Is the GOP listening? They should be...

Ron just doesn't get it either. People are not looking for differant directions or ideology. They want sound effective goverment that respects our individual rights and liberties.

You're right in the sense that people are not, by the millions, asking for less government and more liberty. But those who want the government to respect individual rights should realize that history has demonstrated that the bigger government gets, the more a threat it becomes to the rights of the individual; the larger government gets, the more it tends to demand from the individual.
Strange that a lot of those that cliam to be for smaller government and govt intervention screamed loudly for the bailout.
Strange that a lot of those that cliam to be for smaller government and govt intervention screamed loudly for the bailout.

The GOP has definitely been guilty of that. I also think that (someone correct me if I'm wrong) Reason Magazine/Cato institute came out and said "there's just no choice" about the bailout.

That said, most libertarians who I read have been consistently against the bailout. I've always supported eliminating corporate welfare way before cutting individual welfare.
Reposted for Mott's incompetent ass.

Again, you dont' get it but as a reactionary extremist that surprises no one.

McCain is as close as it gets to a true conservative. Now for a reactionary extremist, like you, who wrongly considers themselves a conservative I know that's hard to swallow, but facts are facts.
Wrong on all counts. According to a far right extremist, like you, a left of center moderate, like Obama, would seem to be a far left liberal.

McCain lost this election because American wised up and has rejected the far right extremism that you and the Republican party represents.
How's that gay marriage thing in California doing for you? :rolleyes:
Common sense should prevail over research?

500 years ago common sense said the world was flat.

200 years ago common sense said white men had a manifest destiny to expand as far as they could.

100 years ago common sense said that women should not have a vote.

50 years ago common sense said that different races should remain separate.

When people learn to accept that change is inevitable, they will be more comfortable with the changes that happen whether they like it or not.

Banning gay marriage is a temporary thing at best. Gay marriage WILL happen. The only thing that you can do now is bang you head against the wall and complain.

Common sense never said any of those things. You made it all up.
I mean, only 130 million people showed up to vote on Nov. 4. It set a record for the number of votes in a presidential race ever, but really people just stayed home. That's why he lost.
BHO got 2.5% more votes that GWB did in '04. The population of the US grew by 3.5% in that same time period. Micky lost because he was nit a conservative.
SoutherMoron, the percent that the population grew has nothing to do with the percentage that he won by. Those are unrelated figures.

The population always grows to some degree. Unless you think the population grew disproportionally democratic, then you're a moron.
Again, you dont' get it but as a reactionary extremist that surprises no one.

McCain is as close as it gets to a true conservative. Now for a reactionary extremist, like you, who wrongly considers themselves a conservative I know that's hard to swallow, but facts are facts.

I am not reactionary or extreme. You certainly tend to be both. McCain is a moderate at best, some would argue he is a conservative liberal. It almost pains the man to take a truly conservative position. As I said, if you want to go down the lengthy list of McCain's "accomplishments" we can do that, and we will see a clear pattern of McCain bucking his traditional party position, to work in 'bipartisan' efforts with the other side... it's how he earned the "maverick" nickname.

In your MSNBC Keith Olberman world, McCain is probably a right wing extremist, no doubt... but that is a testament to your lack of objectivity, not McCain's political record. And the "facts" are a matter of public record.
SoutherMoron, the percent that the population grew has nothing to do with the percentage that he won by. Those are unrelated figures.

The population always grows to some degree. Unless you think the population grew disproportionally democratic, then you're a moron.
It does, usually proportionately, account for a rise in voter numbers. Reality is, this election had a rise above the percentage of population increase because there were numbers who were excited that otherwise would not have been.
SoutherMoron, the percent that the population grew has nothing to do with the percentage that he won by. Those are unrelated figures.

The population always grows to some degree. Unless you think the population grew disproportionally democratic, then you're a moron.

Along with your insult all I see here is your lack of reading comprehension.
I am not reactionary or extreme. You certainly tend to be both. McCain is a moderate at best, some would argue he is a conservative liberal. It almost pains the man to take a truly conservative position. As I said, if you want to go down the lengthy list of McCain's "accomplishments" we can do that, and we will see a clear pattern of McCain bucking his traditional party position, to work in 'bipartisan' efforts with the other side... it's how he earned the "maverick" nickname.

In your MSNBC Keith Olberman world, McCain is probably a right wing extremist, no doubt... but that is a testament to your lack of objectivity, not McCain's political record. And the "facts" are a matter of public record.

ROTFLMAO!!!!! WAHAHAHAHAHA Dixie is accusing me of lacking objectivity! WAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!

As a famous ex President once said...."There you go again."

When you say "truely conservative position" you really mean "Right wing reactionary position".

McCain earned the "Maverick" name by bucking the right wing extremist of his party and you know what? McCain may have lost the Presidential election but he will probably go down in history as the savior of the Republican party and TRUE CONSERVATIVE.
Mott some of your perceptions are seriously warped.

McCain was not particularly conservative. I won't go so far as to argue that this is why he lost the election, but it's ridiculous to frame this as a victory of liberalism over conservatism.