?

Is banning the n word and the c word akin to censorship or burning books?

How can one of our most valued posters (she won the debate championship!) be allowed to be abused in such manor?

Do gentlemen even exist anymore?
Do ladies ? Of course both do but it is sadly lacking among the left since Gore and rap music and so precipatated the tit for tat you see everywhere. If you want to sunset those two term the make a rule and enforce it. I see precious few here who would consider it for any ither reason.
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I remember holding a door open for a female comrade. 'Chauvinist', she said - but she did grin. Chivalry, like everything else admirable, is part of socialism: we look after those who need looking after.
Do ladies ? Of course both do but it is sadly lacking among the left since Gore and rap music and so precipatated the tit for tat you see everywhere. If you want to sunset those two term the make a rule and enforce it. I see precious few here who would consider it for any ither reason.

That would be the point of this (and other threads). To ban two words you wouldn't utter in front of your elderly mother.
Chivalry is completely dead. I should note that it began to wither as socialism was starting to become more popular, so I'm not sure how they can be related.
That would be the point of this (and other threads). To ban two words you wouldn't utter in front of your elderly mother.
I see. Given they do little to enforce the rules they have I wouldnt hold my breath. For some reason I thought you were management here. Dont know why. Sadly Im also afraid most of the potty mouthed here probably would not think twice about whom was in their audience when they get to speaking "colorfully".
Common decency no longer a virtue?

Is it too much to ask to ban two words from our use?

Is banning the n word and the c word akin to censorship or burning books?

How can one of our most valued posters (she won the debate championship!) be allowed to be abused in such manor?

Do gentlemen even exist anymore?

Are you crying, Emo boy?

Your tears are refreshing. :D
Common decency no longer a virtue?

Is it too much to ask to ban two words from our use?

Is banning the n word and the c word akin to censorship or burning books?

How can one of our most valued posters (she won the debate championship!) be allowed to be abused in such manor?

Do gentlemen even exist anymore?

i think that chivalry only ever existed as a small percent of the population although i have found that a majority of men and women treat the elderly and disabled better than they treat their least in small to medium sized population groupings.

i wonder if people treat strangers better than family members
Do ladies ? Of course both do but it is sadly lacking among the left since Gore and rap music and so precipatated the tit for tat you see everywhere. If you want to sunset those two term the make a rule and enforce it. I see precious few here who would consider it for any ither reason.

Priceless. He can't even talk about forum matters without you posting a "bash liberals" response.
I was riding the bus last week and saw several (young healthy) men sitting while several (young healthy) women were standing. My first thought was shouldn't those dudes stand up and offer their seats to the women? But then I thought maybe in 2014 it's more about equality and part of the trade-off of equality is a man doesn't give up his seat. I don't pretend to know what the correct answer is but the thought of chivalry vs. equality did cross my mind.
I was riding the bus last week and saw several (young healthy) men sitting while several (young healthy) women were standing. My first thought was shouldn't those dudes stand up and offer their seats to the women? But then I thought maybe in 2014 it's more about equality and part of the trade-off of equality is a man doesn't give up his seat. I don't pretend to know what the correct answer is but the thought of chivalry vs. equality did cross my mind.
girls did poisen their well with "feminism".
Yes. Most of us are dying to give up our rights in exchange for a seat on a bus.

What would you think if a guy offered you his seat on the bus today? Would he be acting chivalrous? Would you take it and think 'thank's sucker'? (And since tone can be difficult to decipher I'm not asking this in an attacking or accusatory manner, I'm just asking as a question)

My grandfather was an old southern gentleman. When I spent time with him he was always drilling me on my manners and asking me questions to make sure I was respectful to women. He's passed but I still hear his voice in my head from time to time such as riding the bus last week which is why I'm asking the question.