Is Hillary Incompetent???

Wow a fox luving conservatard
How many high school years did you finish junior?

That’s it? That’s the extent of your non-argument?

How many years of schooling did it take you to discover your total lack of any talent to make rational arguments or even have the balls or intelligence to address rational topics?

Oh! That’s right you’re “The Dude!” The self-anointed professor of one-liner stupidity and mindlessness, huh?
And the Americans there had little to no protection because???? Oh! That’s right, somebody was INCOMPETENT, right?

You ASSume because I don't listen to Fox that I don't read conservative sources, but you are wrong, I read intelligent conservatives and yes, they are out there, but they sure don't appear on Faux News!

So keep your false conclusions and stuff them up your...
You ASSume because I don't listen to Fox that I don't read conservative sources, but you are wrong, I read intelligent conservatives and yes, they are out there, but they sure don't appear on Faux News!

So keep your false conclusions and stuff them up your...

”Conservative” you say? What in hell is a conservative in today’s world? Even self-proclaimed conservatives can’t articulate with any consistency what conservatism is today. Once upon a time conservatism was conserving, preserving protecting and defending the Constitution but since the rise of NEO-conservatism, it seems to project unconstitutional, undeclared wars, the unconstitutional Drug War, the unconstitutional Patriot Act, unconstitutional crony capitalism and even unconstitutional federal socialist programs.

Would you care to announce the so-called “conservatives” you resd? Probably not, huh?

If you were a truly open minded unbiased non-partisan, you’d listen to the propaganda of both the right and left as I do and discern the marginal truths that infiltrate their propaganda. I watch MSNBC, Fox & C-Span. I listen to Rachael Maddow, The Ed Show, O’Reilly, Hannity and all of the folks at C-Span.
You must still be in school, you little turd.
Life is way more complex than you think

Surely you’ll articulate with vast specifics the ”complexities” of life of which you speak, right? Oh! That’s right you’re “The Dude.” Your total mentality contains only mindless one liner insults. It’s the totality of your non-arguments, huh?