Israel’s Two Creation Stories

This is simple ignorance of the WORD and how to rightly divide it (comprehend, understand it) -- 2 Tim. 2:15. Moses is the author indeed of the 1st 5 books (Luke 24:27,44). But to suggest that this was a first hand account is not rightly dividing the word of Truth.

Moses but recorded the 1st 5 books.....there are several different sources addressed in the Bible itself...each with a unique contribution as witnessed from each's point of view. Even in a court of law no two witnesses give exactly the same details in testimony, only what they remember.

God is attributed to the 1st account of creation as recorded prior to (Genesis 2:4). Next comes the records of ADAM, "This is the book of the genealogy of the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God." -- Genesis 5:1 Next is the record of Noah (Gen. 6:9). Then the record of Shem, Sham, and Japheth (Gen. 10:1). Then the stories of Terah, Ishmael, Isaac, Esau, Jacob...etc.,

Suppose it was YOU instead of Moses tasked with making such a record. Of course you would start in the beginning before man was created giving details of earth's history. Form Genesis 1:1 through Genesis 2:4 it is God's account of how He created the world it is provided in great detail....then comes the beginning of Adams account generally speaking (Genesis 2:4-7) Noah's account concerning creation begins in Genesis 5:1.

Each is recorded in the Bible with each record mentioned by name. There you have 3 different accounts of creation. Why do you not claim there are 3 different creation stories in the Hebrew Account? :bigthink: Conclusion: There is but ONE creation......with many different accounts thereof. Moses was recording an ORAL HISTORY, inspired as it was still unique to all the different histories found in the Book of Genesis.
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This is simple ignorance of the WORD and how to rightly divide it (comprehend, understand it) -- 2 Tim. 2:15. Moses is the author indeed of the 1st 5 books (Luke 24:27,44). But to suggest that this was a first hand account is not rightly dividing the word of Truth.

Moses but recorded the 1st 5 books.....there are several different sources addressed in the Bible itself...each with a unique contribution as witnessed from each's point of view. Even in a court of law no two witnesses give exactly the same details in testimony, only what they remember.

God is attributed to the 1st account of creation as recorded prior to (Genesis 2:4). Next comes the records of ADAM, "This is the book of the genealogy of the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God." -- Genesis 5:1 Next is the record of Noah (Gen. 6:9). Then the record of Shem, Sham, and Japheth (Gen. 10:1). Then the stories of Terah, Ishmael, Isaac, Esau, Jacob...etc.,

Suppose it was YOU instead of Moses tasked with making such a record. Of course you would start in the beginning before man was created giving details of earth's history. Form Genesis 1:1 through Genesis 2:4 it is God's account of how He created the world it is provided in great detail....then comes the beginning of Adams account generally speaking (Genesis 2:4-7) Noah's account concerning creation begins in Genesis 5:1.

Each is recorded in the Bible with each record mentioned by name. There you have 3 different accounts of creation. Why do you not claim there are 3 different creation stories in the Hebrew Account? :bigthink: Conclusion: There is but ONE creation......with many different accounts thereof. Moses was recording an ORAL HISTORY, inspired as it was still unique to all the different histories found in the Book of Genesis.

Moses didn't write the Pentateusch.

In the original story of Isaac Abraham killed Isaac on the sacrificial altar... and in a third version Isaac is killed and resurrected.
Moses didn't write the Pentateusch.

In the original story of Isaac Abraham killed Isaac on the sacrificial altar... and in a third version Isaac is killed and resurrected.

you poor, mad atheist......your links do not identify any second or third "versions"......if Isaac was killed, who was the guy who married Rachel and fathered Esau and Jacob?.......

by the way, it is odd to claim Abimalech fathered Isaac, since Sarah was an old woman when she gave birth......I doubt if Abimalech would have been tempted by the beauty of Abraham's wife at that time.......or perhaps you are speculating a forty year pregnancy?.......
Within Judeo-Christian beliefs, the first book of the Hebrew Bible, the Book of Genesis, describes not one, but two distinct accounts of how God created the earth, its inhabitants and mankind. This article explores the purpose of each creation story and later compares and contrasts the Genesis creation stories with an earlier Babylonian creation myth, the Enuma Elish, which dates from about 1900–1600 BCE.

Scholars believe the second story is older than the first, perhaps dating to as early as 950 BCE, while the second was probably written by the priestly caste after the Hebrews had returned from Babylonian captivity sometime around 530 BCE.

The first creation account describes how God created the world by bringing order to chaos. Here, the world was preexistent – meaning God did not create the world out of nothing (ex nihilo). Rather, “The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep” (Genesis 1:2) God’s role was then to bring goodness and order to this world depicted as “formless,” “void,” “darkness,” and “deep” – each descriptor symbolic of chaos and “evil.”

you poor, mad atheist......your links do not identify any second or third "versions"......if Isaac was killed, who was the guy who married Rachel and fathered Esau and Jacob?.......

by the way, it is odd to claim Abimalech fathered Isaac, since Sarah was an old woman when she gave birth......I doubt if Abimalech would have been tempted by the beauty of Abraham's wife at that time.......or perhaps you are speculating a forty year pregnancy?.......

Isaac resided as a foreigner in the Philistine territory and around the city of Gerar for a long time and would have had to meet King Abimelech many times. Abimelech in Hebrew means: Father of the King. The second view: Title Abimelech was the name of multiple Philistine kings mentioned in the Hebrew Bible.
The Bible tells the story of Abraham and Sarah going back into Egypt to the house of the Pharaoh. Abraham denied Sarah was his wife but claimed she was his sister. Other texts say that Sarah became a concubine of the Pharaoh. Isaac was the issue of this liaison which would make Isaac heir to Egyptian royalty. In any case Pharaoh gave Abraham many gifts of livestock which made him a rich man.

Its been a while since I read the alternative texts, but I will try to find them..

In any case, both of Abraham's sons Isaac and Ishmael are half Egyptian, while his six sons by Keturah are half Arab.
This is very learned stuff, Kudzu. I'm interested and impressed, but what, if you don't mind my asking, is your purpose here? Are you meaning to show up the pretentions of the Fundamentalists, or is there some other plan?
This is very learned stuff, Kudzu. I'm interested and impressed, but what, if you don't mind my asking, is your purpose here? Are you meaning to show up the pretentions of the Fundamentalists, or is there some other plan?

she's here to sucker in ignorant people such as yourself who are stupid enough to believe what she posts.....
sure, except 1) that would still mean a pregnancy lasting decades and 2) Abraham killed him......

atheists are such sad little liars.......

Sara wasn't an old woman.. Their counting method was based on 6 not 10 so all that was an early scribal error. People married in their teens, started families and to live to 50 was a long life.. To live to 70 or 80 was to live to a great age.

The Bible is much bigger and more interesting than you are willing to give credit.

Strange as it may seem, the same old sin of deception raises its ugly head for the third time in chapter 26 of Genesis. If nothing else proves it, this does—Isaac is a son of his father. Frightened concerning his own safety, Isaac succumbs to the temptation to pass off his wife as his sister. In doing this he was willing to risk Rebekah’s purity as the price for his personal protection.

The similarities between this sin of Isaac and that of his father Abraham are numerous. Both sinned in the presence of Abimelech, and both were rebuked by the ruler of the Philistines. Both had a beautiful wife and feared for their own safety, thinking that they might be killed so that someone could marry their wife. Both lied by saying that their wife was their sister. It would also appear that neither Abraham nor Isaac recognized the gravity of their sin or fully repented of it.

The differences between the sin of Abraham and that of Isaac cannot be overlooked. These differences verify the fact that two different deceptions took place in the land of the Philistines: one by Abraham and the other by his son. There seems to be little doubt that there are two different “Abimelechs” in these chapters of Genesis.

Many years had passed since Abraham stood without adequate excuse before Abimelech. We would be on safe ground to assume that the term “Abimelech” is a title of office, like “Pharaoh,” rather than a given name. The same could be said for the term “Phicol.” Another consideration is that sons were often named after their grandfathers.219 Either of these possibilities would readily explain the fact that the names “Abimelech” and “Phicol” (cf. verse 26) are found in chapter 26 as well as in chapter 20.

Abraham’s policy of deception was just that: a policy established before he entered into any danger (Genesis 12:11-13; 20:13). From the very outset Abraham introduced Sarah as his sister. Isaac, however, waited until he was approached concerning Rebekah. At this point his confidence left him, and he resorted to a lie:
This is very learned stuff, Kudzu. I'm interested and impressed, but what, if you don't mind my asking, is your purpose here? Are you meaning to show up the pretentions of the Fundamentalists, or is there some other plan?

That there is MORE to history than the Jewish account.

For instance, the Canaanites were more urban and prosperous than their poor neighbors.. and the demonization of them indicates jealousy and rivalry.
Their counting method was based on 6 not 10


Sara wasn't an old woman

Genesis 18:10 Then one of them said, “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son.”

Now Sarah was listening at the entrance to the tent, which was behind him. 11 Abraham and Sarah were already very old, and Sarah was past the age of childbearing. 12 So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, “After I am worn out and my lord is old, will I now have this pleasure?”
There are many, many different accounts.. just like Israel and Judah had separate and different creation accounts. The point is that its far more complicated and fluid than the KJV.

sure.....there's the one in the bible and all the shit made up by atheists like yourself........many different accounts.....