Is his marriage rigged?

I know Trumppers call anything that does not go Trumps way rigged...

But I noticed Malania is not even supporting Trump through his conviction. Its almost like she believes he is guilty. She did not go inside the courtroom and has not appeared with him in a very long time.

Is she a part of the Banana Republic? Are you going to turn on her?
Why do you even care? Did you care about Clinton's marriage?
Kinda, I felt like she was a top advisor and the brains in the operation.

I had met her a few times and felt a connection. It was back when the first lady mattered some.

You mean the same one who attacked the women her predator husband sexually assaulted? That one?

The same lady that illegally used a private email server to hide her business from the American public and then when caught, destroyed the evidence? That lady?

The same lady who, after losing in 2016, became an election denier claiming Russia colluded to get Trump elected? That one?

Or was it the same lady who fabricated a salacious Russia dossier in an effort to manipulate the election in ger favor? That one?

I know, it was the same lady who declared Trump as an illegitimate President, right? That one?

You lack the intelligence to comprehend how stupid and lame you look. :laugh:
You mean the same one who attacked the women her predator husband sexually assaulted? That one?

The same lady that illegally used a private email server to hide her business from the American public and then when caught, destroyed the evidence? That lady?

The same lady who, after losing in 2016, became an election denier claiming Russia colluded to get Trump elected? That one?

Or was it the same lady who fabricated a salacious Russia dossier in an effort to manipulate the election in ger favor? That one?

I know, it was the same lady who declared Trump as an illegitimate President, right? That one?

You lack the intelligence to comprehend how stupid and lame you look. :laugh:
Trump was found guilty idiot

Clinton never raped anyone
The entire American intel system proved Russia messed in our elections

Other nations intel system have found the same facts

Who backs your lies about it?
