Isn't it time to admit that the DNC nomination process is rigged and a sham?

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Isn't it time to admit that the DNC nomination process is rigged and a sham?

Bernie beats Shrillary by 22 points with the voters, but thanks to Super Delegates invested in the status quo, Bernie gets fewer delegates.

Why bother even having votes?

Why is Bernie not yelling at the top of his lungs about the chicanery of this process?

Why no leftist media outrage?

The answer is obvious; even Bernie knows his candidacy is a sham but the Dems need to put on the show to give gullible liberals the appearance of choice.
your people have to be taken to COURT every election

you love republican cheating and LIE about this
Bernie can't scream as this was not news to him.
Perhaps you recall HRC saying she already had the nomination indicating supers.
The press wants her so they won't push this much.
Bernie's job is to get voters jazzed up enough to make the supers switch.
Not easy but given how far he has come to date, not impossible.
Give the old guy his due, he has a plan. HRC only has Bubba's retread plan.
Oh, the GOP can do the same if need be. They are just more risk averse than the donkeys.
There can be no surprized at the convention.
your people have to be taken to COURT every election

you love republican cheating and LIE about this

Ironic on a thread where the DNC handed the New Hampshire victory to Hillary over Sanders even though he beat her by 22 points.
Bernie can't scream as this was not news to him.
Perhaps you recall HRC saying she already had the nomination indicating supers.
The press wants her so they won't push this much.
Bernie's job is to get voters jazzed up enough to make the supers switch.
Not easy but given how far he has come to date, not impossible.
Give the old guy his due, he has a plan. HRC only has Bubba's retread plan.

His plan is a failure then; he didn't make ANY supers switch in New Hampshire...nor will he in any other states.

So what you are saying is that Bernie is a moron and a dupe thinking he even has a rats chance of winning ANYTHING.

Ergo the threads premise; why the sham that there is even a nomination process. Just crown Hillary and be done with it.

The 2016 Republican primaries will take place under new GOP rules designed to shorten the length of time it takes a candidate to win the presidential nomination. The 2016 Republican primary rules are an attempt by the party to avoid another drawn-out battle like the one in 2012 between Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich.

The 2012 Republican primaries began in Iowa on Jan. 3 and continued for nearly six months, until Utah held the last of the primaries in the nation on June 26.

Party rules put in place before the 2012 presidential election lengthened the amount of time it took the eventual nominee to secure the 1,144 delegates necessary for the nomination.

The rules passed by the Republican Party in early 2014 will allow the GOP to hold its nominating convention earlier in the summer of 2016. It typically met in August or early September, but is expected to convene in June.

How the 2016 Republican Primaries Will Work

The first states to hold primaries, as usual, will be Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada. Voters in those states will go to the polls in February under the party rules passed in 2014.

States that attempt to jump ahead of those four states will be punished with the loss of delegates.

States that hold their primaries between March 1 and March 14, 2016, will award their delegates on a proportional basis, meaning that no one candidate could likely win the nomination before late-voting states get to hold their primaries.

States voting on March 15, 2016, or later will award their delegates on a winner-take-all basis, meaning candidates will likely pay more attention to them.

The party believes that the new system of awarding delegates will prevent the front-loading of primaries early in the season, and offers states an incentive to hold theirs in the spring and summer instead of trying to leapfrog each other for influence and attention.

Why Long Primary Seasons Are a Problem

Drawn-out primary battles force the eventual nominee to spend too much of his time and money defending himself from attacks by members of his own party, thereby weakening the campaign before the fall election and exposing its flaws to the opposition.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus told the media the 2014 rule change will benefit the eventual presidential nominee in 2016.

"We have been saying for months that we were no longer going to sit around and allow ourselves to slice and dice for six months, participate in a circus of debates, that we were going to take hold once again of our responsibility at the Republican National Committee because we are the custodians of the nomination process," Priebus said.

The rule changes came about as part of a reform effort launched after Romney lost by a wide margin to Democrat Barack Obama in the 2012 election. Obama won a second term in the White House

There are a few points that FHQ left undiscussed -- or perhaps unclear -- when the RNC finalized their delegate selection rules on timing and allocation back at their winter meeting this past January. That was mostly by design, waiting for the clock to run out on when the party could actually make any further changes. We're still not there yet, but there are no meetings of the RNC scheduled between now and September 30 -- the deadline beyond which changes can no longer be made (see Rule 12).

With the rules governing the 2016 presidential nominations now in place at the national party level, FHQ can focus a bit more on the changes made to the rules relative to 2012. Since the DNC did little to alter their delegate selection rules from 2012, most of this will be directed at the Republican side.

The biggest thing here is to highlight the fact that the RNC had one set of rules coming out of the Tampa convention in 2012 and has altered them in the time since. Importantly, that meant changes to the combination of rules and penalties associated with the timing of delegate selection events and the method of allocating those delegates. The rules that emerged from the Tampa convention sought to remedy the problem with the 2012 rules: there were two possible violations (timing and allocation), but only one penalty. That meant that there was only one 50% reduction in a state delegation for rogue states like Florida and Arizona which not only went to early but also maintained winner-take-all allocation methods despite holding contests in the party-designated proportionality window. The RNC had one penalty, but no contingency in place for the possibility of a state violating both the timing and allocation rules. And the party did not have the ability to double penalize the states; assessing the 50% penalty twice.

The Tampa rules dealt with that, but inconsistently and ineffectively. The party added a super penalty to dissuade states from violating the timing rule and shifted the 50% penalty to allocation violations. The problem with the former was that the rule forbidding early contests (Rule 16) did not match the penalty for violating that rule (Rule 17). Rule 16 forbade contests other than Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina from holding primaries or caucuses before March 1. However, Rule 17 levied a penalty against states that would hold contests prior to the last Tuesday in February. In 2016, that difference in the calendar was a week. There was, therefore, a week in which states could hold contests and not be sanctioned by the party.

That was a problem. And one the RNC recognized.

That was the state of affairs heading into 2014. The RNC had a set of flawed delegate selection rules that it had to tweak in some way to more efficiently/effectively/ideally deter timing or allocation rules violations. The party maintained the super penalty and strengthened it to address one of the remaining issues on the timing front.1 The party also synchronized the rules and penalties for timing, squaring the March 1/last Tuesday in February loophole. The rule was a bit too specifically narrow in its first iteration. It and the penalties were tailored to hit the usual rogue suspects: Arizona, Florida and Michigan.

The thinking was that there would be a tiered penalty regime. And that most states would attempt to avoid the super penalty but that states like the offending trio above could go early -- but not too early -- and incur just the 50% delegate hit they had thumbed their noses at in 2008 and/or 2012. That loophole week between the last Tuesday in February and March 1 was designed as a landing place for rogue states. Those states would avoid the super penalty there, but because they would likely maintain winner-take-all methods of allocation, those states would incur the 50% penalty associated with an allocation violation.2

This plan proved to perhaps be too clever by half. In the process of amending the timing rules and penalties, the RNC also tweaked and simplified the allocation rules and penalties at their winter meeting last January. The changes were twofold. First, the proportionality window was squeezed into a smaller period. Instead of states with contests before April 1 having to have some element of their delegate allocation plan be proportional, that only applies to states with contests before March 15. Secondly, the applicability of the penalty was changed. The RNC tightening up the super penalty meant that the 50% penalty was no long necessary as a backstop against states willing to go too early and maintain a true winner-take-all method of allocation.

All that means is that the RNC laid out two distinct penalties; one for a timing violation and one deterring winner-take-all contests prior to March 15. Closing the last Tuesday in February/March 1 loophole cleaned that up. That left a super penalty for states willing and able to go rogue and a 50% penalty for pre-March 15 states that fail to include a proportional element to their allocation plans. Additionally, under the altered plan, states that do not comply with the proportionality requirement would have their delegates allocated to candidates proportionally automatically by the RNC at the convention. States with no proportional element to their allocation plans (and with contests before March 15) would have their at-large (statewide) delegates proportionally allocated to all candidates who received at least 10% of the vote in the primary or caucus.3 This automatic proportionalization would be in addition to the 50% penalty. Together, both penalties would seemingly and more effectively deter states from utilizing a true winner-take-all plan before March 15. No, the 50% penalty has proven less than effective as a one-off penalty over the 2008 and 2012 cycles. However, there is little to gain by stubbornly sticking to a winner-take-all allocation method if the RNC is just going to add an element of proportionality at the convention anyway.

The bottom line is that the RNC has synced it rules and penalties and has from all appearances closed any remaining loopholes in the party's delegate selection rules. States that violate the timing rule are assessed the super penalty and states that break the allocation rules are assessed a 50% penalty and automatically proportionalized by the RNC.4 The DNC rules are different. The Democrats require proportionality of all states regardless of when they hold their delegate selection events and levy a 50% delegate deduction on any state that holds a contest before the first Tuesday in March (March 1 in 2016). The trump card they can play if that 50% penalty proves an ineffective deterrent is that the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee can increase the penalty at their discretion.

1 The original super penalty treated states both differently and the same. The bigger the state, the larger the hit to the delegation. However, all states got knocked down to 12 total delegates. That meant that if a state was small enough -- or had a small enough delegation -- that the penalty ended up being less than the 50% penalty that has traditionally existed. The point of the super penalty was to be, well, super. The fix the RNC devised was to set a threshold at 30 total delegates. States with 30 or more delegates would be penalized down to 12 total delegates for a timing violation while those states with fewer than 30 delegates would have just nine left over after the penalty was assessed.

2 To reiterate, both Arizona and Florida were double violators in 2012, breaking both the timing and allocation rules. There were some issues with the Michigan allocation method that would potentially brought it under the winner-take-all regime. The RNC, then, hoped these states would be deterred by the super penalty, but not by a 50% penalty. Again, those states would have been incentivized to go early, but not too early. It would not be early enough to fundamentally disrupt the calendar.

3 One of the lessons of 2012 Republican delegate allocation rules that never seemed to sink in very well was what the true definition of "proportional" was and what that meant for allocation. Note that FHQ keeps using variations of the phrase "and element of the allocation plan has to be proportional". That is by design. States like New Hampshire can still maintain a strictly proportional allocation under the 2016 RNC rules, but that is not mandated. All states are required to do by the rules -- the bare minimum proportionality -- is to allocate their cache of at-large (statewide) delegates proportionally. That is a number of delegates that varies by state based on how loyally Republican a state has been in past votes for president, governor and overall state legislature control. The redder a state is, then, the more at-large delegates it receives. Ohio for instance is similar in (population) size but bigger than Georgia, yet the Peach state had more delegates in 2012 than did Republicans in the Buckeye state.

4 No, proportionalized is not a word. I'm making it up. Get in on the ground floor now and start using it.
your people have to be taken to COURT every election

you love republican cheating and LIE about this

So far there is no evidence whatsoever of Republican lying, (except GOP establishment candidates lying to the voters when they said they would get rid of Obamacare and control that son of a bitch.)

In 2001, the Florida Supreme Court and the ALGORE Campaign violated the 14th Amendment in a naked attempt to overturn a valid election. It took a REPUBLICAN lawsuit against those assholes to make things right.
The superdelegates makes the Democrat Nomination a complete sham.

Remember in 2008, the superdelegates were actually planning on knocking Obama out and keeping hillary.

Its a total sham. It's a way for the part elites and establishments to maintain control.
GOP Memo Admits Plan Could 'Keep Black Vote Down'

October 25, 1986|From the Washington Post

NEWARK, N.J. — A Republican National Committee official calculated that a so-called ballot security program in Louisiana "could keep the black vote down considerably," according to documents released in federal court Friday.

The documents and court hearing were the latest developments in a controversy over the GOP's ballot program that Democrats maintain is aimed at reducing minority turnout. The Republicans say the program's sole purpose is to purge ineligible voters from voting roles.

In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."
GOP Memo Admits Plan Could 'Keep Black Vote Down'

October 25, 1986|From the Washington Post

NEWARK, N.J. — A Republican National Committee official calculated that a so-called ballot security program in Louisiana "could keep the black vote down considerably," according to documents released in federal court Friday.

Exactly....verifying voter registrations and and rooting out false and fraudulent voter registrations "could keep the black vote down considerably,"

but the Democratic fraud is now protected by the courts....
Exactly....verifying voter registrations and and rooting out false and fraudulent voter registrations "could keep the black vote down considerably,"

but the Democratic fraud is now protected by the courts....
Another racist statement implying blacks commit voter fraud at a high rate.