Is this our next president?

Is this our next president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
And there you have it folks these Christiany right wing nutters are going to call the first female president a whore.

they call the first black president "arrogant" and racist code words.

Now it will all be PMS jokes and whore jokes.

and they wonder why their party is tanking

OMG you mean they called him arrogant? Holy shit. Say it ain't so? I can Imagine the pain and horror that must bring black folk to hear the first black president called "arrogant"

It must conjure images of the days when the democrat party formed the KKK and roamed the streets looking for "arrogants" to lynch and would scream at them "you arrogant" as they burned down their houses.
Are you sane right wingers getting it yet?

No matter WHAT you do this base will make your every move look like a lie.

They will drag you into the toilet at every turn.

If you do NOT dump these assholes by refusing to pander to their complete stupidity and racism you will be their poodle.

You have to dump their asses and SHOW GLEE in doing so.

Its either that or lose elections into perpituity
Hey Desh you ignorant little twit. You alienate Social Conservatives then you lose more than half the party, dumbass!
at least Clinton has brains

Palin has nothing to offer and cant even finish what she starts

To quote the McCain campaign preppers "she knows NOTHING".

She's lost 2 recent JPP polls.

Got any other prospective candidates?
You can start off with a guy like Bill Maher who called Palin the c-bomb and Palin and Bachmann bimbos. Who is Bill Maher's target audience? Not Republicans. He's got a lot more clout than "classic liberal" on JPP.

Desh has partisan outrage. She's not offended by women being called names she's offended when Democratic women are called names.

Maher is a libertarian!
Maher is a libertarian!

If Maher is a libertarian, I’m a combined clone of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ron Paul and God combined.

If Bill Maher is anything aside from a fucking moron he’s a leftist pig.

Anybody can claim any identity label they like, but only their actions and rhetoric prove what they really are.

Sara Palin is way, way, way, way more libertarian than Maher’s little finger.
Please run Cruz vs Clinton

That might turn out to be your worst nightmare if Obama-Care turns out to be the fucking disaster it sure as hell looks like it will be and Republicans can easily attach Clinton to everything Obama and Cruz comes out smelling like a rose as the great savior warrior opposition of all things Obama especially Obama-Care, huh Goober?

And don’t forget Goober the Obama scandals that are still ongoing of which Clinton and Bengasi are joined at the hip.
Hmm....Hillary's brains or Sarah's looks? I'll go with the brains.

Hillary has a brain? Was this before her husband cheated on her with interns, or after? Was it before she lied about Benghazi, or after she lied?

You're certainly an amusing brain dead leftist lemming.

ANY woman who stands behind a lying philandering asshat like Billy Bob cannot be mistaken for a woman with a brain. She's a rug to be walked upon.
But I never said Hillary was a “whore.” I said she looked like the perfect example of a New York whore house “Head Madam.” Who’d want to bang that ugly bitch?

Actually I think Hillary is a Lesbian and that’s why she never gave a flying fuck about Slick Willy’s love of cigars soaked in Monica Lewinsky.

Hillary Clinton is an arrogant, egotistical power mad bitch an incompetent slutty looking pig and a leftist moron.

Bumped for the truth! Bravo!
Im against anyone calling Sara Palin names such as cunt.

I will point out that nobody was ridiculing her looks when they did so, they were discussing her politics or personality. Attacking Secretary Clinton for her looks is simply silly and smacks of desperation. They did it to John Kerry and now they are doing it to Secretary Clinton.

Like it or not, she is the currently the clear front runner to be our next president. Nobody else has a better likelihood from this point in time.
Im against anyone calling Sara Palin names such as cunt.

I will point out that nobody was ridiculing her looks when they did so, they were discussing her politics or personality. Attacking Secretary Clinton for her looks is simply silly and smacks of desperation. They did it to John Kerry and now they are doing it to Secretary Clinton.

Like it or not, she is the currently the clear front runner to be our next president. Nobody else has a better likelihood from this point in time.

The worse possible political position for any political candidate to be in 3 years before an election is to be the odds on favorite. The very likely probability is Hillary won’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of ever becoming President.