It begins - Angry Boeing Supporters Target McCain


Villified User
Angry Boeing Supporters Target McCain

Mar 8, 9:44 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Angry Boeing supporters are vowing revenge against Republican presidential candidate John McCain over Chicago-based Boeing's loss of a $35 billion Air Force tanker contract to the parent company of European plane maker Airbus.

There are other targets for their ire - the Air Force, the defense secretary and even the entire Bush administration.

But Boeing supporters in Congress are directing their wrath at McCain, the Arizona senator and nominee in waiting, for scuttling an earlier deal that would have let Boeing build the next generation of Air Force refueling tankers. Boeing now will miss out on a deal that it says would have supported 44,000 new and existing jobs at the company and suppliers in 40 states.

"I hope the voters of this state remember what John McCain has done to them and their jobs," said Rep. Norm Dicks, D-Wash., whose state would have been home to the tanker program and gained about 9,000 jobs.
McCain has run ads touting his role in fighting "pork" such as the tanker project and cited the deal in a recent GOP debate.

"I saved the taxpayers $6 billion in a bogus tanker deal," he said.

the economic related issues will get really interesting before November.
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The lads in Bristol, who are going to be building the wings, asked me to pass on their thanks for safeguarding their jobs.
The republicans are going to be hung up to dry over the upcoming economic problems.
And rightfully so.

The Dem winners will be blamed in 2012 if things have not improved by then.
And here is what...............

The lads in Bristol, who are going to be building the wings, asked me to pass on their thanks for safeguarding their jobs.

American workers in Washington State say to them...

Bristol Stomp...The Dovells

I don't know enough about this story to know if it is a good or bad thing.

From the article... "Keith Ashdown, with the watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense, said Boeing executives who broke the law were to blame for the demise of the tanker contract - not McCain.

"This was theirs from day one," he said. "This idea that any lawmaker is to blame is a joke."

Is that true and the rest is just politicians being politicians?
The way i see it is that American companies have taken the food out of the mouths of countless British workers. The fact that this particular decision, which will probably be overturned, has gone in our favour is only fair.

Of course, in the old days of worker solidarity this kind of thing would be opposed with more vigour, but that's socialism...and we wouldn't want any of that now would we?

It's called force it on the third world with impunity so get fucking used to it.
Norm Dicks shouldn't be talking. That story would read "Seattle-based Boeing's" if he, Gary Locke and their party hadn't chased Boeing out of WA State (and not even to a Republican stronghold, like Nevada). But now Dicks cares about Boeing? Unbelievable.
The way i see it is that American companies have taken the food out of the mouths of countless British workers. The fact that this particular decision, which will probably be overturned, has gone in our favour is only fair.

Of course, in the old days of worker solidarity this kind of thing would be opposed with more vigour, but that's socialism...and we wouldn't want any of that now would we?

It's called force it on the third world with impunity so get fucking used to it.

True Charver, but not really saleable to stupit arrogant Americans.
We are after all the beacon of freedom for the world.
Waaaaaaah. Stop whining and get better at what you do, Boeing. The days of protectionism are coming to a close.

I hate America's knee jerk protectionist reactions, mostly brought on by our ever-ignorant older generations who remember the good old days when FDR paid them to dig ditches and fill them back up again.

The most disappointing "controversy" I've seen in the last two years was the shamefully racist and ignorantly protectionist opposition to Dubai's ports acquisition. We expect China and Russia to accept McDonalds and Starbucks unquestioningly, but as soon as foreign investment and competition comes to our country suddenly our enthusiasm for free trade wanes.
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Angry Boeing Supporters Target McCain

Mar 8, 9:44 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Angry Boeing supporters are vowing revenge against Republican presidential candidate John McCain over Chicago-based Boeing's loss of a $35 billion Air Force tanker contract to the parent company of European plane maker Airbus.

There are other targets for their ire - the Air Force, the defense secretary and even the entire Bush administration.

But Boeing supporters in Congress are directing their wrath at McCain, the Arizona senator and nominee in waiting, for scuttling an earlier deal that would have let Boeing build the next generation of Air Force refueling tankers. Boeing now will miss out on a deal that it says would have supported 44,000 new and existing jobs at the company and suppliers in 40 states.

"I hope the voters of this state remember what John McCain has done to them and their jobs," said Rep. Norm Dicks, D-Wash., whose state would have been home to the tanker program and gained about 9,000 jobs.
McCain has run ads touting his role in fighting "pork" such as the tanker project and cited the deal in a recent GOP debate.

"I saved the taxpayers $6 billion in a bogus tanker deal," he said.

the economic related issues will get really interesting before November.

what total spin, outright lies, I can't believe this hypocrisy. McCain stopped corruption, people where getting kickbacks for setting up deals, McCain exposed the corruption, and people went to jail. That has no relevance to the air forces later decision to award the contract the way it did. You have to be high to make that logical leap. Last time I checked it was good to root out corruption, I guess unless you're a Republican. In which case the opposition will blame you.
what total spin, outright lies, I can't believe this hypocrisy. McCain stopped corruption, people where getting kickbacks for setting up deals, McCain exposed the corruption, and people went to jail. That has no relevance to the air forces later decision to award the contract the way it did. You have to be high to make that logical leap. Last time I checked it was good to root out corruption, I guess unless you're a Republican. In which case the opposition will blame you.

Is there any Republican you wouldn't support Mr. Lawrence? If Romney, Huckabee, Giuliani, Thompson, Brownback, etc. were the nominee, you'd be telling us how perfect they'd be for president.

I can't quite figure out if you are a partisan? :rolleyes:

Hey, how about if Clinton switched sides. would you then vote for and defend her?
Is there any Republican you wouldn't support Mr. Lawrence? If Romney, Huckabee, Giuliani, Thompson, Brownback, etc. were the nominee, you'd be telling us how perfect they'd be for president.

I can't quite figure out if you are a partisan? :rolleyes:

Hey, how about if Clinton switched sides. would you then vote for and defend her?

What does that have to do with this issue? I'm still trying to understand what happened here. Was it a good thing this was stopped or not? Who the players are involved does not matter.
it seems that when the contract was evaluated for cost (i.e. low bid), somehow the fact that the eu subsidizes the eu company selected was not taken into account

bushco strikes again
it seems that when the contract was evaluated for cost (i.e. low bid), somehow the fact that the eu subsidizes the eu company selected was not taken into account

bushco strikes again

As opposed to Boeing, a company well known for eschewing the odd government handout?
It may just be payback for not letting their contractors into Iraq.

We have been gazumped in Iraq. There we were, faithful little lapdogs and what happens? We lose our wheat market. Well thank you very much. Mind you I put it down to the twat that was running our government at the time. I won't bore you with a rant. It's funny though to see our capitalists screaming abuse at your capitalists for doing what capitalists do to everyone - and no lube. No lube, we didn't even get a petroleum product to ease the pain.