Is Our Constitution Worth The Paper It's Written On?


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“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”(Amendment 10, United States Constitution)

Can anybody here explain to me how the federal government of these United States found the POWER within the rule of law to create Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Obama-Care, corporate subsidies/corporate welfare, a social welfare system, the Environmental Protection Agency, The Education Department, The Drug War, The Bureau Of Alcohol Tobacco & Fire arms, the FBI, The CIA and The Louisiana Purchase without a constitutional amendment?????

Oh! That’s right the Constitution was created to be violated and trashed, huh? Who really gives a flying fuck? Is the warranty on your car and your home owner’s Insurance policy as worthless as your national Constitution? Would you give a flying fuck if it is?
It's all on the basis of "precedent". One unconstitutional law is passed, it's challenged at the Supreme Court level, it gets through, and progressives then use that to write a more egregious law, then argue the challenge based on the previous ruling.

Or say that the first law loses in court. Progressives then re-write the law to address specific issues outlined in the ruling, but it's still unconstitutional. Maybe then it's challenged and they use the ruling in the first case to argue the second case.

And so on and so on, a progression.

Add in the concept of "separation of powers" which is what Roberts did to give his seal of approval on ObamaCare. The concept here is that the SCOTUS doesn't have the authority to overrule the wishes of the other two branches.

Both tactics are pure bullshit, but progressives have found a way to make them legit.
the general powers delegated to our federal Congress are to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States.

a better question is, where did our federal Congress obtain the delegated power to provide the general warfare or the common offense.
stare decisis is perhaps the the worst precedent to ever come out of the courts.

On some level, I have to agree with you... just because it was done a certain way in the past does not make it correct.

On a different level, we need a certain level of consistency in our nation to be able to conduct business or our personal lives.

I think a modified rule of Stare Decisis, one that allows changes, just slowly.
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”(Amendment 10, United States Constitution)

Can anybody here explain to me how the federal government of these United States found the POWER within the rule of law to create Social Security, NOPE
Medicare/Medicaid, NOPE
Obama-Care, NOPE
corporate subsidies/corporate welfare, COMMERCE
a social welfare system, NOPE
the Environmental Protection Agency, COMMERCE
The Education Department, NOPE
The Drug War, NOPE
The Bureau Of Alcohol Tobacco & Fire arms, COMMMERCE
and The Louisiana Purchase without a constitutional amendment?????TREATIES

Oh! That’s right the Constitution was created to be violated and trashed, huh? Who really gives a flying fuck? Is the warranty on your and your home owner’s Insurance policy as worthless as your national Constitution? Would you give a flying fuck if it is?
see above
Can anybody here explain to me how the federal government of these United States found the POWER within the rule of law to create...

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises,

to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States;

but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Why do you believe our federal Congress can not legislate public policies which provide for the general welfare?
It's all on the basis of "precedent". One unconstitutional law is passed, it's challenged at the Supreme Court level, it gets through, and progressives then use that to write a more egregious law, then argue the challenge based on the previous ruling.

Or say that the first law loses in court. Progressives then re-write the law to address specific issues outlined in the ruling, but it's still unconstitutional. Maybe then it's challenged and they use the ruling in the first case to argue the second case.

And so on and so on, a progression.

Add in the concept of "separation of powers" which is what Roberts did to give his seal of approval on ObamaCare. The concept here is that the SCOTUS doesn't have the authority to overrule the wishes of the other two branches.

Both tactics are pure bullshit, but progressives have found a way to make them legit.

Where do we find in the Constitution the "power of precedent" and the constitutional Supreme Court mandate to abide by a “precedent system” of jurisprudence?

If the “separation of powers” denies power of the Court to overturn blatantly unconstitutional legislation from the other two branches of government, i. e. Obama-Care, by what process does progressivism intend that unconstitutional legislation be held in check?

Relative to the title of this thread should I put you down as a “maybe?”
the general powers delegated to our federal Congress are to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States.

a better question is, where did our federal Congress obtain the delegated power to provide the general warfare or the common offense.

From the State's ratification of our Constitution. It's a collective agreement. It's like agreeing to and signing any contract of guarantee. Get it Nancy?
On some level, I have to agree with you... just because it was done a certain way in the past does not make it correct.

On a different level, we need a certain level of consistency in our nation to be able to conduct business or our personal lives.

I think a modified rule of Stare Decisis, one that allows changes, just slowly.

The "modified rule" already exist! It's called "AMENDMENT PROCESS."
Why do you believe our federal Congress can not legislate public policies which provide for the general welfare?

What gives you the impression that I believe they can't? The "GENERAL WELFARE" is the powers enumerated in the Constitution. The Congress has the "constitutional power" to legislate accordingly, but not beyond.
corporate subsidies/corporate welfare, COMMERCE

So in your world “regulating commerce” is handing over taxpayer’s money and special tax breaks to private corporations, right? That wouldn’t be ”REGULATING” that would be ”ENABLING/PROVIDING FOR”. The “FOR” is CAMPAIGN DONATIONS i. e. QUID-PRO-QUO BRIBERY.

the Environmental Protection Agency, COMMERCE

What “commerce” is involved in “protecting the environment?”

The Bureau Of Alcohol Tobacco & Fire arms, COMMMERCE

Then why is the BTF a separate and independent unit of government? Shouldn’t it be under the superior direction of and part of the Commerce Department?


Then why is the FBI a separate and independent part of government? Why is the FBI involved in all kinds of crimes other than commerce issues? Why isn’t the FBI part of the Commerce Department and only involved in issues concerning commerce?


Then why is the CIA a separate and independent part of government? Why isn’t the CIA part of Army or Navy or combined military intelligence?

and The Louisiana Purchase without a constitutional amendment?????TREATIES

Where in the Constitution do we find the power of the federal government to purchase property by treaty without constitutional amendment?

Jefferson understood but ignored the fact that he had no constitutional power to make the Louisiana Purchase. But he had a sympathetic and partisan majority in the Congress so they together avoided constitutional decorum and simply violated the Constitution by the purchase without amending the Constitution, read “The Art Of Power” by Jon Meacham
What gives you the impression that I believe they can't? The "GENERAL WELFARE" is the powers enumerated in the Constitution. The Congress has the "constitutional power" to legislate accordingly, but not beyond.

So, why not complain more about public policies which provide for the general warfare and the common offense, instead?
So, why not complain more about public policies which provide for the general warfare and the common offense, instead?

Because I have no problem with the Congress providing for the ACTUAL "General Welfare" as enumerated in the Constitution and the National "offense" is a major and often complaint of mine, pay attention!
Every tax break comes with strings attached at least until BO came along
EPA impacts of commercial avtivity where groundwater does not recognize state borders
BTF better to depolitidize it
CIA used to be could return Pentagon would loe that
LAND whats wrong with growth ? Treaties is good enough.

So in your world “regulating commerce” is handing over taxpayer’s money and special tax breaks to private corporations, right? That wouldn’t be ”REGULATING” that would be ”ENABLING/PROVIDING FOR”. The “FOR” is CAMPAIGN DONATIONS i. e. QUID-PRO-QUO BRIBERY.

What “commerce” is involved in “protecting the environment?”

Then why is the BTF a separate and independent unit of government? Shouldn’t it be under the superior direction of and part of the Commerce Department?

Then why is the FBI a separate and independent part of government? Why is the FBI involved in all kinds of crimes other than commerce issues? Why isn’t the FBI part of the Commerce Department and only involved in issues concerning commerce?

Then why is the CIA a separate and independent part of government? Why isn’t the CIA part of Army or Navy or combined military intelligence?

Where in the Constitution do we find the power of the federal government to purchase property by treaty without constitutional amendment?

Jefferson understood but ignored the fact that he had no constitutional power to make the Louisiana Purchase. But he had a sympathetic and partisan majority in the Congress so they together avoided constitutional decorum and simply violated the Constitution by the purchase without amending the Constitution, read “The Art Of Power” by Jon Meacham
Every tax break comes with strings attached at least until BO came along
EPA impacts of commercial avtivity where groundwater does not recognize state borders
BTF better to depolitidize it
CIA used to be could return Pentagon would loe that
LAND whats wrong with growth ? Treaties is good enough.

So in your world “regulating commerce” is handing over taxpayer’s money and special tax breaks to private corporations, right? That wouldn’t be ”REGULATING” that would be ”ENABLING/PROVIDING FOR”. The “FOR” is CAMPAIGN DONATIONS i. e. QUID-PRO-QUO BRIBERY.

What “commerce” is involved in “protecting the environment?”

Then why is the BTF a separate and independent unit of government? Shouldn’t it be under the superior direction of and part of the Commerce Department?

Then why is the FBI a separate and independent part of government? Why is the FBI involved in all kinds of crimes other than commerce issues? Why isn’t the FBI part of the Commerce Department and only involved in issues concerning commerce?

Then why is the CIA a separate and independent part of government? Why isn’t the CIA part of Army or Navy or combined military intelligence?

Where in the Constitution do we find the power of the federal government to purchase property by treaty without constitutional amendment?

Jefferson understood but ignored the fact that he had no constitutional power to make the Louisiana Purchase. But he had a sympathetic and partisan majority in the Congress so they together avoided constitutional decorum and simply violated the Constitution by the purchase without amending the Constitution, read “The Art Of Power” by Jon Meacham
Every tax break comes with strings attached at least until BO came along
EPA impacts of commercial avtivity where groundwater does not recognize state borders
BTF better to depolitidize it
CIA used to be could return Pentagon would loe that
LAND whats wrong with growth ? Treaties is good enough.

So in your world “regulating commerce” is handing over taxpayer’s money and special tax breaks to private corporations, right? That wouldn’t be ”REGULATING” that would be ”ENABLING/PROVIDING FOR”. The “FOR” is CAMPAIGN DONATIONS i. e. QUID-PRO-QUO BRIBERY.

What “commerce” is involved in “protecting the environment?”

Then why is the BTF a separate and independent unit of government? Shouldn’t it be under the superior direction of and part of the Commerce Department?

Then why is the FBI a separate and independent part of government? Why is the FBI involved in all kinds of crimes other than commerce issues? Why isn’t the FBI part of the Commerce Department and only involved in issues concerning commerce?

Then why is the CIA a separate and independent part of government? Why isn’t the CIA part of Army or Navy or combined military intelligence?

Where in the Constitution do we find the power of the federal government to purchase property by treaty without constitutional amendment?

Jefferson understood but ignored the fact that he had no constitutional power to make the Louisiana Purchase. But he had a sympathetic and partisan majority in the Congress so they together avoided constitutional decorum and simply violated the Constitution by the purchase without amending the Constitution, read “The Art Of Power” by Jon Meacham
Every tax break comes with strings attached at least until BO came along

The strings are campaign donations and promises of lobbying jobs whenever the bribery artist decide to leave the Congress.
EPA impacts of commercial avtivity where groundwater does not recognize state borders

Horseshit! Technically the EPA, BATF & FBI are supposedly subdivisions of the Justice Department. However, they’ve come to operate as independent Departments of government whereby the right hand knows not what the left hand is doing and thereby the right hand denies responsibility therefore. There’s no constitutional authority for those bureaus to operate as independent Departments.
CIA used to be could return Pentagon would loe that

Does anybody actually know for sure where the CIA’s or the NSA’s loyalties, attachment and responsibilities belong? Are they technically National Defense? How about Justice? Seems nobody actually knows for sure. Does the armed forces or the Justice Department have a clue what those people are doing? Seems not! Are they actually independent Departments? If they are and they sure as hell operate as such and there is no constitutional authority as such for them to even exist.
LAND whats wrong with growth ? Treaties is good enough.

“GOOD ENOUGH” never “IS!” What’s wrong with growth? Nothing as long as it’s achieved constitutionally. The Louisiana Purchase was unconstitutionally made an amendment was required but ignored.

How much of your auto warranty, your homeowner’s policy, your healthcare policy and your auto insurance policy is “GOOD ENOUGH” for the sellers thereof to ignore? The Constitution is your written guarantee of individual liberty and limited government.
So the point of another Classic Liberal thread is to rant and whine. Things are so awful here that one has to wonder how and why Libertarians don't move to the African Continent and start their own country? They could call it New Liberia!!!

So I have a question for you; do you have a solution to this terrible nations plight away from the Constitution? Or do you just come here to whine and rant because your life is THAT pathetic?