is muslim code for black

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
some years back, black muslims were a big thing to christians

they were very threatening because they were not jews or christians and they were black and organized - remember the black panthers?

people (whites mainly) were scared about militant blacks that wanted to be equal with whites

i wonder how many undecideds do not like bo because he is black or because of his politics

to many reps, bo is barack HUSSEIN obama

oth, its the economy stupid...and reps are losing votes as more and more people lose their jobs - especially in the rust belt
I posted a video of a lady complaining about Obama and how he was Muslim or something and her kid shouted, "you need gloves to touch him!"

The Republican party is nothing but a hate fest. They should all be deported or stripped of citizenship, as watermark suggested.
I posted a video of a lady complaining about Obama and how he was Muslim or something and her kid shouted, "you need gloves to touch him!"

The Republican party is nothing but a hate fest. They should all be deported or stripped of citizenship, as watermark suggested.

not all of them - not all of anybody

both sides have things to contribute

hate speech sucks - so maybe get rid of the people promulgating hate

but then there is that pesky first amendment...
Just get rid of Republicans and the world will be rosy and swell.

nah, we need them to help start the next war so we can improve the economy :eek:

maybe we should recruit all those gang bangers and drive by people and ship them to a war zone
We need to make an Iraq Peace corps made up of Republicans.
Those people need personal guidance on getting their democracy going.
Actually I think muslim is now code for middle-easterner or arabic.
some years back, black muslims were a big thing to christians

they were very threatening because they were not jews or christians and they were black and organized - remember the black panthers?

people (whites mainly) were scared about militant blacks that wanted to be equal with whites

i wonder how many undecideds do not like bo because he is black or because of his politics

to many reps, bo is barack HUSSEIN obama

oth, its the economy stupid...and reps are losing votes as more and more people lose their jobs - especially in the rust belt

The Nation of Islam is not islam. Is is a race based variation of it. It teaches that whites are devils etc. It is explicitly racist. True islam is merely totalitarian, theocratic, and violent, but not racist.
We need to make an Iraq Peace corps made up of Republicans.
Those people need personal guidance on getting their democracy going.

HEHEHE, I tell the far right wingnuts I meet up here in Ohio that they should be banned to Alabama for 5 years. That way when they come back they'll understand what it means to be a Buckeye! LOL
The Nation of Islam is not islam. Is is a race based variation of it. It teaches that whites are devils etc. It is explicitly racist. True islam is merely totalitarian, theocratic, and violent, but not racist.

Wrong .. stop depending on tabloids for information my brother.

The Nation of Islam is Muslim and they practice the religion of Islam and they have been welcomed in Islamic nations.

... AND there are more than a few white members of the Nation .. thus they do not teach what you suggest they do. They fought against almost 400 years of ungodly maniacal, oppression, terrorism, and horror that was .. and in some cases .. still is white America.

... AND given the history of christianity and christians, one could certainly make the case they are violent, theocratic, supremist, and most certainly racist.
Wrong .. stop depending on tabloids for information my brother.

The Nation of Islam is Muslim and they practice the religion of Islam and they have been welcomed in Islamic nations.


You know I always believed that. But everytime I've mentioned "The Nation of Islam" to Islamic Middle Easterners they alway preface the discussion by, "Its different", or "that's not the same thing". On paper and officially I think what you're saying is true, but I think there is a stigma attached to it in the Middle East. Like they are better than members of the Nation of Islam.

A video of the founder of the Nation of Islam beseeching members to embrace orthodox Islam.