Isaiah 53 and the christian fail

your mother's maiden name?......

The Hebrew term lashon hara (or loshon horo) "evil tongue" is the halakhic term for derogatory speech about another person.

Lashon hara differs from defamation in that its focus is on the use of true speech for a wrongful purpose, rather than falsehood and harm arising.

Speech is considered to be lashon hara (detraction) if it says something negative about a person or party, is not seriously intended to correct or improve a negative situation, and is true.

Statements that fit this description are considered to be lashon hara, regardless of the method of communication that is used, whether it is through face-to-face conversation, a letter, telephone, or email, or even body language.

Lashon hara (lit. "evil tongue") is considered to be a very serious sin in the Jewish tradition. The communicator of Lashon Hara violates the prohibition in Leviticus 19:16.

My mother's maiden name is the same as Braveheart.
The Hebrew term lashon hara (or loshon horo) "evil tongue" is the halakhic term for derogatory speech about another person.

Lashon hara differs from defamation in that its focus is on the use of true speech for a wrongful purpose, rather than falsehood and harm arising.

Speech is considered to be lashon hara (detraction) if it says something negative about a person or party, is not seriously intended to correct or improve a negative situation, and is true.

Statements that fit this description are considered to be lashon hara, regardless of the method of communication that is used, whether it is through face-to-face conversation, a letter, telephone, or email, or even body language.

Lashon hara (lit. "evil tongue") is considered to be a very serious sin in the Jewish tradition. The communicator of Lashon Hara violates the prohibition in Leviticus 19:16.

My mother's maiden name is the same as Braveheart.
why the fuck do you post irrelevant shit like this?....