Is Hillary Incompetent, A Liar, Or Both?


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Hillary says she e-mailed nothing and received nothing on her private server that was marked classified. Of course that may very well be true. However her statement only proves that Hillary Clinton is either a total incompetent, or a total liar or both.

Anyone appointed by any President to one of the highest offices in the federal government like Secretary Of State, it’s taken for granted understands which communications are/will be classified without, or before somebody in government rubber stamps said communications with some degree of limiting classification.

So, which is it? Is Hillary Clinton a total incompetent for not having the intellect to recognize sensitive communications?

Or is Hillary Clinton a total liar who recognized many of her communications on a private insecure e-mail server were highly sensitive conversations that were/should be/will be classified?

Or, is Hillary Clinton both a total liar and a total incompetent who didn’t care if her communications on her private insecure e-mail server were highly sensitive conversations and she thought if anybody ever challenged her about it she could simply lie her way out of it by claiming she “didn’t know’ the conversations were likely sensitive conversations that were/could be/would be classified?

Remember hubby Slick’s excuse? “It all depends on what the definition of is, is.” (Bill Clinton)

Liars of a feather, flock together.
dear desperate con

this is yet again another fake crap white water bullpucky all about nothing but your hate and incompetence

there is no there there stupid
both. having only the exclusive home server means classified info must have been transmitted over it.
It's looking like her aides played fast and loose, sending stuff to her.

B ut she also did some negotiations ( it was a FOX refenece) i'd have to find it. and she sent/received "born classified" info over it.

Her latest defense is : "I didn't send anything marked classified" meaning she surely received such ( again she had no account);
and as Sec of State she should know all classified info isn't marked right away. Which is why it's being marked retro-actively.
She should be able to discern it.

She's a liar, in competent, and a warmonger ( Libya -not Bengazi)) -not fit to be DC dogcatcher..
dear desperate con

this is yet again another fake crap white water bullpucky all about nothing but your hate and incompetence

there is no there there stupid

Gee! What a non-partisan, well thought out totally rational response!:rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
they are coming up with creative denials. "the culture of over-classification" and blaming the Intelligence Community IG.
and of course "release all the Emails" ( which are so heavily readacted in places ) show nothing

She f8cked up. she said "I made a mistake having only 1 account" -but she said that back when it was a hot issues and she had to.
Now that it's getting obvious there was classified info it's the Republicans are somehow respomsible.

Typical Clintonianism: deny it, drag it out, parse it out, and then say "why are we still talking about this"

every time you have gone after the left with these idiot massinations you have come up dry in the end.

Is just more puffed ups crap and everyone knows it you foos
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The intelligence community has deemed some of Hillary Clinton’s emails “too damaging" to national security to release under any circumstances, according to a U.S. government official close to the ongoing review. A second source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, backed up the finding.

The determination was first reported by Fox News, hours before the State Department formally announced Friday that seven email chains, found in 22 documents, will be withheld “in full” because they, in fact, contain “Top Secret” information.

The State Department, when first contacted by Fox News about withholding such emails Friday morning, did not dispute the reporting – but did not comment in detail. After a version of this report was first published, the Obama administration confirmed to the Associated Press that the seven email chains would be withheld. The department has since confirmed those details publicly.

The decision to withhold the documents in full, and not provide even a partial release with redactions, further undercuts claims by the State Department and the Clinton campaign that none of the intelligence in the emails was classified when it hit Clinton's personal server.

Fox News is told the emails include intelligence from "special access programs," or SAP, which is considered beyond “Top Secret.” A Jan. 14 letter, first reported by Fox News, from intelligence community Inspector General Charles McCullough III notified senior intelligence and foreign relations committee leaders that
"several dozen emails containing classified information” were determined to be “at the CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, AND TOP SECRET/SAP levels."
Under the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, there is an exemption that allows for highly sensitive, and in this case classified, material to be withheld in full -- which means nothing would be released in these cases, not even heavily redacted versions, which has been standard practice with the 1,340 such emails made public so far by the State Department.

According to the Justice Department FOIA website, exemption “B3” allows a carve-out for both the CIA and NSA to withhold "operational files." Similar provisions also apply to other agencies.
Fox News reported Friday that at least one Clinton email contained information identified as "HCS-O," which is the code for intelligence from human spying.

One source, not authorized to speak on the record, suggested the intelligence agencies are operating on the assumption there are more copies of the Clinton emails out there, and even releasing a partial email would provide enough clues to trace back to the original – which could allow the identification of “special access programs” intelligence.

There was no comment to Fox News from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General, or the agency involved. Fox News has chosen not to identify the agency that provided sworn declarations that intelligence beyond Top Secret was found in the Clinton emails.

The State Department was scheduled to release more Clinton emails Friday, while asking a D.C. federal court for an extension.

FBI investigators looking into the emails are focused on the criminal code pertaining to “gross negligence” in the handling and storage of classified information, and “public corruption.”

“The documents alone in and of themselves set forth a set of compelling, articulable facts that statutes relating to espionage have been violated,” a former senior federal law enforcement officer said. The source said the ongoing investigation along the corruption track “also stems from her tenure of secretary. These charges would be inseparable from the other charges in as much as there is potential for significant overlap and correlation."

Based on federal regulations, once classified information is spilled onto a personal computer or device, as was the case with Clinton and her aides, the hardware is now considered classified at the highest classification level of the materials received.

While criticized by the Clinton campaign, McCullough, an Obama administration appointee, was relaying the conclusion of two intelligence agencies in his letter to Congress that the information was classified when it hit Clinton’s server -- and not his own judgment.

Joseph E. Schmitz, a former inspector general of the Department of Defense, called the attacks on McCullough a “shoot the watchdog” tactic by Clinton’s campaign.

The developments, taken together, show Clinton finding herself once again at the epicenter of a controversy over incomplete records.

Despite Clinton’s recent public statements about not knowing how the technology works, at least one email suggests she directed a subordinate to work around the rules. In a June 2011 email to aide Jake Sullivan, she instructed him to take what appeared to be classified talking points, and "turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure."

A State Department spokesman could not say whether such a fax was sent.

Catherine Herridge is an award-winning Chief Intelligence correspondent for FOX News Channel (FNC) based in Washington, D.C. She covers intelligence, the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security. Herridge joined FNC in 1996 as a London-based correspondent.

note: I usually don't use Fox, except for Catherine Herridge
I think using a private server was one of the dumber things Hillary's done. Even so...

"The State Department said it had “upgraded” the classification of the emails at the request of the nation’s intelligence agencies. Mr. Kirby said that none of the emails had been marked at any level of classification at the time they were sent through Ms. Clinton’s computer server...

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who is a member of the Intelligence Committee, said none of the email chains originated with Ms. Clinton...Ms. Clinton’s campaign responded forcefully, saying that the process of reviewing the emails “appears to be over-classification run amok.” A spokesman, Brian Fallon, said that all of the emails should be released.

“We understand that these emails were likely originated on the State Department’s unclassified system before they were ever shared with Secretary Clinton, and they have remained on the department’s unclassified system for years,” Mr. Fallon said.
I dont think she is incompetent but I do think she is proving herself to be a liar. With her I think her biggest problem to me is that she is not at all relatable to regular people and when she tries to be it just feels very fake.
Hillary says she e-mailed nothing and received nothing on her private server that was marked classified. Of course that may very well be true. However her statement only proves that Hillary Clinton is either a total incompetent, or a total liar or both.

Anyone appointed by any President to one of the highest offices in the federal government like Secretary Of State, it’s taken for granted understands which communications are/will be classified without, or before somebody in government rubber stamps said communications with some degree of limiting classification.

So, which is it? Is Hillary Clinton a total incompetent for not having the intellect to recognize sensitive communications?

Or is Hillary Clinton a total liar who recognized many of her communications on a private insecure e-mail server were highly sensitive conversations that were/should be/will be classified?

Or, is Hillary Clinton both a total liar and a total incompetent who didn’t care if her communications on her private insecure e-mail server were highly sensitive conversations and she thought if anybody ever challenged her about it she could simply lie her way out of it by claiming she “didn’t know’ the conversations were likely sensitive conversations that were/could be/would be classified?

Remember hubby Slick’s excuse? “It all depends on what the definition of is, is.” (Bill Clinton)

Liars of a feather, flock together.

Or perhaps, none of the above?
I think using a private server was one of the dumber things Hillary's done. Even so...

"The State Department said it had “upgraded” the classification of the emails at the request of the nation’s intelligence agencies. Mr. Kirby said that none of the emails had been marked at any level of classification at the time they were sent through Ms. Clinton’s computer server...

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who is a member of the Intelligence Committee, said none of the email chains originated with Ms. Clinton...Ms. Clinton’s campaign responded forcefully, saying that the process of reviewing the emails “appears to be over-classification run amok.” A spokesman, Brian Fallon, said that all of the emails should be released.

“We understand that these emails were likely originated on the State Department’s unclassified system before they were ever shared with Secretary Clinton, and they have remained on the department’s unclassified system for years,” Mr. Fallon said.

If the emails were not classified at the time then this whole mess is another set up, just like BENGHAZI! Oops, I mean BENGHAZI!!
and that is the case

information that retroactively got RECLASSIFIED as secret after the fact.

there is no there there
I think using a private server was one of the dumber things Hillary's done. Even so...

"The State Department said it had “upgraded” the classification of the emails at the request of the nation’s intelligence agencies. Mr. Kirby said that none of the emails had been marked at any level of classification at the time they were sent through Ms. Clinton’s computer server...

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who is a member of the Intelligence Committee, said none of the email chains originated with Ms. Clinton...Ms. Clinton’s campaign responded forcefully, saying that the process of reviewing the emails “appears to be over-classification run amok.” A spokesman, Brian Fallon, said that all of the emails should be released.

“We understand that these emails were likely originated on the State Department’s unclassified system before they were ever shared with Secretary Clinton, and they have remained on the department’s unclassified system for years,” Mr. Fallon said.


As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton signed a nondisclosure agreement in which she acknowledged that classified information is classified regardless of whether it is “marked or unmarked” — a distinction which undermines one of the Democratic presidential candidate’s main defenses of her use of a home-brew email system.

Signers of the document, the existence of which the Washington Free Beacon reported on Friday, also agree that all information that they have access to “is now and will remain the property of, or under the control of the United States government unless and until otherwise determined by an authorized official or final ruling of a court of law.”

The “Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement,” or SF-312, also makes clear that “classified information is marked or unmarked classified information, including oral communications.”
What no one has addressed, as of yet.
Are liberals trying to convince everyone that Hillary, as Secretary of State, never anticipated receiving any documents marked "TOP SECRET"; because how was she supposed to receive the documents securely, seeing as how she never had the proper procedure to receive anything TOP SECRET.

The only way this would be believable, if the Secretary of State NEVER is given access to documents that are TOP SECRET. :palm:
The State Department is lying when it says it didn’t know until it was too late that Hillary Clinton was improperly using personal e-mails and a private server to conduct official business — because it never set up an agency e-mail address for her in the first place, the department’s former top watchdog says.

“This was all planned in advance” to skirt rules governing federal records management, said Howard J. Krongard, who served as the agency’s inspector general from 2005 to 2008.

The Harvard-educated lawyer points out that, from Day One, Clinton was never assigned and never used a e-mail address like previous secretaries.

“That’s a change in the standard. It tells me that this was premeditated. And this eliminates claims by the State Department that they were unaware of her private e-mail server until later,” Krongard said in an exclusive interview. “How else was she supposed to do business without e-mail?”

He also points to the unusual absence of a permanent inspector general during Clinton’s entire 2009-2013 term at the department. He said the 5¹/₂-year vacancy was unprecedented.

“This is a major gap. In fact, it’s without precedent,” he said. “It’s the longest period any department has gone without an IG.”

Inspectors general serve an essential and unique role in the federal government by independently investigating agency waste, fraud and abuse. Their oversight also covers violations of communications security procedures.

“It’s clear she did not want to be subject to internal investigations,” Krongard said. An e-mail audit would have easily uncovered the secret information flowing from classified government networks to the private unprotected system she set up in her New York home.

He says “the key” to the FBI’s investigation of Emailgate is determining how highly sensitive state secrets in the classified network, known as SIPRNet, ended up in Clinton’s personal e-mails.

“The starting point of the investigation is the material going through SIPRNet. She couldn’t function without the information coming over SIPRNet,” Krongard said. “How did she get it on her home server? It can’t just jump from one system to the other. Someone had to move it, copy it. The question is who did that?”

As The Post first reported, the FBI is investigating whether Clinton’s deputies copied top-secret information from the department’s classified network to its unclassified network where it was sent to Hillary’s unsecured, unencrypted e-mail account.
‘It tells me that this was premeditated. And this eliminates claims by the State Department that they were unaware of her private e-mail server until later’

- Howard J. Krongard on the State Dept. never giving Hillary an agency e-mail address

FBI agents are focusing on three of Clinton’s top department aides. Most of the 1,340 Clinton e-mails deemed classified by intelligence agency reviewers were sent to her by her chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, or her deputy chiefs, Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan, who now hold high positions in Clinton’s presidential campaign.

“They are facing significant scrutiny now,” Krongard said, and are under “enormous pressure to cooperate” with investigators.

He says staffers who had access to secret material more than likely summarized it for Clinton in the e-mails they sent to her; but he doesn’t rule out the use of thumb drives to transfer classified information from one system to the other, which would be a serious security breach. Some of the classified computers at Foggy Bottom have ports for memory sticks.

Either way, there would be an audit trail for investigators to follow. The SIPRNet system maintains the identity of all users and their log-on and log-off times, among other activities.

“This totally eliminates the false premise that she got nothing marked classified,” Krongard said. “She’s hiding behind this defense. But they [e-mails] had to be classified, because otherwise [the information in them] wouldn’t be on the SIPRNet.”

Added Krongard: “She’s trying to distance herself from the conversion from SIPRNet to [the nonsecure] NIPRNet and to her server, but she’s throwing her staffers under the bus.”

Still, “It will never get to an indictment,” Krongard said.

For one, he says, any criminal referral to the Justice Department from the FBI “will have to go through four loyal Democrat women” — Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell, who heads the department’s criminal division; Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates; Attorney General Loretta Lynch; and top White House adviser Valerie Jarrett.

Even if they accept the referral, he says, the case quickly and quietly will be plea-bargained down to misdemeanors punishable by fines in a deal similar to the one Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, secured for Gen. David Petraeus. In other words, a big slap on the wrist.