Is Trump Strong, or Just Loud?

Not “conservatives”, just Republicans. All the Conservatives I know are patriotic, traditional and faithful to God, country and family. That description doesn’t apply to MAGAts.

Almost every Republican in Congress who self identifies as a conservative is a lapdog for Trump.

I think the nature of political labels changes over time.
Trump has cost the Republican Party dearly three elections in a row. A catastrophic loss in Congress to the Democrats in 2018, being fired from the presidency after one term in 2020 despite have the advantage of incumbency, and costing his party the opportunity of a red wave election in 2022.

Agreed to all but want to point out that the Midterm loss was a purposeful self-inflicted wound: Trump torpedoed any Congressional reps who didn’t toe the line and say “Sir, yes, sir!”

Almost every Republican in Congress who self identifies as a conservative is a lapdog for Trump.

I think the nature of political labels changes over time.
Correct; Emperor Trump got rid of all the “RINOs”, meaning all the true Conservatives or cowed all those who were. Regardless. There are no conservatives with a spine in Congress.
Not “conservatives”, just Republicans. All the Conservatives I know are patriotic, traditional and faithful to God, country and family. That description doesn’t apply to MAGAts.

True conservatives, like true liberals, are increasingly rarer these days. I agree -- the real conservatives that I know in real life find Trump repulsive and anathema to their principles.

Unfortunately the Republican party is no longer a party for conservatives with principles and honor. They've managed to drive out about every real conservative left, in favor of the fawning, servile, fascist MAGATs.

Likewise the Democrats don't much care for real liberals (like Bernie) either, and have shifted far too much to the right.
Trump is one of the most talented American politicians of his generation ...this man is extremely talented across multiple domains.

Don't leave it at that. What domains showcase these talents? His music?, his literary accomplishments?, his philosophical discourses?, his historical insights, medicine, perhaps?, astronomy? What??
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True conservatives, like true liberals, are increasingly rarer these days. I agree -- the real conservatives that I know in real life find Trump repulsive and anathema to their principles.

Unfortunately the Republican party is no longer a party for conservatives with principles and honor. They've managed to drive out about every real conservative left, in favor of the fawning, servile, fascist MAGATs.

Likewise the Democrats don't much care for real liberals (like Bernie) either, and have shifted far too much to the right.

Agreed about conservatives and Republicans. A slight disagreement that Liberals have to be socialists, but agreed in the direction of the Democratic Party. It seems both parties are better at pushing their own agendas than they are on serving the nation. Sad.

Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, right to private property and equality before the law.
All bullies are loud, and typically trying to hide their inherent ignorance.

trump was born on third base, and claims he hit a triple. His entire life was one of entitlement, but simply couldn't behave so he was sent off to military school.

You know that he's sub par when he refused to release his records from Fordham (threatening a lawsuit if said records 'leaked') or Wharton.

I secretly think trump's military school was just a reform school for rich kids.
- His ego requires obsequious flattery and it is the main thing he hires for and any despot world leader knows just by telling him he is smart they will be besties.
- We have never had a leader, or any person who cries victimhood as much as Trump. He is non stop whining, in a woe is me, type way
- he calls others far and other names when he is equal or worse in those areas, in much the way a bully would

There is nothing strong or that would be considered a role model for masculinity with Trump. All his traits are those of a BETA and not an alpha male.
- His ego requires obsequious flattery and it is the main thing he hires for and any despot world leader knows just by telling him he is smart they will be besties.
- We have never had a leader, or any person who cries victimhood as much as Trump. He is non stop whining, in a woe is me, type way
- he calls others far and other names when he is equal or worse in those areas, in much the way a bully would

There is nothing strong or that would be considered a role model for masculinity with Trump. All his traits are those of a BETA and not an alpha male.
Agreed on Trump, not to mention his supporters, being Betas who see themselves as victims. They blame everyone but themselves for their own unhappiness. This is easily seen on JPP by members like Earl, Legion/Lionfish, Stone, Terry, etc. A few, like Hawkeye and Sybil, are simply mentally ill. As the link below notes, people with a victim mentality can change, but it requires desire to grow a spine. The mentally ill need treatment to change.
Victimhood can become a part of a person's identity, but it is a learned behavior and can be changed. It often evolves as a defense mechanism to cope with adverse life events.

People who constantly blame other people or situations for the events in their lives have a victim mentality.
Whereas that is true, how many Conservatives refuse to denounce him publicly?

Since politics is the business of getting re-elected, you can see why they do not go up against Trump. He has the power to primary almost any red. He made life miserable for Romney. Cheney lost her position. Romney had to pay 5 K a day for protection. Trump can hurt people who stand up to him and he will.
Since politics is the business of getting re-elected, you can see why they do not go up against Trump. He has the power to primary almost any red. He made life miserable for Romney. Cheney lost her position. Romney had to pay 5 K a day for protection. Trump can hurt people who stand up to him and he will.
Since Newt, the Republican Party has been in a civil war for the soul of the party. Trump single-handily won that war for the white supremacist side and, as a result, has destroyed the GOP and put the Republican Party on a path of self-destruction.

The US in the 2020s is not the same as Germany in the 1930s. MAGAts will cause a lot of harm but wont be able to turn the US into a fascist autocracy. They’ll only succeed in getting a lot of Americans killed, fuck up the economy and prevent the US from remaining the leader of the Free World.
Trump is one of the most talented American politicians of his generation ...this man is extremely talented across multiple domains.

Think I know why you didn't follow this up when asked to elaborate. Exposing his extreme talent in even one domain would blow his cover. His base revers him for the one dimensional bully they see. If it came out he spent evenings masterfully playing Bach on the cello in the privacy of a sound proofed room at Mar-a-Lago it would be all over. Just guessing about the cello; maybe he really plays flute, maybe great music is not one of the extremely talented domains, that his gifts are in romantic poetry, astrophysics, other domains. Anyway, I get your point.
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Since politics is the business of getting re-elected, you can see why they do not go up against Trump. He has the power to primary almost any red. He made life miserable for Romney. Cheney lost her position. Romney had to pay 5 K a day for protection. Trump can hurt people who stand up to him and he will.
All because they allowed the cancer to fester. They had at least two chances to be rid of him.
Don't leave it at that. What domains showcase these talents? His music?, his literary accomplishments?, his philosophical discourses?, his historical insights, medicine, perhaps?, astronomy? What??
The Art of the Steal. He’s a very successful con man. He’s fooled people for decades.