It's going to take a war...

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

The theme of the 2008 Presidential campaign for Democrats was Hope and Change! For most of the past decade, we have listened to liberals bash and trash current policies, and promise 'a new day' if they were elected to power. First they took the Senate and House, and their voices grew louder, then they took the White House. They are now poised to deliver the "hope and change" promised for the past 7 years.

In light of this, you would think we would be hearing of all these grandiose plans, that America would be excited and energized at the prospect of this 'new age' in Washington. Instead, we can read this very message board and find nothing but more of the same negativism and vitriol against conservatives, more hatred and disdain for the president and the right, more threats against religion, as well as free speech, and an underlying endorsement of socialist communism and outright Atheism. It's almost as if this election simply emboldened protagonists who want to destroy this country and everything it stands for. You would think political victory would appease them to some degree, but the rhetoric grows thicker and more full of hate and rage than ever.

Conservative talk show host, Glen Beck, described it as 1860 America. We are a people on the brink, and we don't even seem to realize it. Perhaps it's because we just can't fathom an all out civil war? Maybe the mere thought of such a thing, is just so far removed from anything we can wrap our minds around and comprehend, that we have become oblivious to the possibility? In our comfortable little cocoons, we are fooled into believing that cooler minds will always prevail, and somehow, we will always be able to avoid the 'boil over' and the subsequent results. But is this realistic, or just naivete?

If winning political power and having full control of government is not enough to satisfy liberals, what else could be left? Conservatives are never going to stop being conservative, they are never going to leave or crawl into a hole and die. It is a foundational principle of American freedom, to engage ALL political opinions, and have reasoned debate of the issues, but the left is not interested in a debate. They want an all-out silence of debate, to relegate conservatism to the grave, and squelch any and all dissent of liberal ideology. I am afraid this is not possible in America.

I wish I could be optimistic enough to believe liberals can develop reason, and come to grips with reality, but I see no evidence of it. As each day passes, I see liberals becoming more angry and vitriolic, more vocal and outraged at conservatives. At some point, it has to stop. If it doesn't, we are pushed over the edge, and when that happens, I am afraid there is no going back. I don't know where the 'battle lines' will be drawn, which 'states' (if any) will side with which ideology, maybe we'll just devolve into all out anarchy and chaos nationwide, and there are no clearly defined 'battle lines' ...I don't know. But mark my words, unless something changes the current political temperament in America, we are headed for another Civil War.

I am not posting this to instigate alarm, or to draw criticism from liberals, although I realize he later will certainly happen. I honestly think the left believes this is a far-fetched idea that will never be possible in their lifetime, but I don't think we are that far away from it. I also don't think most liberals understand where this is headed, and will remain indifferent until it's too late. If you completely shut out the other side from the discussion, and refuse to accept reasoned debate on the issues at hand, what other recourse is there? It's something the left should start thinking about, before it's too late.
Your parties ideas failed miserabley.

There is not going to be any conservative war on the rest of the US. There may be a few more Murrah buildings murders due to insane people on the right though.
Your parties ideas failed miserabley.

There is not going to be any conservative war on the rest of the US. There may be a few more Murrah buildings murders due to insane people on the right though.

you're right, there won't be a conservative war, there will be conservatives fighting back against your liberal war, which has already begun....

your posts prove his points, over and over :pke:

you have a flair for the melodramatic. America has seen the power of the political parties rise and fall for a hundred and fifty years. There will be grumbling on the right and then, at some point in the future, grumbling again on the left.... back and forth it will go and I certainly cannot imagine any giant factions of angry democrats losing patience with the political process and starting a civil war. I can possibly imagine a small fringe element of conservatives trying something....MAYBE... but they would be instantly crushed by the overwhelming superiority of armed might in the hands of civil authorities.....imho.
you're right, there won't be a conservative war, there will be conservatives fighting back against your liberal war, which has already begun....

your posts prove his points, over and over :pke:

Your team had full control for years and look where we are because of it.

You see these people were elected even with all the cheating your party did. Bush is hated and Obama has a great approval record. This "war" is all in your heads. Much like the phoney WMDs your team lied about.
Dixie, please define the "attacks on religion" that you accuse the democrats of??

And what attacks on free speech have there been??

This is more of the garbage like the thread about being surprised ABC still airs the Charlie Brown Christmas special.

There have been steps taken to remove religion from the government, but that is the extent of it.

Also, have you ever known of any religion besides christianity that has had to be removed from the government? Has any religion besides christianity ever attempted to institute their beliefs into laws?
Your team had full control for years and look where we are because of it.

You see these people were elected even with all the cheating your party did. Bush is hated and Obama has a great approval record. This "war" is all in your heads. Much like the phoney WMDs your team lied about.

so everything is bush's fault....lame

as if your dem congress/senate has done anything in the last two years...oh wait, they did, they made bullshit promises and kept not a one
Its funny, when the republicans won elections, they basically told the dems to get with the program and get over it. Any critiques of their policies or failures were labelled "unamerican" and "unpatriotic".

But now, when they lose elections, they talk about a war to take the country back?

Its seems that the voice of the people is great, as long as that voice calls for republicans. But let the people speak and call for dems, and its going to take a war.

so everything is bush's fault....lame

as if your dem congress/senate has done anything in the last two years...oh wait, they did, they made bullshit promises and kept not a one

Name and source a promise and then prove they ignored it?
Its funny, when the republicans won elections, they basically told the dems to get with the program and get over it. Any critiques of their policies or failures were labelled "unamerican" and "unpatriotic".

But now, when they lose elections, they talk about a war to take the country back?

Its seems that the voice of the people is great, as long as that voice calls for republicans. But let the people speak and call for dems, and its going to take a war.


I'll pull the same shit you pull with regard to "attacks on religion" and ask you to show me one instance of the Republican Party calling Democrats "unpatriotic" or "un-American" ...EVER?

It's not about losing an election and "talk of war" you idiot. It's the continued vitriolic hate and rage we keep getting from the left, in spite of winning ALL political power and control! You've fucking WON, but you continue to push and push! One day, you are going to push to far, and it will be ON! Mark my words! This country can not stand so harshly divided that one side refuses to allow political debate from the other, and that is where we are right now! Liberals have taken control, and do not feel compelled to listen to anything the other side has to say, or even engage them on a debate of the issues. When Republicans were in power, we welcomed the debate from the other side, in fact we went out of our way to ensure the debate was presented fairly, because that is part of what freedom and democracy are all about! But now that Liberals have won power, they seem to want to brow beat conservatives out of existence, to squelch any debate, any dissent, any argument. They want to keep pushing and demanding, instead of reconciling and working together for a greater America.

You people may be in La-la Land about this, you may be in complete denial of what is going on, and you may very well keep pushing and shoving Conservatives to the point they can't take it anymore! You don't believe it now, but this WILL happen! There is nothing else that can logically happen! If you don't open the doors to debate and free expression of beliefs from the other side, you are running a Fascist dictatorship, and it will NOT stand in America! The People will rise up and REVOLT against it!

You may think it's melodramatic, but what the fuck do you expect is going to eventually happen? Do you honestly think Conservatives are going to just begin to 'accept' Liberalism, and learn to like it? Do you think the only Conservatives are old farts with one foot in the grave, and you can maintain this Liberal momentum long enough for them to all die out? Just exactly what the fuck do you think? Or... DO you think????
Your team cheated to win Dixie!

They were not the peoples choice.

I have no doubt your type will create a frenzy and talk some sick kid into pulling another Murrah building.
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I'll pull the same shit you pull with regard to "attacks on religion" and ask you to show me one instance of the Republican Party calling Democrats "unpatriotic" or "un-American" ...EVER?

It's not about losing an election and "talk of war" you idiot. It's the continued vitriolic hate and rage we keep getting from the left, in spite of winning ALL political power and control! You've fucking WON, but you continue to push and push! One day, you are going to push to far, and it will be ON! Mark my words! This country can not stand so harshly divided that one side refuses to allow political debate from the other, and that is where we are right now! Liberals have taken control, and do not feel compelled to listen to anything the other side has to say, or even engage them on a debate of the issues. When Republicans were in power, we welcomed the debate from the other side, in fact we went out of our way to ensure the debate was presented fairly, because that is part of what freedom and democracy are all about! But now that Liberals have won power, they seem to want to brow beat conservatives out of existence, to squelch any debate, any dissent, any argument. They want to keep pushing and demanding, instead of reconciling and working together for a greater America.

You people may be in La-la Land about this, you may be in complete denial of what is going on, and you may very well keep pushing and shoving Conservatives to the point they can't take it anymore! You don't believe it now, but this WILL happen! There is nothing else that can logically happen! If you don't open the doors to debate and free expression of beliefs from the other side, you are running a Fascist dictatorship, and it will NOT stand in America! The People will rise up and REVOLT against it!

You may think it's melodramatic, but what the fuck do you expect is going to eventually happen? Do you honestly think Conservatives are going to just begin to 'accept' Liberalism, and learn to like it? Do you think the only Conservatives are old farts with one foot in the grave, and you can maintain this Liberal momentum long enough for them to all die out? Just exactly what the fuck do you think? Or... DO you think????

Oh please! You are pissed at the dems because they keep pushing the republicans??

The entire genre of talk radio has been dedicated to pushing dems since it first became popular.

Rush Limbaugh has made a career of doing to dems what you dislike being done to republicans. And so has Hannidy, Beck, and a long list of others.

You are talking like its been one way. When republicans had all the power, did the talk radio gurus slack up one little bit?? Hell no.
I'll pull the same shit you pull with regard to "attacks on religion" and ask you to show me one instance of the Republican Party calling Democrats "unpatriotic" or "un-American" ...EVER?

If you don't open the doors to debate and free expression of beliefs from the other side, you are running a Fascist dictatorship, and it will NOT stand in America! The People will rise up and REVOLT against it!

You may think it's melodramatic, but what the fuck do you expect is going to eventually happen? Do you honestly think Conservatives are going to just begin to 'accept' Liberalism, and learn to like it? Do you think the only Conservatives are old farts with one foot in the grave, and you can maintain this Liberal momentum long enough for them to all die out? Just exactly what the fuck do you think? Or... DO you think????

You obviously expected the liberals to accept a conservatism and learn to like it. Why is this any different?

Why is YOUR ideology so holy and righteous? Because you say it is?

More american citizens VOTED to democrats than for republicans. If you claim to be an american, you will stand behind the will of the people and support whoever is in power. That is what you wanted from the dems for the past 8 years. And now you refuse to do the same, and actually talk about (encourage?) a revolution because YOUR ideology is not in power?

Thats bullshit, Dixie, and you know it. You may be a diehard conservative but you are not an idiot. This is NOT the way things are going to work unless EVERYONE steps up and helps.
They will now crank it up and we will see more Murrah buildings.

Desh, I think this sort of talk is dangerous, and I always have.

When the MoveOn.Org bunch kept talking about someone assasinating Bush or Cheney I complained that they were virtually encouraging such acts.

The same thing is happening here.

It is time for a revolution all right. It is time for the american people to tell our elected officials that we could give a rat's ass what party you belong. Its time to support OUR nation and our people. Screw the partisan politics.

And I hope Obama will start the ball rolling that way.