is it a recession or a depression

Ohh we may be able to technically be able to "credit card" buy our way out for a quarter or two. But we will drop right back if we do not work on the real causes.

Sending 700 bl overseas for oil is without a doubt one of the causes. Especially given the fact that we could produce most of our own oil.:cof1:
Here's what I see...

Malls full of teens with iPods and cell phones...
SUV's lined up around McDonalds to buy Happy Meals...
Record-breaking Black Friday...
Pinheads blogging on their Wi-Fi's at the local Starbucks...
Police driving the latest $40k sports cars...
Stampede's at Walmart for plasma screen TV's...
Movie makers churning out absolute garbage and making a fortune...
Rap stars recording absolute garbage and making a fortune...
Pro athletes living like gangsters and making a fortune...
Condo's going up on the coast as fast as they can be built...
Casino's popping up almost as fast...
Federal 'bailouts' for the wooden arrow industry...
So much traffic on the interstates through Thanksgiving, you couldn't drive...
TV Commercials advertising every sex aid imaginable...
Infomercials running 24/7 for even more stupid shit we don't need...

My grandmother lived through the Great Depression, and from the stories she told me, this is nothing like what it was back then. It's not even remotely close to it. DQ mentions a fear of prices going up on oil and food, but during the Great Depression, things were cheap, prices were not the problem! People didn't have money to buy stuff, no matter how cheap it was. We live in a largely 'spoiled' society, and really have no clue what 'hard times' are like. We are a long long way from being as bad off as we were in 1929, and I doubt this nation could handle it, if it ever came to that.

With all of that said, our economy is not doing well, and BO will have his work cut out for him. I find it fascinating how liberals are already thinking the answer is government, that we can somehow depend on government to shoulder the burden here, and 'save us' from ourselves. One fundamental problem we encounter with this mindset, is the programs FDR initiated during the Great Depression, worked because they had never been done before, and the nation was not $10 trillion in debt. We've used up all the 'magic power' and we can't afford to 'bailout' much more. Plus, FDR's programs worked because people were eager to work and make things work, and today we are 'fat and happy' and don't want to really work.

Here is the most fundamental underlying problem, the US doesn't make anything anymore. We are largely a consumer-based economy with heavy service industry business, and very little manufacturing. We import far more than we export, and this trade deficit has gone on for decades. In order to effectively change the dynamics of the economy, we have to become world leaders in industry again.
It's not either, it is an excuse to create a "one world" solution to a problem and thus take one more large step towards UN Hegemony.
Now there's out favorite nutter.
LOL. For once I expected the Glen Beck reference (I actually heard him shouting about 'global solutions', hence the idea was in my head to use as dry sarcasm), but whatever you want to believe. If it makes you feel good to attempt to disparage my intentions without comprehension or information, then by all means. Go for it. If it makes you happy, it makes me happy.
Here's what I see...

Malls full of teens with iPods and cell phones...
SUV's lined up around McDonalds to buy Happy Meals...
Record-breaking Black Friday...
Pinheads blogging on their Wi-Fi's at the local Starbucks...
Police driving the latest $40k sports cars...
Stampede's at Walmart for plasma screen TV's...
Movie makers churning out absolute garbage and making a fortune...
Rap stars recording absolute garbage and making a fortune...
Pro athletes living like gangsters and making a fortune...
Condo's going up on the coast as fast as they can be built...
Casino's popping up almost as fast...
Federal 'bailouts' for the wooden arrow industry...
So much traffic on the interstates through Thanksgiving, you couldn't drive...
TV Commercials advertising every sex aid imaginable...
Infomercials running 24/7 for even more stupid shit we don't need...

My grandmother lived through the Great Depression, and from the stories she told me, this is nothing like what it was back then. It's not even remotely close to it. DQ mentions a fear of prices going up on oil and food, but during the Great Depression, things were cheap, prices were not the problem! People didn't have money to buy stuff, no matter how cheap it was. We live in a largely 'spoiled' society, and really have no clue what 'hard times' are like. We are a long long way from being as bad off as we were in 1929, and I doubt this nation could handle it, if it ever came to that.

With all of that said, our economy is not doing well, and BO will have his work cut out for him. I find it fascinating how liberals are already thinking the answer is government, that we can somehow depend on government to shoulder the burden here, and 'save us' from ourselves. One fundamental problem we encounter with this mindset, is the programs FDR initiated during the Great Depression, worked because they had never been done before, and the nation was not $10 trillion in debt. We've used up all the 'magic power' and we can't afford to 'bailout' much more. Plus, FDR's programs worked because people were eager to work and make things work, and today we are 'fat and happy' and don't want to really work.

Here is the most fundamental underlying problem, the US doesn't make anything anymore. We are largely a consumer-based economy with heavy service industry business, and very little manufacturing. We import far more than we export, and this trade deficit has gone on for decades. In order to effectively change the dynamics of the economy, we have to become world leaders in industry again.

Well said. I feel the same way
Well said. I feel the same way
Hence, since government can be the only solution and the US doesn't produce, it is only by making it global that we can make the difference.

Of course, part of the plan to help is to have new manufacturing of 'green' products. Thus making it 'save the world' and the 'solution to the economy' at the same time.
I have high hopes for a green economy. Just the idea of keeping all of that oil money domestic, invested in American businesses & products, is very cool....
I have high hopes for a green economy. Just the idea of keeping all of that oil money domestic, invested in American businesses & products, is very cool....
Yeah, it's one of the things that I liked about both of the candidates.

I would like to see a bit more of our own use of Nat Gas for an interim solution and immediate results in making new jobs. If we have people converting vehicles into ones that can use either nat gas or gasoline or any of the other alternatives, we have people working on converting those vehicles. More people working on getting the nat gas out of the ground, more people working on the means to deliver the product... at the same time we have people researching the next step so we can be one step ahead of everybody and making the next generation of energy for the world's consumption...
wind and solar we could create energy grids for developing nations in Africa in exchange for natural resources there.
Yeah and we could invent cold fusion and practical superconductors too.
Pass the bong bro ;)

buddah butter is better

hell, wind and/or solar power for villages would allow the use of electricity without having to string wires between villages

it could be used for wells and/or water purification
buddah butter is better

hell, wind and/or solar power for villages would allow the use of electricity without having to string wires between villages

it could be used for wells and/or water purification

Oh yes SF's idea is a good one just not too viable considering that it looks like the french are going to be buying Constellation energy in the USA.

Pipe dreams.
I have high hopes for a green economy. Just the idea of keeping all of that oil money domestic, invested in American businesses & products, is very cool....

In part this mess is democrat created, we have the energy here already. It's played for political points only.:cof1: