It begins - Angry Boeing Supporters Target McCain

I don't know enough about this story to know if it is a good or bad thing.

From the article... "Keith Ashdown, with the watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense, said Boeing executives who broke the law were to blame for the demise of the tanker contract - not McCain.

"This was theirs from day one," he said. "This idea that any lawmaker is to blame is a joke."

Is that true and the rest is just politicians being politicians?

Lets see... Dems bitching about croynism and corruption in contracts... McCain blocks a contract in which two people (one from Boeing and one from the Air force) ended up going to jail for corruption. Boeing then fails to win the contract and it is McCains fault according to Dems.

Nice... he does exactly what the Dems say needs to be done and they turn and blame him. Note... how many of them were blaming him in 2004 when this occured? How is it McCains fault that Boeing failed to win the contract FOUR years later?
My view is that this is the result of corrput businesses just focusing on short term profits and moving offshore for greater profits.
ie the decline of US industry. Heck we can't even make the best planes anymore.
This is pitiful that we are not even able to best equip our military any more and have to go outside the usa and spend tax dollars outside the USA to equip our military for our defense.

Pitiful, just pitiful.
Lets see... Dems bitching about croynism and corruption in contracts... McCain blocks a contract in which two people (one from Boeing and one from the Air force) ended up going to jail for corruption. Boeing then fails to win the contract and it is McCains fault according to Dems.

Nice... he does exactly what the Dems say needs to be done and they turn and blame him. Note... how many of them were blaming him in 2004 when this occured? How is it McCains fault that Boeing failed to win the contract FOUR years later?

Then it seems like a good thing that he blocked it. It sucks for Boeing's workers but if managment doesn't change its ways then the whole company would seem to be in trouble.
Lets see... Dems bitching about croynism and corruption in contracts... McCain blocks a contract in which two people (one from Boeing and one from the Air force) ended up going to jail for corruption. Boeing then fails to win the contract and it is McCains fault according to Dems.

Nice... he does exactly what the Dems say needs to be done and they turn and blame him. Note... how many of them were blaming him in 2004 when this occured? How is it McCains fault that Boeing failed to win the contract FOUR years later?
Perception is everything in politics my friend. And now Boeing employees will be out en masse to campaign for the dem. Truth matters little in a political campaign. If it did no one would have cared that McCain has an illegitimate black child.
Perception is everything in politics my friend. And now Boeing employees will be out en masse to campaign for the dem. Truth matters little in a political campaign. If it did no one would have cared that McCain has an illegitimate black child.

But in reality McCain did the correct thing here right?
As opposed to Boeing, a company well known for eschewing the odd government handout?

yes, but they are our company - why should we enrich europe at the cost of jobs here

i do not applaud corporate welfare regardless of what nation provides it

but then look at the number of jobs that have been exported to china by our companies...

if the jobs stay here, then better to provide welfare/employment here than there...

i wonder who got paid off

oh well
It may just be payback for not letting their contractors into Iraq.


just because others limit trade does not make it right - just ours

why do we subsidize other nations? because we are the 'good guys', i think not - always look to whom it benefits

i do not know any more if there are any altruistic people who are not fooling themselves

bah, i am getting more cynical as i age
We have been gazumped in Iraq. There we were, faithful little lapdogs and what happens? We lose our wheat market. Well thank you very much. Mind you I put it down to the twat that was running our government at the time. I won't bore you with a rant. It's funny though to see our capitalists screaming abuse at your capitalists for doing what capitalists do to everyone - and no lube. No lube, we didn't even get a petroleum product to ease the pain.


ky works better - keep some nearby for those times that the legislature is in session
Perception is everything in politics my friend. And now Boeing employees will be out en masse to campaign for the dem. Truth matters little in a political campaign. If it did no one would have cared that McCain has an illegitimate black child.

like in any other war, truth is the first casualty of a campaign
yes, but they are our company - why should we enrich europe at the cost of jobs here

i do not applaud corporate welfare regardless of what nation provides it

but then look at the number of jobs that have been exported to china by our companies...

if the jobs stay here, then better to provide welfare/employment here than there...

i wonder who got paid off

oh well

"Northrop Grumman Corp., the third- largest U.S. defense company, said it won a $35 billion Air Force aerial refueling tanker program because its bid was "more advantageous" in four of the five areas weighed in the contest."

Granted, Northrop partners with Airbus... but funny how the Dems bitching forgot to tell everyone that Northrop is the one that actually won the contract. Just sounds better to scream outsourcing and to blame McCain for Boeings corruption 4 years ago.
"Northrop Grumman Corp., the third- largest U.S. defense company, said it won a $35 billion Air Force aerial refueling tanker program because its bid was "more advantageous" in four of the five areas weighed in the contest."

Granted, Northrop partners with Airbus... but funny how the Dems bitching forgot to tell everyone that Northrop is the one that actually won the contract. Just sounds better to scream outsourcing and to blame McCain for Boeings corruption 4 years ago.

I think partners with is a little mild.

anyway then this just makes this more corporate outsourcing based on your post. and a nice opportunity for the French haters. Most of whom seem to be Republicans.
I think partners with is a little mild.

anyway then this just makes this more corporate outsourcing based on your post. and a nice opportunity for the French haters. Most of whom seem to be Republicans.

Partners is mild? How would you describe the relationship? Neither company is a subsidiary of the other... would you prefer I said something like "the scheming American job stealing collaboration"????

Yes, some of the jobs will go overseas. No question. But bottom line... this was Boeing corruption that screwed this contract up for Boeing and now you have idiotic Dems hammering away at McCain for stopping a corrupt contract.

Please tell me how that is not hypocritical?
Ahh but the stupit people only see the jobs lost and the knee jerk politicians react to keep votes. Besides this is not only demoncrats. check out the opening link. Repubs are screaming as well, esp since they are the majority of the france haters.
You can't lay this entirely off on the Dems like you would like to.
Ahh but the stupit people only see the jobs lost and the knee jerk politicians react to keep votes. Besides this is not only demoncrats. check out the opening link. Repubs are screaming as well, esp since they are the majority of the france haters.
You can't lay this entirely off on the Dems like you would like to.

Sorry, I had not seen any Rep Congressional leaders bitching about this. I did notice that some Boeing employees who were Reps were pissed, but again.... Boeing only has to look in the mirror to find the culprit in this. Plus, it was four friggin years ago. I don't care who it is that is bitching... anyone doing so is a moron.
Not really a moron for opposing in principle the jobs leaving the USA. I have been opposing this for 10 years or more.
Not really a moron for opposing in principle the jobs leaving the USA. I have been opposing this for 10 years or more.

I have no problem with that.... and you are correct, they are not morons for opposing outsourcing. The morons I was referring to are those that would blame McCain for this. He stopped a corrupt contract. He alone did not award the contract to Northrop. I would like to see that vote if anyone has it.
I have no problem with that.... and you are correct, they are not morons for opposing outsourcing. The morons I was referring to are those that would blame McCain for this. He stopped a corrupt contract. He alone did not award the contract to Northrop. I would like to see that vote if anyone has it.

Just to be expected political leveraging/spin. The Republicans do no less.