Is Scott Walker walking the walk?

Right. Like making it harder to make an obscene profit by disenfranchising their workers through low wages and shitty benefits. Oh, the evils of unions...


What's an obscene profit?

The workers can leave if they feel that way. It's called freedom. The right to choose.
Right. 'Freedom'.

There's one job for every four who need one in the current economy.

What's your next talking point? :D

Not where I live. Of course we don't have a lot of taxes, and regulations chasing away obscene profiteers who are giving jobs to the disenfranchised workers down here like you probably do. We also have a lower cost of living that can occur when unions, and big gov't are kept at bay.

Me and my family are eating ribeyes tonight. ($3.99LB) I hope these people who live in the union states don't move down here and screw things up like they have where they live.
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Not where I live. Of course we don't have a lot of taxes, and regulations chasing away obscene profiteers who are giving jobs to the disenfranchised workers down here like you probably do. We also have a lower cost of living that can occur when unions, and big gov't are kept at bay.

Me and my family are eating ribeyes tonight. ($3.99LB) I hope these people who live in the union states don't move down here and screw things up like they have where they live.

Texas has very high taxes in my opinion, we have been looking at retirement living and Texas' taxes are crazy!
Texas has very high taxes in my opinion, we have been looking at retirement living and Texas' taxes are crazy!

You're Kidding. Compared to what other states.

I hate our tax and spend repulican law makers here in Texas, but I'm at a loss in knowing how many other states make Texas look like NY, or like minded states.
You're Kidding. Compared to what other states.

I hate our tax and spend repulican law makers here in Texas, but I'm at a loss in knowing how many other states make Texas look like NY, or like minded states.

Alaska's property taxes are almost as high, and we don't pay a sales tax, and like Texas, we don't have an income tax.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The last four words of your first sentence here is precisely the problem, my Libertarian lunkhead....YOU DON'T KNOW WTF YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.

Like I said, do your homework on the Labor movement in America, and stop blowing smoke.
My biggest problem with public unions is they contribute money to politicians that want a bigger government, less freedom, and make doing business a lot more harder than it should be.

What ever unions were at the start, they're not now.

Maybe "you" should look more closely at history.

Once again, our libertarian lunkhead AVOIDS a direct challenge to his historical ignorance and continues to try and replace facts and logic with his opinion, supposition and conjecture. The chronology of the posts shows Liberty is just blowing smoke as usual
Not where I live. Of course we don't have a lot of taxes, and regulations chasing away obscene profiteers who are giving jobs to the disenfranchised workers down here like you probably do. We also have a lower cost of living that can occur when unions, and big gov't are kept at bay.

Me and my family are eating ribeyes tonight. ($3.99LB) I hope these people who live in the union states don't move down here and screw things up like they have where they live.

Yeah, you got yours so fuck everyone else, right Liberty? Texas is a deplorable state when it comes to education, economy, (unemployment, pay scale for the working class, etc.). The schism between the haves and the have nots in Texas is a banner example of the neocon /teabagger vision for the country...and the majority of the people don't want it. Small wonder jokers like Liberty blindly back Walker. If Walker had been honest about his agenda in his campaign, he would most likely NOT been elected.

Oh, and your steak dinner price is attributable to the fact that your in cattle country, you moron! Just like cherries are cheaper in states that grow them. so stop trying to allude to your neocon/teabagger/lunkhead libertarian gov't/economic policies as being the reason.