Isaiah 53: The Suffering Servant

Ignoring that Jewish president Reuven Rivlin is not called called a Rabbi, or that any teacher, regardless of religion, is called a Rabbi in the Hebrew language, you pin your whole argument on nothing but a label with no substance. Was Jesus a Roman Catholic? By your logic, he must have been, because he attended religious services led by a "priest" (BTW, Jews don't have priests, but Jesus did)., or any jewish website on the internet, says, "Jews don't believe in Jesus." If Jesus were a Jew, then Jesus doesn't believe in Jesus.

Luke 3:23-38
Ignoring that Jewish president Reuven Rivlin is not called called a Rabbi, or that any teacher, regardless of religion, is called a Rabbi in the Hebrew language, you pin your whole argument on nothing but a label with no substance. Was Jesus a Roman Catholic? By your logic, he must have been, because he attended religious services led by a "priest" (BTW, Jews don't have priests, but Jesus did)., or any jewish website on the internet, says, "Jews don't believe in Jesus." If Jesus were a Jew, then Jesus doesn't believe in Jesus.

You claiming Jesus was a Gentile?
Ignoring that Jewish president Reuven Rivlin is not called called a Rabbi, or that any teacher, regardless of religion, is called a Rabbi in the Hebrew language, you pin your whole argument on nothing but a label with no substance. Was Jesus a Roman Catholic? By your logic, he must have been, because he attended religious services led by a "priest" (BTW, Jews don't have priests, but Jesus did)., or any jewish website on the internet, says, "Jews don't believe in Jesus." If Jesus were a Jew, then Jesus doesn't believe in Jesus.
Jesus attended a service lead by a priest? You’re wacky, I need to see your proof of this. I’m laughing so hard.
Luke 3:23-38

What relevance is Luke 3 to the modern meaning of "Jew"? You zionists are so fcking stupid that you can't even put together a coherent thought, let alone an argument. Are you claiming that's Reuven Rivlin genealogy?
Cutting through the distortions and mistranslations of this enigmatic text.

The 53rd chapter of Isaiah is a beautiful, poetic song, one of the four “Servant Songs” in which the prophet describes the climactic period of world history when the Messiah will arrive and the Jewish people assume the role as the spiritual leaders of humanity.

Isaiah 53 is a prophecy foretelling how the world will react when they witness Israel's salvation in the Messianic era. The verses are presented from the perspective of world leaders, who contrast their former scornful attitude toward the Jews with their new realization of Israel's grandeur. After realizing how unfairly they treated the Jewish people, they will be shocked and speechless.

While the original Hebrew text clearly refers to the Jewish people as the “Suffering Servant,” over the centuries Isaiah 53 has become a cornerstone of the Christian claim that Jesus is the Messiah. Unfortunately, this claim is based on widespread mistranslations and distortion of context.

No....actually the "Cornerstone" of Christianity is found in Jer. 31, concerning the prophecy of a coming NEW COVENANT (the Christian Covenant) unlike the Old Law of Moses, where Jewish laws are replaced with a spiritual Kingdom that depends upon the Grace of God based upon the sacrifice of His only begotten Son...Christ Jesus, which mirrors father Abrahams faith in offering to sacrifice his own son. The Old Law was prophesied to be replaced by the Law of the Christ (the Messiah).

"Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel AND with the house of Judah....NOT ACCORDING TO THE COVENANT THAT I MADE WITH WITH THEIR FATHERS IN THE DAY I TOOK THEM BY THE HAND AND LEAD THEM OUT OF THE LAND OF EGYPT (The Law of Moses), My covenant they (Israel and Judah) broke, though I was a husband unto them, says the Lord. But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord; I will put My law into their minds; and write it on their hearts, and I will be their God and they shall be My people. No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother...saying 'KNOW THEY LORD', for they shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord; for I will forgive their iniquity and their sin I will remember no more." -- Jer. 31:31-34

Thus, it was the Almighty God Himself who stated that He would be giving Israel a new Covenant that was nothing like the old one. In fact this passage of Old Testament scriptures details exactly what Covenant would be replaced by a new the prophet Jer. points out the covenant that went into effect when Moses lead his people out of capacity from the land of Egypt...i.e., the Law of Moses. That was the time period when God gave to Israel the first 5 books of the Bible called the Torah....which is the Law of Moses. Just as pointed out in Deut. 4:7-13 Fact is.....Christianity was taught only to the nation of Biblical Israel for the first 10 years of its existence....just as promised, giving them a chance to accept the grace of God through the sacrifice of His only begotten Son, Christ Jesus. The first gentile conversion to Christianity did not take place until the Holy Spirit called the Apostle Peter to the house of Cornelius 10 years after the death of the Christ.

Does the false propaganda from someone attempting to cause division give us cause to be concerned? Not in the least. "For the Law was given through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." -- John 1:17

Question? If the nation calling itself Israel is actually the Israel of the Bible.....where is the orthodoxy? Where is the government ruled via a King appointed by God? Where is the Royal Priesthood? Where are the annual animal sacrifices? This modern Israel is doing everything except following the OLD LAW OF MOSES....its ruled via a man made government, with no Tribal ID whatsoever. I wonder if the coming Messiah will accept REFORMED JUDAISM? :dunno:

Do I still support the nation of Israel? Of course I do because it is a democratic ally of the Untied States, the closet thing to a friend in that sea of 5th century despotism. I support freedom in any format. I do not support Israel because of some mistranslated scriptures....I support Israel simply because its the Righteous thing to do. ;)
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