America quit being the leader of the free world because we don't produce things here like we used to. Capitalism gave the rich opportunities to move manufacturing elsewhere to make more coin. So they shafted the American people and made places like China new leaders in production.

How can American workers compete with cheap Chinese labor? What is Biden doing to fix that?
We can't be a serious global player with Trump anywhere in the picture.

Who know how many decades it will take to overcome the stigma of just one Trump term?

Electing Trump made us a global joke, because that's what a country who elects Trump HAS to be.
It can't be anything else.

We got in on us, and it won't come off that easily.
Let's hope we're not soiled forever.

Biden is known as weak and a huge fag traitor to his people.

nobody respectes globalist traitors to their own people.

this generation of globalist leaders are all basically eugenicist Nazis.
The world isn't static politically. The norm throughout history has been for either two, or three, major powers to rival each other within a sphere of influence. Post WW 2, the rivalry was the US vs. USSR. Today, it's the US v. China with Russia being a third, smaller, player. It looks like it's coming down to the US v China with Russia on China's side and a feckless Europe (aka NATO) on the US side.

The US needs leadership that has at least some clue about global politics. Biden doesn't. He's dumber than a doorknob in a dumpster on this. Trump on the other hand, is a wrecking ball much of the time. He gets global politics, at least cursorily, but has no finesse or tact working them.

In the realm of global politics, a clueless, feckless, pushover, like Biden is the worst thing a nation can have. Sure, a bombastic, bulldozer isn't the best choice, but they won't be a doormat for the rest of the world to wipe their feet on, and that is exactly what Biden is.

trump is the best choice, globalist douche-canoe.

are you still laboring under the the idiotic notion its smart to send all the jobs away?

if you cannot correct your idiot view on this, you're as dumb as Biden and way worse than trump.

what your biggest issue and why, douche?

where are you on tariffs, neocon clown?
The U.N. hates us, the EU hates us, ... all they want is our wallets and our credit cards. They are con artists and Americans are their marks.

Leader of the free world was just a military propaganda term that should have expired with the collapse of the Soviet Union. We can't even secure our Own borders.

When Pres. Trump was elected, the EU declared Angela Merkel to be the leader of the free world.

to be fair, the UN and EU are not part of the free world......