It Sure Looks Like the CIA Helped Biden Win the 2020 Election


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Biden it seems illegally used the CIA for political gain. The Democrats own the CIA and FBI and DOJ

The House Oversight Committee is out with a new report detailing how the Central Intelligence Agency may have directly helped President Joe Biden win the 2020 presidential election. How? By helping to recruit signatures for the now infamous letter, which was signed by 51 former intelligence officials, calling Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop "Russian disinformation." That laptop contained endless information about Biden's overseas business dealings, which he conducted with his father as a business partner.

"The Committees have evidence that an employee affiliated with the CIA may have assisted in obtaining signatories for the statement. One signer of the statement, former CIA analyst David Cariens, disclosed to the Committees that a CIA employee affiliated with the agency’s Prepublication Classification Review Board (“PCRB”) informed him of the existence of the statement and asked if he would sign it. The Committees have requested additional material from the CIA, which has ignored the request to date," a new report states. "Notably, the Biden Administration has declined to cooperate with this oversight to date. On March 21, 2023, the Committees wrote to the CIA, requesting documents in the CIA’s possession relating to the statement and interactions between the CIA and the signatories of the statement. The Committees requested that the CIA furnish these documents by April 4, 2023. The CIA has so far failed to comply to this oversight."

After the letter was released, the New York Post was banned from Twitter for covering the laptop (the suspension lasted for over a month) and the story was censored from distribution by big tech.An advisor to former CIA Director John Brennan kept the Biden campaign up to speed on the progress of the letter.
The Democrats are using the FBI and DOJ and CIA as political weapons

No they aren't. The establishment is and they aren't limited to political parties. The purpose of political parties is to keep us divided so the self-styled elites can keep stealing from us.
The Democrats own the FBI

Every single director of the F.B.I. has been a Republican-aligned official, going all the way back to its creation. Its current director, Christopher Wray, was nominated by Trump himself and was formerly head of the criminal division in George W. Bush’s Justice Department, a member of the conservative Federalist Society, and a clerk for Judge J. Michael Luttig, a Republican.

Wray replaced James Comey, formerly deputy attorney general in George W. Bush’s Justice Department. His predecessor Robert Mueller, who served in the Justice Department of both Bush presidencies, was nominated by George W. Bush. Before them — from Louis Freeh (a George H.W. Bush judge) to the F.B.I.’s founder, J. Edgar Hoover — all of the F.B.I.’s directors were Republican-aligned officials.

Trump and his followers claim that the FBI is run by Democrats. So ... what exactly do they WANT?
Not looks like, did, and they will do it again. The Regime does not even attempt to hide their contempt for democracy now.
Biden it seems illegally used the CIA for political gain. The Democrats own the CIA and FBI and DOJ


How exactly does a private citizen with no ties to the CIA use the CIA to win an election. You truly might be the dumbest poster on this board. And the whiniest. An adult in diapers. Here's the deal, pal. No one, and I mean NO ONE gave a shit, or gives a shit about Hunter Biden's laptop except for Trump supporters. When there is some kind of evidence of wrongdoing by Biden, let me know, okay? And please stop posting bullshit articles from completely irreputable sources. We are laughing at you.