Is the time of Liberty at hand?

You know what slime ball, we all learned right from wrong as a child. Wrong NEVER becomes right, just because your beloved corporations do it. I have no problem with people making money, lots of it, as long as it done in an honest and ethical way. 30 page credit card applications are designed to make UNethical 'lawful' is called regulatory capture. Corporate lawyers are given the pen by corrupt lawmakers to write laws that are rigged for their benefit.

For all your self righteousness about lies and honesty, you are nothing but a right wing SCUM BAG. You have two sets of rules. One for the opulent you worship, and one for the common man, the hard working people that built this country. What you would lock up a poor man for, you consider 'shrewd' when your beloved corporations do it...

You know what, fuck you you little whining piece of shit. You claim to want fairness, but what you want is to screw anyone who succeeds.

I asked for us to just debate the issue, but nooooo, you have to go with all the bullshit namecalling and bullshit about what you THINK I am.

Take a hike and come back when you can act like an adult.
I told you why I had to leave college more than once. It was because of the death of my mother, a father who was terminally ill and two younger siblings that needed a parent. Yet you continue the same worn out attack and never add anything but insults. I have challenged you to debate me on economics, and you always cut & run.

What is wrong with you Topspin/Dude? It seems to me in my short years with my own parents, I was taught what you never received.

They taught you to debate with name-calling and making up shit about people you don't know?
so for decades you never got over it, excuses are for losers

you don't have the foundation to start to debate me

I've got an accounting degree , an MBA , and used that to accumulate 1MM in assets a decade faster than average.
keep crying loser
They taught you to debate with name-calling and making up shit about people you don't know?

Hey WB, what about personal responsibility? I didn't put any words in your mouth, you spew them all on your own.

You prove who and what you REALLY are with bigoted and bias comments like this:

So someone gets a credit card, buys everything in sight just because they want it, and it is the fault of the credit card companies?

THAT is not what has happened to the middle class in America. It is the exception, not the rule. American worker productivity has continued to rise, and wages continue to flat-line. THINK about America today, MORE children have parents who went through a bankruptcy than went through a divorce. This is not because of a drastic change in human nature, it is a systemic problem in America. ANY economy is measured by how the people are doing, and how many of them are doing well. In America today 1% has more wealth than the other 99%. The middle class is hurting, they are sinking, and MORONS like you push their heads down and make excuses for the real slime balls that have captured the power to be pulling the levers of government to steal, plunder and ransack hard working American families...
Wages have kept up with inflation, the higher productivity means the populus has more in it's house for less money.
Total inepness and you want to debate me or winter both college grads with years of investing.
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Only conservatism supports authoritarianism. Liberalism is the antithesis of authoritarianism. Conservatives have always tried to build some form of an aristocracy...the only thing that changes is WHO their chosen autocrats are.

Your posts indicate that people are not to be individually trusted and must therefore DEPEND on the government for al things. That is no less authoritarian than what you erroneously claim is Libertarianism.
Hey WB, what about personal responsibility? I didn't put any words in your mouth, you spew them all on your own.

You prove who and what you REALLY are with bigoted and bias comments like this:

Please tell me how any of that was bigoted???
Your posts indicate that people are not to be individually trusted and must therefore DEPEND on the government for al things. That is no less authoritarian than what you erroneously claim is Libertarianism.

That is far more authoritarian than any libertarian I have ever talked to.
so for decades you never got over it, excuses are for losers

you don't have the foundation to start to debate me

I've got an accounting degree , an MBA , and used that to accumulate 1MM in assets a decade faster than average.
keep crying loser

PROVE it. All you do is 'claim' a degree, and then ALL you do is name call. Your posts are as shallow as a drop of water on pavement, no detail, no depth, nothing that would lead anyone to believe your claims. Show me one post where you expound of economics? I have challenged you to give me your take on regulatory capture, cost externalization and stakeholders vs. don't have a CLUE what I am even talking about.

You are the biggest imbecile on this board. You thank social justice posts, and groan when that same social justice becomes economic. Suddenly, anything goes, fuck the little guy is no longer unethical.

Your brain has a major flaw, you can't make the connection between social justice and economic justice...
wha I dropped out because mommy died 20 years ago.

I cry about evil corporations

there is no bigger economic idiot on the board, at least the college students who give is a shot have some basis in reason.
the four topics you cut and memorized from dem talking are not what we talk about.
Your posts indicate that people are not to be individually trusted and must therefore DEPEND on the government for al things. That is no less authoritarian than what you erroneously claim is Libertarianism.

You know, it sounds like a great idea...a Utopia. But it is as naive as can be. It would quickly create a feudal system where the big always crush the small, the wealthy get away with whatever they want and the middle class totally disappears.

I suggest you get your head out of your ass, study history and find out how what you are calling for REALLY turns out...Start with the Gilded Age
wha I dropped out because mommy died 20 years ago.

I cry about evil corporations

there is no bigger economic idiot on the board, at least the college students who give is a shot have some basis in reason.
the four topics you cut and memorized from dem talking are not what we talk about.

The same evasive bullshit as usual. I suspect you are a POSER, a phony. The only million you have ever seen is the millions rolls of toilet paper you've change in the trailer park...
push their heads down and make excuses for the real slime balls that have captured the power to be pulling the levers of government to steal, plunder and ransack hard working American families...

AWH someones jealous of the successful. Hint all they did was what you didn't. Worked hard went to college and filled roles in corp america. You fucking traveling snake oil salesman
You know, it sounds like a great idea...a Utopia. But it is as naive as can be. It would quickly create a feudal system where the big always crush the small, the wealthy get away with whatever they want and the middle class totally disappears.

I suggest you get your head out of your ass, study history and find out how what you are calling for REALLY turns out...Start with the Gilded Age

You mean the largest expansion of the US economy in history?
push their heads down and make excuses for the real slime balls that have captured the power to be pulling the levers of government to steal, plunder and ransack hard working American families...

AWH someones jealous of the successful. Hint all they did was what you didn't. Worked hard went to college and filled roles in corp america. You fucking traveling snake oil salesman

NO, they did what I would never do. I was not raised that way. I was taught ethics and honesty. I guess you were raised by wolves, ethics and honesty have no place in the 'marketplace'...
NO, they did what I would never do. I was not raised that way. I was taught ethics and honesty. I guess you were raised by wolves, ethics and honesty have no place in the 'marketplace'...

so you think most successful people are unethicle, you are a pathetic loser. Thanks for sharing that you droupout.
You mean the largest expansion of the US economy in history?

It was also the era of gross exploitation of workers and their families. The industry standard for safety was simple. It was cheaper to replace a worker killed on the job than to improve conditions. But I guess any human consideration is irrelevant to a bunch of Pharisee.
so you think most successful people are unethicle, you are a pathetic loser. Thanks for sharing that you droupout.

I didn't say that...YOU did. Are are willing to give unethical business practices a 'pass' if it makes a lot of money?