Is lorax really paul begala?

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty

Sounds familiar.... someone lying while bitching about someone else supposedly lying....

"In the face of demonstrable, provable, incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, McCain and Palin continue to assert that Gov. Palin opposed the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere." "

There is no evidence to the contrary. McCain and Palin have stated that they acknowledge the fact that she supported the bridge during her campaign. That does not however change the fact that she killed the deal.

"They do so in their speeches and ads, and their supporters say so on television until their pants are on fire. McCain and Palin also claim the Alaska governor opposes earmarks -- despite the fact that she's gotten her state so much pork she's at risk for trichinosis."

I would like to see how much pork she has gotten....

" Perhaps her supporters, noting Palin's support for banning books,"

Lie number two from Begala. Palin did not support banning books.

"teaching creationism"

Distortion.... she thinks that kids should be free to discuss both in the classroom.

"and doubting global warming will argue that for her"

distortion: she states that she is not certain that man is causing global warming.

"The amazing thing about Sarah Palin is when she became governor she actually stood up and said no."

Increasingly frustrated, I pointed out that just was not true, and the "debate" continued."

LIE number three by Begala. The statement made is 100% correct. She supported the bridge while campaigning... but ONCE she became governor, she killed it.

Wow... for someone bitching about lying... Begala is sure good at it.
Let's this you pretending to be Lorax, and not really being serious? Or are you serious now? Or are you pretending to be Damo, pretending to be Lorax?

Or are you just short a few brain cells, as we have basically surmised (in a conclusive way), at this point?
OMG what a load of shit, shame on you SF, seriously. She didn't kill any bridge, Congress cut off the money, and she kept what they did give her.

Citizens there say she DID support the banning of books, and with no comment from the Librarian, who was fired, and that is on record, at this time this remains an open question, so this is more BS.

As for so-called lie number three (the first two were absolutely not lies), I'd have to dig up her exact statements on global warming, but considering the first two I know off hand are total BS, I'm gonna give the third one the same weight.
" That does not however change the fact that she killed the deal."

I would LOVE to see the link for that. Particularly on a thread about lying.

Can you provide some backup?
Fellow libbies - please check the alert network for the distress call. I needs help...please help me!

I don't even want to talk about this woman anymore, and am trying not to, but the hacks spreading this bs about this pathological piece of trash, is just so annoying. SF will never stop though, he can't help himself.
OMG what a load of shit, shame on you SF, seriously. She didn't kill any bridge, Congress cut off the money, and she kept what they did give her.

Citizens there say she DID support the banning of books, and with no comment from the Librarian, who was fired, and that is on record, at this time this remains an open question, so this is more BS.

As for so-called lie number three (the first two were absolutely not lies), I'd have to dig up her exact statements on global warming, but considering the first two I know off hand are total BS, I'm gonna give the third one the same weight.

What citizens? That one lady wrote the e-mail that claimed she tried to ban books which has been disproven?
What citizens? That one lady wrote the e-mail that claimed she tried to ban books which has been disproven?

It has not been disproven, and she was not the only person who said this, it was reported on at the time, in the Frontiersman, check your facts hack.
Sssshhh...if you listen closely enough, you can hear Superhack googling frantically.

Oh, and Freak? I won't accept ""....
Sorry Onceler, I have to go for the night, I hate to leave you on your own, I hope you can hang on until the distress call reaches Tiana.
OMG what a load of shit, shame on you SF, seriously. She didn't kill any bridge, Congress cut off the money, and she kept what they did give her.

Citizens there say she DID support the banning of books, and with no comment from the Librarian, who was fired, and that is on record, at this time this remains an open question, so this is more BS.

As for so-called lie number three (the first two were absolutely not lies), I'd have to dig up her exact statements on global warming, but considering the first two I know off hand are total BS, I'm gonna give the third one the same weight.

What citizens are saying she tried to ban books Darla???? Let me guess, they are democrats? Give me a break. Yes, the librarian was fired and then rehired under pressure. But that doesn't equate to her being fired for refusal to ban books.

Two, she did kill the bridge.... and was credited for doing so by the Dems in AK....

In the link above, you can see the Dems webpage talking about it. A webpage that was mysteriously pulled after Palin became the VP nominee. Imagine that.... dems trying to re-write history.

A direct link....

Sounds familiar.... someone lying while bitching about someone else supposedly lying....

"In the face of demonstrable, provable, incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, McCain and Palin continue to assert that Gov. Palin opposed the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere." "

There is no evidence to the contrary. McCain and Palin have stated that they acknowledge the fact that she supported the bridge during her campaign. That does not however change the fact that she killed the deal.

"They do so in their speeches and ads, and their supporters say so on television until their pants are on fire. McCain and Palin also claim the Alaska governor opposes earmarks -- despite the fact that she's gotten her state so much pork she's at risk for trichinosis."

I would like to see how much pork she has gotten....

" Perhaps her supporters, noting Palin's support for banning books,"

Lie number two from Begala. Palin did not support banning books.

"teaching creationism"

Distortion.... she thinks that kids should be free to discuss both in the classroom.

"and doubting global warming will argue that for her"

distortion: she states that she is not certain that man is causing global warming.

"The amazing thing about Sarah Palin is when she became governor she actually stood up and said no."

Increasingly frustrated, I pointed out that just was not true, and the "debate" continued."

LIE number three by Begala. The statement made is 100% correct. She supported the bridge while campaigning... but ONCE she became governor, she killed it.

Wow... for someone bitching about lying... Begala is sure good at it.

I'll stick to the bridge to nowhere and the pork stuff.

First of all, she didn't kill the bridge to nowhere. Congress did. This is what she had to say about it when Congress pulled the plug:

Despite the work of our congressional delegation, we are about $329 million short of full funding for the bridge project, and it's clear that Congress has little interest in spending any more money on a bridge between Ketchikan and Gravina Island. Much of the public's attitude toward Alaska bridges is based on inaccurate portrayals of the projects here. But we need to focus on what we can do, rather than fight over what has happened."

She keeps repeating lies that have been revealed to be lies by every press organization that looked into her claims. Here is a Wall Street Journal piece on it:

In summation:


On pork, Alaska under her governorship received more per capita pork than any other state in the nation by a wide margin. This is even after she allegedly trimmed down her pork requests for 2008. While mayor of Wasilla, she hire a lobbyist to go get the town pork and she got a shit load of it. She loved pork. Big time. There is no dispute on this.
Sssshhh...if you listen closely enough, you can hear Superhack googling frantically.

Oh, and Freak? I won't accept ""....

If you ask for a link most people don't have a hundred different articles bookmarked to present as evidence on JPP.

Now if you want something about the Trojans we have that bookmarked. We can talk.
If the biggest thing you can find on Palin is the Bridge to Nowhere controversy and Troopergate, you are doomed.
Oh, and she actually built a road to nowhere, to the bridge that doesn't exist, because the money would otherwise have been sent back to the federal government.
Try not to be such a hack SF, she lies everytime she opens her mouth, sorry if it upsets you when the lying sack is called on it, but that's too bad. For you.

Right... the left continues to use their intuition to 'read into' what she says and then proclaims lies. All the while ignoring the lies being spread by the left wingnuts throughout the blogosphere. Lies that now even Dem commentators like Begala are promoting.