Is Ron Paul a racist?

Let's hear all the Ron supporters put the spin on things here.

Dude, are you f*cking kidding???

There have been a thousand posts on this topic. We don't need you to come here and flame on it.

How about go tell us again how the VP breaks the tie on the Supreme Court which has 9 justices.
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oh I'm sorry cowacko. I should have just magically known what goes down in the supreme court instead of trying to get answers.(Which no one gave and I had to look it up myself. Thanks assholes) I already said I was wrong douche. Why you trying to start shit with me? And I'm not on here all the time like some loser so I'm not going to look around for an old thread with 100 replies and read them all and draw some conclusion.
oh I'm sorry cowacko. I should have just magically known what goes down in the supreme court instead of trying to get answers.(Which no one gave and I had to look it up myself. Thanks assholes) I already said I was wrong douche. Why you trying to start shit with me? And I'm not on here all the time like some loser so I'm not going to look around for an old thread with 100 replies and read them all and draw some conclusion.

I did not see you state you were wrong so I apologize.

There have been dozens of threads and hundreds and hundreds of posts regarding Ron Paul and is he a racist on this board in the past several weeks.

The way you phrased your comment was that you believe he is a racist. You can very easily look back and find threads where these discussions took place and find your answer.
oh I'm sorry cowacko. I should have just magically known what goes down in the supreme court instead of trying to get answers.(Which no one gave and I had to look it up myself. Thanks assholes) I already said I was wrong douche. Why you trying to start shit with me? And I'm not on here all the time like some loser so I'm not going to look around for an old thread with 100 replies and read them all and draw some conclusion.

May I ask how old you are King Raw? For almost all on this board the number of Supreme Court justices is something basic we learned in school or just from following the news. Maybe you are young and have not reached that area in your studies yet?
May I ask how old you are King Raw? For almost all on this board the number of Supreme Court justices is something basic we learned in school or just from following the news. Maybe you are young and have not reached that area in your studies yet?

Lol. I like how a thread chock full of supposedly smart people didn't say a damn thing about it until I brought it up.
Depends on what you mean by racist. Whites are considered racist if they do not agree with policies of discrimination against other whites. Given this warped state of things, he probably would be considered one.

Maybe New York should be renamed Lazyopolis.
All I really know about him..........

is that he was a Air Force flight Surgeon,congressman(not very well known),libertarian,means well but is mis-placed on his policies...Is he a racist? I don't think so...but I don't know him personally...does anyone here?
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Well elbeefy and obowhateverho..

since you both know him personally...Is he a racist or not? Show proof(either way) inquiring minds would like to know! or not!:D
"May I ask how old you are King Raw? For almost all on this board the number of Supreme Court justices is something basic we learned in school or just from following the news. Maybe you are young and have not reached that area in your studies yet?"

Dude, that's bs. Hardly anyone cares enough to remember how many people are in the supreme court. That'd be like you not knowing how many electoral points are in Nevada in an election and me making fun of you for it. By saying that it's common knowledge that everyone should have known since middle school, you just insulted about 95% of americans. Just ask some random people that aren't teachers how many people are in the supreme court. Most of them won't know.