It was a fucking child rape center



Affidavit: Fearful 16-year-old bride made late-night call

ELDORADO, Texas (CNN) -- Frightened and perhaps pregnant for the second time in a year, the 16-year-old mother whispered into a borrowed cell phone, defying everything she'd been taught by making contact with the outside world.

She said she was being held against her will at the YFZ Ranch near Eldorado, Texas. She said she'd been beaten by Dale Evans Barlow, a man more than three times her age, who had taken her as his seventh wife. Now, her parents were talking about sending her younger sister, 15, to the ranch as well.

She said she wanted out.

The first call came through to a Department of Family and Protective Services hot line at 11:32 p.m. March 29. A second call came the following day.

This time, the caller said, crying, that she wanted to take it all back. She said she was "happy and fine" and didn't want to get in trouble. Video Watch more about her story »

The dramatic scenario is detailed in a court affidavit that gave police and social workers the legal authority to raid a 1,900-acre polygamist compound built in West Texas by the reclusive Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was made public late Tuesday. Read the affidavit

The affidavit also states that the girl said she has an 8-month-old child and is pregnant again. She said Barlow has beaten her -- once hard enough to break her ribs -- choked her and forced her to have sex with him.

She said another of Barlow's "spiritual wives" would hold her infant child while he beat her.

The April 6 affidavit also alleges a former member of the polygamist church told authorities details of the sect's activities, which included the use of a bed inside the group's temple for men to have sex with underage girls immediately after wedding ceremonies.

After authorities raided the ranch late Thursday, Texas Ranger Leslie Brooks Long "observed the bed within the temple that had disturbed bed linens and a strand of hair that appears to be from a female head."

In all, 555 women and children have been taken from the compound since Thursday; 416 children are in the temporary custody of the state, and 139 women, almost all of them mothers, have left voluntarily.
This is why total freedom of religion as some see it in this country is absurd. It lets people like this get away with shit like this for a very, very long time without intervention.
... operating in total secrecy with children at risk and people standing back and just saying, "well it's their religion, it's their right and who are we to ask questions?"

Religion. Yick.
Some religions mandate polygamy. As such, the government should not have the right to prevent polygamous relationships.

NO religion mandates or supports child abuse.
Some religions mandate polygamy. As such, the government should not have the right to prevent polygamous relationships.

NO religion mandates or supports child abuse.

FLDS does. They marry off under-age children regularly (13-15), who are them subsequently raped by their 40-something-year-old husbands.
Some religions mandate polygamy. As such, the government should not have the right to prevent polygamous relationships.

NO religion mandates or supports child abuse.

Some religions mandate polygamy! LOL

"How verily does Allah do your bidding" Mohammed's wife, when he informed her that Allah had "revealed" to him during a walk about in the desert that he needed to take a second, younger, wife.

You have to really be dead from the neck up to buy this shit. Or, you have to believe that women are.
the only way polagamy will work is for the women to be severly repressed to the point of abuse. No man could put up with 13 wives otherwise.
Some religions mandate polygamy. As such, the government should not have the right to prevent polygamous relationships.

NO religion mandates or supports child abuse.

The government does indeed have the right and responsibility to dictate law to religious organizations and apply it exactly as it would in any other case.

There is nothing sacrosanct about the practice of religion.
Very true.

No person should be forced to marry anyong no matter what their age and no child should be forced to marry anyone for any reason.

Even religion is not allowed to break the laws of our country.
Seriously, what does any of this have to do with freedom of religion? You have the right to invent a religion that believes in child rape, but if you do it, you go to jail, for the rest of your life.
Seriously, what does any of this have to do with freedom of religion? You have the right to invent a religion that believes in child rape, but if you do it, you go to jail, for the rest of your life.

Obviously it's a test of the 1st Amendment's protections of religious freedom.
Ok while I agree that forced marriages are repugnant and that polygamy is nucking futs, if 3 or more consenting adults wish to be in a marriage what right does the state have to tell them no? Our government can tell them that they can only claim one spouse for tax purposes, that the heavy hammer of the state will come down on them if they don't support all their kids and they have to be on public assistance, but three or more consenting adults should be allowed to be in whatever relationship they want.
yeah but 12-14 yr olds are not adults.
that is the point of this thread. Sexual child abuse undercover of religion.
yeah but 12-14 yr olds are not adults.
that is the point of this thread. Sexual child abuse undercover of religion.
I understand that, but there have been some shots taken at polygamy in general saying that woman MUST be abused to be in a polygamist relationship. I call bullshit. I think it is very possible for people to consent voluntarily to a polygamist relationship without being abused. Being driven crazy? Not so much.