Is Hillary Incompetent, A Liar, Or Both?

Rational wiki? Really? Here's more on rational wiki

RationalWiki (also known as irrational wiki) was raised in response to Conservapedia, a wiki constructed from a conservative and fundamentalist Christian viewpoint. Originally the "rational" wiki was created to refute certain errors on its rival wiki but it soon became a gathering ground for social justice warriors, liberals of all sorts and intolerant atheist bigots to spread their biased and nutty ideologies. The wiki quickly became filled with more inaccuracies than Conservapedia, the biggest errors being their articles on religion and politics (where their prime sources and citations for articles dealing with these subjects solely come from atheist and liberal sources respectively).

How Rational Wiki Abuses Its Google Page Rank For Personal Attacks, Slander And Harassment.
ContentsRational Wiki fails to disclose conflict of interest publishingNovember 2013December 2013February 2014Enter Deepak ChopraDecember 2014November 2015 Slander“His current effort is aimed, in part, on fixing his…

When I'm reading from any wiki I read the footnotes referred to in the articles. If an article about Townhall says they lie about gay marriage, just for example, then I read all the footnotes that support that claim. No site is 100% correct but this method works for the most part.
But ignorance begets ignorance. You should instead, if you were really tolerant and principled to other's ideas and opinions, you'd seek them out to reinforce your own ideas and opinions. If you don't, you're timid and unsure about them and hide from the enemy of them.

I watch Fox, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and C-Span. I create my own original ideas from collective knowledge, real life experiences and common sense. I mentally argue with every news channel I watch. I find among the news casters omission, half truths, partisan-ism, laughable biases and lies on all of them except C-Span. I find ridiculous stupidity and clueless rhetoric from C-Span callers.

My comment to P66 was "If I find a pattern of lying from sites I then ignore them." That means I have read them, and read them repeatedly in order to identify a pattern. Mostly I agree with you though. I don't have cable so don't watch MSNBC, CNN or C-Span. I check them online occasionally.
Christie "rational wiki =partisans who think like I do"

Townhall is definitely a conservative news site. Townhall discusses reality as viewed from a conservative perspective. For Christie that's just a giant boogieman.
When I'm reading from any wiki I read the footnotes referred to in the articles. If an article about Townhall says they lie about gay marriage, just for example, then I read all the footnotes that support that claim. No site is 100% correct but this method works for the most part.

Can you provide an example of a Fox News lie that rational wiki uncovered?
My comment to P66 was "If I find a pattern of lying from sites I then ignore them." That means I have read them, and read them repeatedly in order to identify a pattern. Mostly I agree with you though. I don't have cable so don't watch MSNBC, CNN or C-Span. I check them online occasionally.

Almost every Democrat I know says they don't watch Fox and I know one who forbids anybody in his house to put Fox channel on and he claims Fox isn't news and everything they transmit is a lie. How he knows that is because he only watches MSNBC and reads leftist blogs on the net. I know Republicans that won't watch MSNBC, yet they say they're lying bastards there. It's humorous to me how brain-dead and what partisan morons they are. They haven't a clue how to think objectively for themselves. They're nothing more than partisan political clueless brainwashed morons.
Almost every Democrat I know says they don't watch Fox and I know one who forbids anybody in his house to put Fox channel on and he claims Fox isn't news and everything they transmit is a lie. How he knows that is because he only watches MSNBC and reads leftist blogs on the net. I know Republicans that won't watch MSNBC, yet they say they're lying bastards there. It's humorous to me how brain-dead and what partisan morons they are. They haven't a clue how to think objectively for themselves. They're nothing more than partisan political clueless brainwashed morons.

I don't watch Fox News. Oreilly annoys me. Hannity grates my nerves. And I don't really get the Megyn Kelly thing. I used to watch Fox but haven't on a regular basis for years. The most I do now is flip back and forth on an election night. I do watch MSNBC because they make me laugh. I watch Morning Joe because I love hearing Joey try to convince us he is a conservative. I actually like Lawrence Odonnell. Truth be told even though he is a hard core lefty he can play it straight sometimes and isn't afraid to stick it to lefties. I can't stand Chris Matthews. And probably the one I can't stand most of all is Rachel Madcow. She has this snarky, condescending way about her that makes me want to drop a baby grand piano on her head.
I don't have cable so don't watch MSNBC, CNN or C-Span. I check them online occasionally.

So you don't have cable, so all you know about Fox you learn from the leftist spin from "rational wiki." And you think that's "rational?" Interesting!
Megan Kelley is a hot babe.....who cares about journaism. I luv it when she bats her can feel the breeze. hehheh
hillary is a old,old fat and ugly woman whose make up artists have to struggle harder and harder to attempt to hide all dat. Unfortunately, powerful democratic women will not allow her to be indicted.

and......we thought we would be rid of obama in a few months......apparanty hillary has struck a deal with him to put him on the supreme court....assuming the republicans will screw up again aka nominate an establishment type aka rubio.....hope i am wrong on dat.
Christie "rational wiki =partisans who think like I do"

Townhall is definitely a conservative news site. Townhall discusses reality as viewed from a conservative perspective. For Christie that's just a giant boogieman.

:rolleyes: Just can't help yourself, can you.
Don't conflate Faux with rationalwiki. But if you're really interested in Faux Noise lies:

So if I want to find out about Fox lies, I go to a leftist site dedicated to smearing the #1 cable news station in America, because the leftist news channel MSNBC has ratings below tree bark, right? Duh! I do believe I'll use my own system of watching them all live and thinking for myself. Rachael Maddow keeps me informed about the "alleged" fox lies with her alledged MSNBC's lies.

Below is where you suggest I visit and hopefully become converted into a non-self-thinker.

NewsHounds is a Volunteer watchdog group focused on FOX News. Includes blog, video, newsletter, forum and how to support. We watch Fox so you don't have to.

NewsHounds Either we're getting under Fox's skin or its paid troll has run out of idiotic things to tweet about us.
How to Lie About Fox News, in One Easy Lesson

If you saw our #ThrowbackThursday post yesterday, you know The Cable Game has a tradition of calling out websites like NewsHounds. They’re old hands at waging war on Fox News, and still at it. When The Cable Gamer last looked at NewsHounds this was the top post:
I agree. I watch them all. from MSNBC to Fox ( but only the 6PM Fox Report) Fox report has excellent foreign coverage -right up there with Richard Engle (NBC) - but much more coverage. Plus Catherine Herridge..

I like Rachael too, but i'll watch anything. I trust my knowledge base to see the spin
I agree. I watch them all. from MSNBC to Fox ( but only the 6PM Fox Report) Fox report has excellent foreign coverage -right up there with Richard Engle (NBC) - but much more coverage. Plus Catherine Herridge..

I like Rachael too, but i'll watch anything. I trust my knowledge base to see the spin

The incurable leftist/rightist partisans love "spin" as long as it spins their ideological loyalties. If it's spinning the opposing ideology, they call it lies.

Fox News is very informative. Chris Wallace is as good as they come. Hannity is a rightist stooge. O'Reilly is a talk over them, holier-than-thou narcissists and a Trump bot. Megyn Kelley is smart and tough and hot. Martha is excellent and The Judge Napolitano is the best. Rachael Maddow is informative and extremely petty and as mouthy as a machine gun. I can only stand about 5 minutes worth of her. I watch Hardball with Chris Matthews, he’s almost fair and balanced most times. I like Neil Cuvoto and Shepard Smith.

All of the opinion shows on both Fox and MSNBC are mostly spin and often humerous. As news goes, Fox is the tops. No wonder their the most watched. CNN is second on the news list for me, MSNBC is a sorry news network and more of a leftist political spin outfit.