Is Scott Walker walking the walk?


Shaken, not stirred!
Well, Scott Walker and Wisconsin has become an ideological focal point for the GOP and the Dems. One of the many battle cries for Walker supporters is that he's doing so well for the people economically. Well, let's take a look at that assertion:

This month: Down
Updated: Thursday, April 19th, 2012 | By James B. Nelson

The up-and-down pattern of the state's monthly jobs report continued in March 2012. This time, the numbers took a dip, showing Wisconsin lost an estimated 4,300 private sector jobs.

Additionally, the state Department of Workforce Development revised up by 2,100 the number of jobs added in February. The new report says that there were 6,100 jobs added in that month.

We are using the monthly numbers to measure progress by Gov. Scott Walker on achieving his top campaign promise: The state adding 250,000 private sector jobs by the end of his four-year term.

The monthly jobs numbers are preliminary estimates and are compiled by survey data.

The new report puts state private-sector employment at 2,329,500, compared with 2,323,600 when Walker took office -- an increase of 5,900 jobs. That leaves the governor with 244,100 jobs left to reach 250,000.

Walker has taken a love-hate approach to the monthly jobs numbers. He has celebrated increases with news conferences and television ads. And when they"ve declined, members of his administration have criticized the figures as being sloppy.

This month, the administration put an entirely new spin on the numbers.

For the first time, they discussed an indicator called Help Wanted OnLine, compiled by the Conference Board, a national business organization. That indicator, state economists said, suggests that the job numbers will increase for the month of April.

This promise remains In the Works.

(Editor's note: An earlier version of this item used March numbers from 2011 instead of 2012. It has been corrected to reflect a net increase of 5,900 jobs instead of 12,000 jobs, and 244,100 jobs left to reach 250,000.


since he took office and enacted his program "Wisconsin has lost more jobs...than any other state", according to Craig Gilbert of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. What follows is an analysis of Scott Walker's economic performance. The figures below are all seasonally adjusted, all statistics courtesy of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

1) Total Jobs: "In Gov. Walker’s first 13 months (using December 2010 as the baseline), the state lost 8,500 non-farm jobs. That was worst among the 50 states. Only four other states experienced a net decrease in that time. If you take the most recent 12 months -- January 2011 to January 2012 – the state lost 12,500 non-farm jobs, also worst in the nation, a fact Democrats have seized on."

2) Government jobs: "Wisconsin shed 14,500 public-sector jobs during Walker’s first thirteen months. That was the fifth-biggest decrease among 50 states in terms of total jobs lost, and the second biggest decrease in percentage terms (3.5%) after Texas."

3) Private-sector jobs. "In Walker’s first year in office (ending last December), Wisconsin had the 49th worst record for private-sector job growth, losing 9,700 jobs. But preliminary January numbers released last week were the best of any month so far of the Walker tenure: private-sector jobs rose by 15,700. That now puts the state in the positive column for net private job growth during the governor’s first 13 months, with 6,000 jobs added. Still, it’s a long way from the governor’s campaign promise of 250,000 new private-sector jobs during his first term. It also places the state 36th among the 50 states in private-sector job growth since Walker took office..."

4) Wisconsin’s performance compared to the nation. "The state has lagged substantially behind the national pace in private-sector job growth..."

So if Walker survives the recall, it's going to be REAL interesting to see all those unemployed Wisconsinites dance for joy, and watch the national GOP try to overlook the financial failure of Walker's neocon/teabagger agenda.
Well, Walker holds onto his job. It's going to be REAL interesting to see who Wisconsinites are going to blame two years from now if the policies shown in the OP continue to expand. Like the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for.

Good luck,'re going to need it.
Lol more Libtard crying. Hillarious

Poor little Dude...proudly braying the party line of the neocon/teabagger of victory in voting against their own best interests.

I don't live in Wisconsin, toodles. Thank God, because as the OP demonstrates Walker is NOT delivering as promised (at least not to those who aren't in the Koch brothers tax bracket). Carry on.
Poor little Dude...proudly braying the party line of the neocon/teabagger of victory in voting against their own best interests.

voting against their own best interests???

Yeah, sure.....we were all looking forward to paying higher taxes so those state workers could cash bigger paychecks, get more time off, retire with even more obscene
pensions and get free heathcare for them and their families for the rest of their lives........we don't eating baloney and stale bread one more day a week.....
not when it serves such a good purpose....

Poor Taichiliberal.....
voting against their own best interests???

Yeah, sure.....we were all looking forward to paying higher taxes so those state workers could cash bigger paychecks, get more time off, retire with even more obscene

To date, neither you or any other neocon/teabagger toadie can provide bonafide, fact based proof that will stand up to scrutiny in the light of day that teacher salaries and pensions were the SOLE cause of Wisconsin's economic woes. Ask yourself this: if that were the case, then why did Walker initially spare the pensions of the police and firemen for their support? If pensions are the evil, then why not go after ALL pensions a'la collective bargaining rights?

pensions and get free heathcare for them and their families for the rest of their lives........we don't eating baloney and stale bread one more day a week.....
not when it serves such a good purpose....

WTF are you babbling about? Please provide proof of your statement....and you do realize that you pay TAXES on your pension income, don't you? Sheesh, least try to be sober before you type.

Poor Taichiliberal.....

Well I would appreciate the sentiment if I were a Wisconsinte....but I'm not. Save your pity for them, because if Walker continues as the OP information suggests, they're going to need it!
So now we know who Mitts runing mate will be?

Nah, even Walker acknowledged that Romney's going to have to work for those votes from Wisconsin. In the current neocon/teabagger atmosphere, you don't step out of line with the party propaganda one inch, least you incur the wrath of Rove and the Koch Bros.
Poor little Dude...proudly braying the party line of the neocon/teabagger of victory in voting against their own best interests.

I don't live in Wisconsin, toodles. Thank God, because as the OP demonstrates Walker is NOT delivering as promised (at least not to those who aren't in the Koch brothers tax bracket). Carry on.

1) He has been in office for 13 months. About 80-90% of the time in office he has been met with State Democrats hiding in Illinois, mass union protests because he wanted them to pay their fair share and a massive recall effort.

2) His efforts are working. The state budget is in far better shape than it was, he has made the state friendlier to business (you know, those things that hire people). He has helped many cities/districts to clean up their public union problems.

A side note: if the union members loved their unions so much... why are so many of the public union workers now leaving the unions?
Yeah, that really helps people.

Yeah, it did. Cities are cutting costs, public union workers are keeping their jobs, taxpayers are not going to have to take further hits to pay for the healthcare/benes of public union workers, union workers are now free to opt out of paying dues.
At least he stuck it to the unions.

You do realize that if it were not for labor unions, all the little perks and expectations that you take for granted in the work place would either be severely limited or non-existent, don't you?

I strongly urge you to do a refresher coarse on the history of the Labor Movement in America. Interesting stuff.
You do realize that if it were not for labor unions, all the little perks and expectations that you take for granted in the work place would either be severely limited or non-existent, don't you?

I strongly urge you to do a refresher coarse on the history of the Labor Movement in America. Interesting stuff.

And if it wasn't for you mother's teat and her milk , you would have starved to death long ago....

does that prove we STILL require that teat....?

No one denies the unions of the past served a useful and necessary, they are mostly used to squeeze more money
from taxpayers that don't have enough for themselves and their families needs.....
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Poor little Dude...proudly braying the party line of the neocon/teabagger of victory in voting against their own best interests.

I don't live in Wisconsin, toodles. Thank God, because as the OP demonstrates Walker is NOT delivering as promised (at least not to those who aren't in the Koch brothers tax bracket). Carry on.

1) He has been in office for 13 months. About 80-90% of the time in office he has been met with State Democrats hiding in Illinois, mass union protests because he wanted them to pay their fair share and a massive recall effort.

They PAY INTO THEIR PENSIONS, son. They're also TAXED when then start collecting on them. The recall option is in the Wisonsin law, you know. And stop exaggerating the time regarding the Dem protests by staying out of state, would ya please?

2) His efforts are working. The state budget is in far better shape than it was, he has made the state friendlier to business (you know, those things that hire people). He has helped many cities/districts to clean up their public union problems.

Translation: corporations have wanted to put an end to unions ever since they became's not so much friendly as , "now we have our way". Given the number of teachers layed off, the budget is only in better shape because you have LESS people to pay. So unemployment goes up, but the "budget" is sound? And let's have some documentation on that cleaning up of unions, because he sure as hell left the cops and firemen alone.

A side note: if the union members loved their unions so much... why are so many of the public union workers now leaving the unions?

Maybe because as unemployment rises and now collective bargaining is targeted to die and COLA rises?
Originally Posted by Rana
Yeah, that really helps people.

Yeah, it did. Cities are cutting costs, public union workers are keeping their jobs, taxpayers are not going to have to take further hits to pay for the healthcare/benes of public union workers, union workers are now free to opt out of paying dues.

Public union workers are keeping their jobs? Do you know how many teachers have been laid off in Wisconsin lately?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You do realize that if it were not for labor unions, all the little perks and expectations that you take for granted in the work place would either be severely limited or non-existent, don't you?

I strongly urge you to do a refresher coarse on the history of the Labor Movement in America. Interesting stuff.
And if it wasn't for you mother's teat and her milk , you would have starved to death long ago....

does that prove we STILL require that teat....?

No one denies the unions of the past served a useful and necessary, they are mostly used to squeeze more money
from taxpayers that don't have enough for themselves and their families needs.....

You keep repeating this drivel, and time and again I've asked you to provide PROOF of your assertions. To date, you can't.

LAWS are put in place to prevent present and future abuse of the citizenry. Perhaps you haven't heard in the last 50 years of local police and the Feds across the country busting "sweatshops", or companies using illegal aliens...paying below minimum wage, not providing adequate health and safety conditions at the work place. These are the things that UNIONS help create and GUARANTEE for the average American in the work place.

Is there corruption in some unions? Yep, that's why you have RICCO and the FBI.