is muslim code for black

You know I always believed that. But everytime I've mentioned "The Nation of Islam" to Islamic Middle Easterners they alway preface the discussion by, "Its different", or "that's not the same thing". On paper and officially I think what you're saying is true, but I think there is a stigma attached to it in the Middle East. Like they are better than members of the Nation of Islam.

In some cases you are absolutely correct sister.

However, Islam, like Chritianity, has many different sects and factions .. and like Christianity and other religions, many believers think themselves as the only true believers and associate geography and even race with religion.

Somehow, Ethiopian Jews are not quite Jews to many.

Remember when Malcolm went to Mecca, he was welcomed as a hero. His travels to Mecca changed him .. but then again, Martin was also changed by his travels to India.
In some cases you are absolutely correct sister.

However, Islam, like Chritianity, has many different sects and factions .. and like Christianity and other religions, many believers think themselves as the only true believers and associate geography and even race with religion.

Somehow, Ethiopian Jews are not quite Jews to many.

Remember when Malcolm went to Mecca, he was welcomed as a hero. His travels to Mecca changed him .. but then again, Martin was also changed by his travels to India.

Thats exactly what I thought when I read Lady T's response.

If you ask a Southern Baptist if Catholics, Jehovah's Witness, or and Mormons are christians you will get the same "its different" response. Or you might even be told that they are not really christians.
In some cases you are absolutely correct sister.

However, Islam, like Chritianity, has many different sects and factions .. and like Christianity and other religions, many believers think themselves as the only true believers and associate geography and even race with religion.

Somehow, Ethiopian Jews are not quite Jews to many.

Remember when Malcolm went to Mecca, he was welcomed as a hero. His travels to Mecca changed him .. but then again, Martin was also changed by his travels to India.

Its pretty ironic considering the fact that most religions allege to transcend such bigotry.
Thats exactly what I thought when I read Lady T's response.

If you ask a Southern Baptist if Catholics, Jehovah's Witness, or and Mormons are christians you will get the same "its different" response. Or you might even be told that they are not really christians.

Well the difference in that is that they all acknowledge that they are different and that they are different sects of Christianity. The Muslims I've known from the Nation think of themselves as the same as their Middle Eastern brothers, but the same is not true in reverse.

** please note that the above is based on my own experiences
Well the difference in that is that they all acknowledge that they are different and that they are different sects of Christianity. The Muslims I've known from the Nation think of themselves as the same as their Middle Eastern brothers, but the same is not true in reverse.

** please note that the above is based on my own experiences
Mormons have spent many years attempting to convince everybody they are Christians.
Its pretty ironic considering the fact that most religions allege to transcend such bigotry.

Yes they do. But most also assert that they are the ONLY way to heaven, and that the rest are wrong. (or at least not the preferred route)

Everyone wants to think they have the inside track to the TRUTH.
Mormons have spent many years attempting to convince everybody they are Christians.

That may be true, but they do understand that there are vast differences between the type of Christianity that they practice versus that of Catholics.
Thats exactly what I thought when I read Lady T's response.

If you ask a Southern Baptist if Catholics, Jehovah's Witness, or and Mormons are christians you will get the same "its different" response. Or you might even be told that they are not really christians.

Absolutely .. religion is in the eye of the beholder
That may be true, but they do understand that there are vast differences between the type of Christianity that they practice versus that of Catholics.
Hence the rejection. What I have never understood is the rejection of different types of protestantism and that of the catholics. The fundamental beliefs are exactly the same, the ceremony is all that is really different. Basically like the difference between Shi'a and Sunni Muslims.

However, there is a difference between the Nation of Islam and orthodox Islam. The founder himself, after leaving the Nation, cried out to them to embrace orthodox Islam beliefs. Hence the video I posted earlier.
Its pretty ironic considering the fact that most religions allege to transcend such bigotry.

Key word "ALLEGE" :)

Jesus was magically transformed from a man of hair like lamb's wool, dark skin, and bronzed feet .. into a Montana biker dude with blonde hair and blue eyes .. because race matters to the so-called religious.

The Shrine of the Black Modonna would NEVER be accepted in America although it is one of the most sacred shrines in europe and thousands of people travel long distances to pay homage.
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Key word "ALLEGE" :)

Jesus was magically transformed from a man of hair like lamb's wool, dark skin, and bronzed feet .. into a Montana biker dude with blonde hair and blue eyes .. because race matters to the so-called religious.

The Shrine of the Black Modonna would NEVER be accepted in America although it is one of the most sacred shrines in europe and thousands of people travel long distances to pay homage.

Haven't you ever seen a jew-fro before?

A video of the founder of the Nation of Islam beseeching members to embrace orthodox Islam.

Right. Which proves the original teaching of NOI must have been something other than Islam.

Case closed. I'm right. NOI is racist. BAC is wrong.

Here in atl, for my comparative religion class we were assigned to go visit a mosque. I called The Nation of Islam and they told me flat out not to come. It would not be safe. Im white, btw.

Ended up going al-farooq masjid, and eating dates with the brothers. The female I was with had to sit behind a screen.
One thing i do like about actual islam is their prohibition of usury. I think this is why the fascist banker class hates them so much.
Threedee, you should really stop substituting memorized history for rational thought.
Dumbass - history is about real people and real actions taken by them. It matters, because our nature is timeless (which is why Shakespeare is still popular, for example). That, and you can get an idea of what works and what doesn't in areas such as war, diplomacy, economics, advertising, media, and entertainment.

Key word "ALLEGE" :)

Jesus was magically transformed from a man of hair like lamb's wool, dark skin, and bronzed feet .. into a Montana biker dude with blonde hair and blue eyes .. because race matters to the so-called religious.

The Shrine of the Black Modonna would NEVER be accepted in America although it is one of the most sacred shrines in europe and thousands of people travel long distances to pay homage.

and here i thought that he was semite, like most of the people in the area - a cross breed of the various groups that passed through the region, either waging war (with the attendant rape) or trade

since we have no real or reliable records of jesus, what appearance he had is conjecture - perhaps the one thing that is most likely is that he was not white - you are correct - a colored jesus (i.e., lily white would not be acceptable to most europeans

in parts of africa, the dead would be covered with a white coating to help them gain entry to heaven - the africans noticed that jesus, the apostles and saints were all portrayed as 'white'...

i have yet to find a 'rational' religion