It took them 7 years to admit it - Snopes Fact Check: No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'

Yes, Miss Marple, two years of Spanish in high school, one year at Vandy and three years living in Spain…I was a translator in the civil court in Seville for Americans who were naughty. My novia spoke only a few words of English.

Seville and Andalusia have changed but the charm and gracia are still there.

You will enjoy a trip there. The food in most restaurants has improved dramatically.

It’s a much cleaner city now.
The Bride and I are going to Spain next year. for two weeks. What are the must do sights.

Let’s see, “very fine people on both sides,”so if one side was NeoNazis and White Nationalist, what is he calling the NeoNazis and White Nationalists, duh?


Trump is still a convicted felon and was found, in court, to have sexually abused a woman.

Do you feel better now that he’s been vindicated on “fine people”?
We can't trust anything you say because you lied about Charlottesville.
The Left will accept no substitutes or alterations from their party line. For the Left, the Charlottesville riot had only one set of bad guys, the white supremacists on the Right. All others were to be absolved or ignored for their violence, protesting without a permit, and any other infractions of the law along with anything political they said.
Oh bullshit.
Oh bullshit.
None of the counter-protesters had a permit. The white supremacists went through all the hoops to get one. Had they been ignored, they could hold their meaningless little march and have been on their way and nothing would have happened.

The whole reason Charlottesville got out of control is the Left showed up in force and rioted.
None of the counter-protesters had a permit. The white supremacists went through all the hoops to get one. Had they been ignored, they could hold their meaningless little march and have been on their way and nothing would have happened.

The whole reason Charlottesville got out of control is the Left showed up in force and rioted.
Oh yeah let's blame the death on the Left.