Is it possible to be a good Christian and a Trump supporter?


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Since Trump is the antithesis of everything Jesus stood for and preached, would you say that a good Christian could be a Trump supporter?
If a Christian existed anywhere of course it would not be possible, but Christian is merely a label without substance. "Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried." Gilbert K. Chesterton. But think about it an adulterer who cheated on his wives, cheated his workers, and lies constantly, is that the image a Christian would emulate? But consider too how easy it is to teach Christians to hate, the hatred directed at Obama and Hillary was by Christians was it not? Christianity is hypocrisy for most.

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer
Yes, true or not, most Trump supporters don't see him the way you described him, Bill Clinton really didn't model perfect Christian values but the majority of his supporters didn't give up on him, all in the way you perceive it

If your asking for an absolute judgement, I don't think any of us can offer that, but I agree, it is strange how he has the support of all those fundamentalist churches that supposedly practice their religion openly
Based upon your OP your suspicions are moot.

Trump lies, cheats, steals, commits adultery, bare false witness, is hateful to immigrants, generally punches down on the poor and disadvantaged, openly admits that most people aren't worth respecting, says that women should be treated like shit. He's also 'rich', which pretty much means he's going destined for Hell.

Since Trump is the antithesis of everything Jesus stood for and preached, would you say that a good Christian could be a Trump supporter?

Part of me thinks it is immoral to support Drumpf, Christian or no.

I mean, the guy is basically the real life version of "Mr. Burns" from The Simpsons.

Every decent person in American teaches their kids to be not like Drumpf. A pussy-grabbing creep. A self-absorbed narcissist. A person with a continent sized ego, but no humility or empathy offsetting it. Arrogant. Intolerant. An old man who pursues sexual conquests of women young enough to be his grand daughter. A guy who is not even self-made, since whatever wealth he has is largely attributable to his rich father and family friends.

I mean, I think almost everybody I have met in my life teaches their kids to try to be a person not like Trump.

I think it must say something about the ethics off an online message boarder to constantly worship Drumpf, and defend him at every turn!

edit to add this

Trump’s Approval Rating Is Even Lower Globally, and He’s Destroying the U.S.’s Reputation: Survey

Mired in record low approval ratings at home, President Donald Trump is even less popular globally, with a majority describing him as dangerous, arrogant and intolerant
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I know Christians who will support trump and people like him only because they profess to be pro-life. Although I believe that deep down trump isn't really pro-life, he just used the position to get votes.

They ignore all his other anti-Christian behaviour and flouting the ten commandments, or try to excuse it by saying trump's just fighting fire with fire.
I know Christians who will support trump and people like him only because they profess to be pro-life. Although I believe that deep down trump isn't really pro-life, he just used the position to get votes.

They ignore all his other anti-Christian behaviour and flouting the ten commandments, or try to excuse it by saying trump's just fighting fire with fire.

Dumb cunt strikes again. Ten Commandments are Old Testament.