Is there a scorecard to tell which posters bat for which 'teams'?


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Is there a scorecard to tell which posters bat for which 'teams'?

I see some who post like Commies.

Some who post like Muzzies.

Some who seem like they aren't really who they pretend to be.

And some who are UFO's.

What is a UFO?

Give me your interpretation.

(This should be good. LOL)
Is there a scorecard to tell which posters bat for which 'teams'?

I see some who post like Commies.

Some who post like Muzzies.

Some who seem like they aren't really who they pretend to be.

And some who are UFO's.

What is a UFO?

Give me your interpretation.

(This should be good. LOL)

Thanks. No competition. You are the dumbest person on the forum.
It usually is apparent.
Red Team Loves them some Jesus.
Blue Team, ... can't get enough of importing Third World Labor. (claims it's good for the Environment)
What water shortage?

"Hoover Dam reservoir hits record low, in sign of extreme western U.S. drought"

"Lake Mead, formed in the 1930s from the damming of the Colorado River at the Nevada-Arizona border about 30 miles (50 km) east of Las Vegas, is the largest reservoir in the United States. It is crucial to the water supply of 25 million people including in the cities of Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson and Las Vegas."

Blue Team claims by bringing in millions of people, that the Reservoir can be refilled.
"Hoover Dam reservoir hits record low, in sign of extreme western U.S. drought"

"Lake Mead, formed in the 1930s from the damming of the Colorado River at the Nevada-Arizona border about 30 miles (50 km) east of Las Vegas, is the largest reservoir in the United States. It is crucial to the water supply of 25 million people including in the cities of Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Tucson and Las Vegas."

Blue Team claims by bringing in millions of people, that the Reservoir can be refilled.

That's right!They can pee in the reservoir!
when you learn enough, you can see most "teams" are part of a vast orchestrated maze, designed to confuse, befuddle, and separate us from reality and spirituality.
Is there a scorecard to tell which posters bat for which 'teams'?

I see some who post like Commies.

Some who post like Muzzies.

Some who seem like they aren't really who they pretend to be.

And some who are UFO's.

What is a UFO?

Give me your interpretation.

(This should be good. LOL)

It is one of the signs of the trauma that America is currently going through that you automatically see any discussion in terms of 'teams': the difficulty about those mesmerised by Mr Trump, I think, is that they don't know the rules of any games and consider themselves automatically 'right' in any prejudice they happen to share with a few others. The only 'teams' I can see here are a gang of drunken nutters trying to wreck the game and normal people. Some of the latter naturally get irritated and answer back in angry terms, but what do you expect? Those who wish America well do hope desperately that she lives safely through this time of mass insanity.
Is there a scorecard to tell which posters bat for which 'teams'?

I see some who post like Commies.

Some who post like Muzzies.

Some who seem like they aren't really who they pretend to be.

And some who are UFO's.

What is a UFO?

Give me your interpretation.

(This should be good. LOL)

Most of them post like teenage assholes. IMO, you'd do well to just assume they are 15 year old boys and go from there. FWIW, I don't debate minors.