Is Hillary Incompetent???


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If you were the Secretary Of State, and the Republican controlled House of Congress wasn't supplying enough money to your State Department because the Republicans cut State Department spending to protect American diplomats like the Democrats are claiming, would you ask diplomats to go to Benghazi Libya? How do Democrats explain how cuts to the State Department got through the Democrat controlled Senate? Wouldn't some Democrats in the Senate have to have voted for those cuts? Why aren't the Benghazi attack and murders of Americans the “Buck” that should stop directly at the feet of Hillary Clinton?
Y'all got three and a half years til she's nominated. First debate she'll show Rand what incompetent is.
If you were the Secretary Of State, and the Republican controlled House of Congress wasn't supplying enough money to your State Department because the Republicans cut State Department spending to protect American diplomats like the Democrats are claiming, would you ask diplomats to go to Benghazi Libya? How do Democrats explain how cuts to the State Department got through the Democrat controlled Senate? Wouldn't some Democrats in the Senate have to have voted for those cuts? Why aren't the Benghazi attack and murders of Americans the “Buck” that should stop directly at the feet of Hillary Clinton?

They have and she has stated on many occassions that she takes reponsibility, unlike others who have served in that position.

I will believe you care when the Gorge W Bush administration are charged for war crimes. They spent two years lying to the world which resulted in the Iraq war.
They have and she has stated on many occassions that she takes reponsibility, unlike others who have served in that position.

I will believe you care when the Gorge W Bush administration are charged for war crimes. They spent two years lying to the world which resulted in the Iraq war.


Best typo evah!
Is Hilary incompetent?
In her own words;-
"what does it matter"?
A failure of leadership isn't enough to cause the loss of your job!
If you were the Secretary Of State, and the Republican controlled House of Congress wasn't supplying enough money to your State Department because the Republicans cut State Department spending to protect American diplomats like the Democrats are claiming, would you ask diplomats to go to Benghazi Libya? How do Democrats explain how cuts to the State Department got through the Democrat controlled Senate? Wouldn't some Democrats in the Senate have to have voted for those cuts? Why aren't the Benghazi attack and murders of Americans the “Buck” that should stop directly at the feet of Hillary Clinton?

The Libyan's asked for the US to help them build their democracy. It is in the US best interest to not allow extremist to take hold and flourish. I think Hillary has been an excellent head of the State Department. This hearing was a political farce and she did a good job at putting the political hacks in their place.

"Benghazi, Libya (CNN) -- Ten days after four Americans were killed in their Libyan city, hundreds marched in Benghazi and took over the headquarters of a radical Islamist group tied to the attack.

Thousands of protesters had taken to the street earlier Friday, loudly declaring that they -- and not those behind last week's deadly attack -- represent the real sentiments of the Libyan people.

"I am sorry, America," one man said. "This is the real Libya.""
Enough hiding behind George Bush. At some point this president has to stand on his own. Blaming Bush or using him as cover just furthers the image that Obama is incompetent. This was a failure of monumental proportions. Sometimes the simplest answer is probably the most accurate. The reason they went with the "it was a spontaneous uprising" was because the administration had been peddling the claim that Al Queda was defeated. There was no way they could allow that perception to be compromised heading into the election.

Hillary pulled the Obama debate tactic by acting indignant and feigning tears. She put on a stunning display of duplicity. But, I am not surprised.
They have and she has stated on many occassions that she takes reponsibility, unlike others who have served in that position.

I will believe you care when the Gorge W Bush administration are charged for war crimes. They spent two years lying to the world which resulted in the Iraq war.

Oh! I see, Bush got away with being an incompetent moron and liar, so we should just overlook the power mad bitch Hillary and her incompetence and bald-faced lies, right? “Lovin eyes never see!”
The Libyan's asked for the US to help them build their democracy. It is in the US best interest to not allow extremist to take hold and flourish. I think Hillary has been an excellent head of the State Department. This hearing was a political farce and she did a good job at putting the political hacks in their place.

"Benghazi, Libya (CNN) -- Ten days after four Americans were killed in their Libyan city, hundreds marched in Benghazi and took over the headquarters of a radical Islamist group tied to the attack.

Thousands of protesters had taken to the street earlier Friday, loudly declaring that they -- and not those behind last week's deadly attack -- represent the real sentiments of the Libyan people.

"I am sorry, America," one man said. "This is the real Libya.""

They all had an opportunity to ask their questions, they didn't! What pertinent question did Paul, McCain or Rubio ask? The only one who asked any pertinent question was the veteran, excuse me, I don't remember his name. You are right the hearing is a farce.
Benghazi was a weapons trading point for the CIA. It's how we got weapons to Libya Rebels and Syrian Rebels. It was a CIA operation. "Why the cover up" BECAUSE IT WAS AN UNDERCOVER OPERATION.
Nope, it's just ironic. You don't get to be irate over one when you didn't care about the other.

So then you’re assuming that I didn’t care about G. W. Bush’s lies about WMD and his starting 2 undeclared unconstitutional wars?

If you had a dime’s worth of evidence of that, you’d post it, right?

Who would I rather have a beer with, G. W. Bush or Hillary Clinton?

Answer, NEITHER of the power hungry lying bastards!!!!

I live in America which is a different place. When we look at the United States government and the people who draw their paychecks from it and support its criminality, we have to be very clear eyed indeed. They are not us and they should be viewed with the same caution as rattlesnakes.(George Carlin)
Sorry, I don't watch Faux news for any information, it makes you instantly stupid.

So then you admit you are devoid of any political open-mindedness, you simply get all of your information from leftist sources? Then that explains Your Incompetence, huh? How fascinating & predictable!!!
Benghazi was a weapons trading point for the CIA. It's how we got weapons to Libya Rebels and Syrian Rebels. It was a CIA operation. "Why the cover up" BECAUSE IT WAS AN UNDERCOVER OPERATION.

And the Americans there had little to no protection because???? Oh! That’s right, somebody was INCOMPETENT, right?