Isaiah 53: The Suffering Servant

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Cutting through the distortions and mistranslations of this enigmatic text.

The 53rd chapter of Isaiah is a beautiful, poetic song, one of the four “Servant Songs” in which the prophet describes the climactic period of world history when the Messiah will arrive and the Jewish people assume the role as the spiritual leaders of humanity.

Isaiah 53 is a prophecy foretelling how the world will react when they witness Israel's salvation in the Messianic era. The verses are presented from the perspective of world leaders, who contrast their former scornful attitude toward the Jews with their new realization of Israel's grandeur. After realizing how unfairly they treated the Jewish people, they will be shocked and speechless.

While the original Hebrew text clearly refers to the Jewish people as the “Suffering Servant,” over the centuries Isaiah 53 has become a cornerstone of the Christian claim that Jesus is the Messiah. Unfortunately, this claim is based on widespread mistranslations and distortion of context.
So how did the Suffering Servant come to be associated with Jesus? After his death, the promoters of Christianity retroactively looked into the Bible and “applied” – through mistranslation and distortion of context – these biblical verses as referring to Jesus.

Missionary apologist Walter Riggans candidly admitted:

“There is no self-evident blueprint in the Hebrew Bible which can be said to unambiguously point to Jesus. Only after one has come to believe that Jesus was the Messiah, and more specifically the kind of Messiah that he is, does it all begin to make sense...” (Yehoshua Ben David, Olive Press 1995, p.155)

Interestingly, the 20th century Christian New English Bible – Oxford Study Edition (annotation on Isaiah 52:13-53:12) clearly identifies the Suffering Servant as the nation of Israel which “has suffered as a humiliated individual."
"And they made his grave with the wicked
and with a rich man in his death,
although he had done no violence,
and there was no deceit in his mouth."

Talking about Israel, the nation that commited genocide and one war campaign after another as having "done no violence"?

Talking about Israel, described all through the Bible as liars and whores as having "no deceit"?

Israel a servant of God? Jews are the spawn of Satan - Every Christian believes this, because Christians believe Jesus. Even if Jesus didn't say it, we can look at those demonic creatures and see they're of Satan.
"And they made his grave with the wicked
and with a rich man in his death,
although he had done no violence,
and there was no deceit in his mouth."

Talking about Israel, the nation that commited genocide and one war campaign after another as having "done no violence"?

Talking about Israel, described all through the Bible as liars and whores as having "no deceit"?

Israel a servant of God? Jews are the spawn of Satan - Every Christian believes this, because Christians believe Jesus. Even if Jesus didn't say it, we can look at those demonic creatures and see they're of Satan.

Jesus was a Jew
We are done here,you clearly have no idea what is written.

You're an idiot and a liar. I asked you a very simple question to expose that you had no idea of what you're talking about in making your evil claims. And, duh, you didn't answer it. You are so pathetic.
You use the Bible only when you misinterpret it.
Then when you're proven wrong
You just cuss and make a fool out of your dumb ass

I didn't use the Bible, fcktard. A fcktard used the Bible without a bit of understanding what she was doing. I've asked a simple question, What does Israel's president, Rivlin, and Jesus have in common that makes them Jews? You pathetic piece of shit, if I'm a dumb ass, why can't you answer a simple, basic question?
Then you should have no problem giving an answer to this question:

Reuven Rivlin is the Jewish president of Israel. What does Rivlin and Jesus have in common that makes them Jews?
Mark 9:45
Mark 14:45
John 20:16

Jesus is referred to by the term Rabbi, that’s about as Jewish as you get.


Learn to pronounce


  • a Jewish scholar or teacher, especially one who studies or teaches Jewish law.
    • a person appointed as a Jewish religious leader.

I didn't use the Bible, fcktard. A fcktard used the Bible without a bit of understanding what she was doing. I've asked a simple question, What does Israel's president, Rivlin, and Jesus have in common that makes them Jews? You pathetic piece of shit, if I'm a dumb ass, why can't you answer a simple, basic question?
Jesus weeps, you’re a faux Christian.
Mark 9:45
Mark 14:45
John 20:16

Jesus is referred to by the term Rabbi, that’s about as Jewish as you get.

Ignoring that Jewish president Reuven Rivlin is not called called a Rabbi, or that any teacher, regardless of religion, is called a Rabbi in the Hebrew language, you pin your whole argument on nothing but a label with no substance. Was Jesus a Roman Catholic? By your logic, he must have been, because he attended religious services led by a "priest" (BTW, Jews don't have priests, but Jesus did)., or any jewish website on the internet, says, "Jews don't believe in Jesus." If Jesus were a Jew, then Jesus doesn't believe in Jesus.