IS the USA ready for a white christian President?

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty
I mean seriously, when are we going to allow one of them to break through the glass ceiling. Perhaps if we require him to also be straight and married then maybe he will have a chance.



I mean seriously, when are we going to allow one of them to break through the glass ceiling. Perhaps if we require him to also be straight and married then maybe he will have a chance.




I would prefer a Buddhist, or a Seikh.
Snake handling holy roller president ? (That would be entertaining)
Perhaps an Amish one who drives a buggy and won't use technology ?
Or a Jehovas witness one who bans all blood transfusions ?
Or a Primitive Baptist one who bans dancing and music ?
Snake handling holy roller president ? (That would be entertaining)
Perhaps an Amish one who drives a buggy and won't use technology ?
Or a Jehovas witness one who bans all blood transfusions ?
Or a Primitive Baptist one who bans dancing and music ?
He couldn't ban dancing, just Federal funds to all groups that might use those funds for dancing or entertainment.

And the JH could only ban Fed Funds to institutions that use the money to perform transfusions.

Get with the program here... bub.
I guess you have never heard of executive orders. Which can be of course overridden by congress if they are so inclined or have the balls...
I guess you have never heard of executive orders. Which can be of course overridden by congress if they are so inclined or have the balls...
That's what I am talking about. Those executive orders can only effect those receiving funding by the Feds. That's all. Such as most hospitals, receiving medicare funds, causes them to have to abide by the Executive order requiring free medical care to illegal immigrants....

If one receives no funding from the Feds they will remain unaffected by Executive orders.
Umm medicare, medicaid, etc ?
Um, what? I stated so above...

What do you think... "Hospitals who take fed funds like medicare and medicaid..." means?

Executive orders are not laws they are how the feds can effect you through funding. If hospitals refused to give free healthcare to the illegal immigrants uncovered by medicare or medicaid, they would simply be refused funding by the Fed Gov't for those who are covered. They would go out of business. This is how Executive orders work.
hmm it seems that executive orders have been used for other things not limited to funding ....
And hospitals that do medicaid or medicare work pretty much covers everything.
So a legal ban and an effective ban would be pretty much the same in this case.
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hmm it seems that executive orders have been used for other things not limited to funding ....
And hospitals that do medicaid or medicare work pretty much covers everything.
So a legal ban and an effective ban would be pretty much the same in this case.
Once again, the power of them comes from funding. You must be missing the point. The Executive order says, "You must give this free healthcare to people"... The way it is applied is by funding. Those hospitals will always follow the EO because they don't want to lose the Federal Funding that pays for much of their operation.

Point out an Executive order that is effectively a law, and I will point out where it is funding that is the stick that makes it possible....

Either the EO is about how the Feds operate, such as "We won't attempt to assisinate a foreign leader." (Signed by JC) or they are funding related such as the "Give free healthcare to these certain people" (Signed by BC).

Some EOs that Bush has signed are "We will not fund Federally Stem Cell Research except with these certain lines that have already been harvested." (Signed by GWB)... Another would be the way that CIA questions people, and the listening program of the NSA.. (Those are directly effecting the operation of the Executive Branch)...

See how they work now?
They do. However, in regards to the EO's it is how the Fed Gov't is run and therefore is the prerogative of the Executive.

Notice how limited it is. They cannot simply make a law, they must work with what they have. Set a Federal Executive policy, such as Medicaid funding is associated to "free healthcare for illegally immigrated people"...

There is much they can do within the limitations, but it isn't carte blanche Monarchical powers.

Such as Congress voting in a law funding Stem Cell research can override the EO of Bush stating that the funding be limited.... Laws override EOs... Unless they are on Foreign policy which is the direct power of the Executive per the Constitution.
Foreign policy can be a war, but congress has the responsibility for declaring war, per the constitution. I know that is not current reality, just the Constitution.
Foreign policy can be a war, but congress has the responsibility for declaring war, per the constitution. I know that is not current reality, just the Constitution.
Correct, however that is one specific power within the Constitution. It can also be worked around. Look at what "big stick" Roosevelt did with the Navy. When Congress decided not to fund a trip around the world he funded a trip halfway then stated, 'If you want the Navy back you'll have to pay for it.' basically forcing the Congress to fund the trip...

Checks and Balances abound, that is one of them.
I mean seriously, when are we going to allow one of them to break through the glass ceiling. Perhaps if we require him to also be straight and married then maybe he will have a chance.




Funny as thats all we have ever had!
Jarod.... you must be the mostest superest of intelligent peoples on the whole wide world to have figured that out all on your own. Congrats.