It's going to take a war...

I am fully aware some of you will go all Murrah Building on the rest of us.

more like delta force. 90% of us '3%ers' are former military.

maineman said:
those 3% of you who will chose to abandon the rule of law may very well inflict some marginal level of casualties, but the force behind the rule of law will quickly crush you, just like they crushed the rebellious Whisky Rebellion.
It's not rule of law if it violates the supreme law of the land. Also keep in mind that that 3% is only the initial size of the force. It wouldn't take very many government force reprisals at all to swell our ranks.

Solitary said:
If you are going to use armed force because of people talking shit you have proven yourselves uncivilized and will have gone against the rule of law.
nobody except even the most insane is talking about violence against people talking shit.
nobody except even the most insane is talking about violence against people talking shit.

Hmmm, I guess that makes Dixie the "most insane"?

"It's not about losing an election and "talk of war" you idiot. It's the continued vitriolic hate and rage we keep getting from the left, in spite of winning ALL political power and control! You've fucking WON, but you continue to push and push! One day, you are going to push to far, and it will be ON! Mark my words!

Because that certainly certainly sounds like Dixie is proposing that a war will start because the republicans are being pushed by all the "vitriolic hate and rage".

Exactly what do you think the justification for war would be, STY? What is it that you actually see happening in the next 4 or 8 years that would justify armed revolt?
If the law is on the side of the revolution/war, it won't take a war. If you are going to use armed force because of people talking shit you have proven yourselves uncivilized and will have gone against the rule of law.

Let me guess, you will use The Turner Diaries as your guide?
You obviously don't know yurt, yurt is a noahide zog collaborator.
Hmmm, I guess that makes Dixie the "most insane"?

"It's not about losing an election and "talk of war" you idiot. It's the continued vitriolic hate and rage we keep getting from the left, in spite of winning ALL political power and control! You've fucking WON, but you continue to push and push! One day, you are going to push to far, and it will be ON! Mark my words!

Because that certainly certainly sounds like Dixie is proposing that a war will start because the republicans are being pushed by all the "vitriolic hate and rage".
Dixie may very well be insane, or he could just be angry. Whatever his emotional state is, not many people are going to follow him 'to war' over all the hate and rhetoric from the left.

Exactly what do you think the justification for war would be, STY? What is it that you actually see happening in the next 4 or 8 years that would justify armed revolt?

any continuous assault on our freedoms and liberties. We'll follow the standard order for redress, of course. We'll use the courts, public opinion, etc. But in the end, if those fail, and the feds overreach again, it will slowly build.

Don't get the idea that the 'militia' of virginia will suddenly gather and march on DC. It won't be anything close to that, but like a forest fire builds, it will start with a single incident. Could be an ATF raid again, or an FBI raid on a food coop. Maybe some tax hating group of people on their own compound who have taken to bartering instead of paying income tax. But it will only take that one 'special' incident and you'll notice quickly the ones that say 'no more'.
Wasn't it the 'loony left' that always talked about revolution? Now it's the loony right. Before you lock and load, try to realize that you are going thru the stages of grief.


Kübler-Ross modelübler-Ross_model

There's good news though, you've already moved into the Anger phase. You are making progress! Have hope and faith that you can work thru your difficult times.

Things to remember when planning a revolution:

In all of history armed rabble has never stood up to trained and equipped troops.
If you use the Turner Diaries as a guide you will end up like Tim McVeigh.
You will need allies, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so you will have to align yourselves with other terrorists. Look to the skinheads, Nazis, the clan, Haliburton and Blackwater for support along with Al-Kida.
In order to save the village you will need to burn it down.
In order to make an omelet you will need to break a few yankee eggs.
A Revolution Without Dancing is not Worth Having, so be sure to schedule a dance band.

bye bye boys, have fun storming the castle!
(think it will work?)
(it would take a miracle.)
Things to remember when planning a revolution:

In all of history armed rabble has never stood up to trained and equipped troops.

How fast some people forget. Did you take American History in school? did you even go to school? See, there is this little event called the American Revolution, and even though it was also done with trained and equipped troops, it was more by the armed 'rabble', as you call it.

Let us also remember that among that 3%, there will be a majority of ex-military. There will also be some current military that will end up joining us. It wouldn't be long before those 'troops' would be facing armed 'rabble' with pretty much the same equipment as themselves.
How fast some people forget. Did you take American History in school? did you even go to school? See, there is this little event called the American Revolution, and even though it was also done with trained and equipped troops, it was more by the armed 'rabble', as you call it.

Let us also remember that among that 3%, there will be a majority of ex-military. There will also be some current military that will end up joining us. It wouldn't be long before those 'troops' would be facing armed 'rabble' with pretty much the same equipment as themselves.

Pretty much the same equipment? If you are taking about personal armaments, you might be right. But the artillery, tanks and (most importantly) the aircraft will most certainly not be the same.
How fast some people forget. Did you take American History in school? did you even go to school? See, there is this little event called the American Revolution, and even though it was also done with trained and equipped troops, it was more by the armed 'rabble', as you call it.

Let us also remember that among that 3%, there will be a majority of ex-military. There will also be some current military that will end up joining us. It wouldn't be long before those 'troops' would be facing armed 'rabble' with pretty much the same equipment as themselves.

LOL! Washington had a standing army, roughly equal to the British in arms and equipment. He also had the choice as to where and when to fight.
You are talking about a loose knit band of underground misfits bent on bringing down this govt. by force. Good Luck. Dream on kid. When you start killing no one is going to join you. LOL!

I suggest the your '3%' should get some mental help. Brainwashing takes time to correct. Your first step is to realize that you really dont hate this country and that you have a problem. - or - join your local neo-nazi group, because that's what you sound like.

Just because your conservative ideology, party and leaders have all failed isnt the end of this country or the world. Why would you want to fight for something that has already failed anyway?
Pretty much the same equipment? If you are taking about personal armaments, you might be right. But the artillery, tanks and (most importantly) the aircraft will most certainly not be the same.

not to mention the communication, command and control systems. The 3% gang of conservatives would get anihilated in short order.
Pretty much the same equipment? If you are taking about personal armaments, you might be right. But the artillery, tanks and (most importantly) the aircraft will most certainly not be the same.

tanks, artillery, and bomber attacks would only increase our ranks. Do you seriously think that overt acts of military force are going to be blindly accepted by the whole of the remaining US population? In your dreams.

crashk said:
I suggest the your '3%' should get some mental help. Brainwashing takes time to correct. Your first step is to realize that you really dont hate this country and that you have a problem. - or - join your local neo-nazi group, because that's what you sound like.
YOUR first step should be to stop your liberal straight line thinking and get off the bandwagon of thinking that anyone who opposes liberal/democrat ideology is a rightwing neo nazi. I'm far from it, but if you choose to keep your idiot fucking head in the sand or up your ass and continue to generalize people in one of two classes, so be it. That would only be your dumbass mistake.

crashk said:
Just because your conservative ideology, party and leaders have all failed isnt the end of this country or the world. Why would you want to fight for something that has already failed anyway?
Case in point right here. Your first stupid assed mistake is to consider the majority of republicans that held office the last 8 years as conservative. They were in no way at all conservative, however, if you need to keep your idealistic little world on solid footing, then keep thinking that. That just means that you're the lost cause.

As for fighting for something thats failed, unless you're trying to say that the freedom and liberty ideals that the founding fathers fought for are failures, I'll keep fighting for them. If you can prove me wrong on that, do so. Until then, I suggest you get with the program of America and open your eyes to reality that BOTH of the major political parties do NOT have your liberties as their priority.
not to mention the communication, command and control systems. The 3% gang of conservatives would get anihilated in short order.

keep dreaming. Let's play this out by the numbers though, k?

currently, 3 million active duty military. Let's give them benefit of the doubt and say that 80% would happily and dutifully attack American citizens. That's 2.4 million. Another 600,000 federal and local police and we'll include 80% of those as well, which makes a total of government forces equaling 2,880,000 members.

300 million citizens makes that 3% equal to 3 million armed and angry freedom fighting americans.

So, we have 3,000,000 against 2,880,000.

Of course there is no way that the 3%ers are going to all congregate in to one standing military force but you'll see squad size groups all over.

Now, as cowardly as most of you liberals would like to imagine us real Americans, let me assure you that this is not the case with the 3%ers, especially considering that, again, most of us will be former military members.

How long do you think it would be before our squad size units formed together for platoon size units(that's approximately 52), after acquiring automatic weapons and ammunition, from the dead soldiers and police we've killed, and implemented our own version of martial law in our towns? In those very towns, people would be given a choice.....fight with us or be totally and completely disarmed. Think about this.......we would be our own police/military for that town/county and only those who would meet violence with violence (that now excludes you pacifistic liberals since you'd wet your pants facing gunfire) stand a chance of either escaping or dying.

Now, I'm sure this will be met with laughter, ridicule, and scorn, however you must consider this one thing. WHEN, and it will happen i'm sure, WHEN those government agents come sweeping in to attempt to take back the town/county, do you really think we'd be standing alone? Not a chance in hell. Other 3%ers from surrounding areas would flank those government agents attempting to use force against their fellow citizens and the shootouts would begin.

Also consider that the very first time that any governmental entity would use military forces and hardware against Americans, they are risking a huge political backlash as well as inciting more Americans, who would otherwise have not joined the 3%ers, to fight against the government forces. That 3% would soon become 5%, then 8% and soon even 10%. 10% of 300 million is? 30 million. It's a game of numbers folks, and we'd win. Whats more is that those who supported a tyrannical government would lose, either by exile or death.

You may consider us as mental cases, but I assure you that we would still win and you would lose.
tanks, artillery, and bomber attacks would only increase our ranks. Do you seriously think that overt acts of military force are going to be blindly accepted by the whole of the remaining US population? In your dreams.

Case in point right here. Your first stupid assed mistake is to consider the majority of republicans that held office the last 8 years as conservative. They were in no way at all conservative, however, if you need to keep your idealistic little world on solid footing, then keep thinking that. That just means that you're the lost cause.

First of all, your dreams of revolution rely on public opinion to swell your ranks.

The problem is that the military would only become involved if the attacks by your "revolutionaries" were to do serious harm to police agencies and national guard troops. Do you really think the public would back your cause after you murdered americans?

And make no mistake, the news media will portray your "revolutionaries" as radical lunatics. Remember the "militia" encampment that was surrounded by feds for not paying taxes? Did the public seem sympathetic?

Even the Ruby Ridge massacre was not something the public got upset about. The overwhelming majority of people still do not know what happened. And most of those who know did not know at the time.

No, you would be slaughtered.

And this claim that the last 8 years were run by liberals is nonsense. No, Bush & Co were not conservatives, but they were certainly republicans.

Its funny that you insist that all democrats are liberals and socialists, but you are also quick to try and call so many republicans "unconservative" and distance yourself from them. But the republicans and conservatives were certainly fine with it while Bush was running things. They didn't come out and call him liberal when they were in power. They only started calling him liberal in the last year or less.
keep dreaming. Let's play this out by the numbers though, k?

currently, 3 million active duty military. Let's give them benefit of the doubt and say that 80% would happily and dutifully attack American citizens. That's 2.4 million. Another 600,000 federal and local police and we'll include 80% of those as well, which makes a total of government forces equaling 2,880,000 members.

300 million citizens makes that 3% equal to 3 million armed and angry freedom fighting americans.

So, we have 3,000,000 against 2,880,000.

Of course there is no way that the 3%ers are going to all congregate in to one standing military force but you'll see squad size groups all over.

Now, as cowardly as most of you liberals would like to imagine us real Americans, let me assure you that this is not the case with the 3%ers, especially considering that, again, most of us will be former military members.

How long do you think it would be before our squad size units formed together for platoon size units(that's approximately 52), after acquiring automatic weapons and ammunition, from the dead soldiers and police we've killed, and implemented our own version of martial law in our towns? In those very towns, people would be given a choice.....fight with us or be totally and completely disarmed. Think about this.......we would be our own police/military for that town/county and only those who would meet violence with violence (that now excludes you pacifistic liberals since you'd wet your pants facing gunfire) stand a chance of either escaping or dying.

Now, I'm sure this will be met with laughter, ridicule, and scorn, however you must consider this one thing. WHEN, and it will happen i'm sure, WHEN those government agents come sweeping in to attempt to take back the town/county, do you really think we'd be standing alone? Not a chance in hell. Other 3%ers from surrounding areas would flank those government agents attempting to use force against their fellow citizens and the shootouts would begin.

Also consider that the very first time that any governmental entity would use military forces and hardware against Americans, they are risking a huge political backlash as well as inciting more Americans, who would otherwise have not joined the 3%ers, to fight against the government forces. That 3% would soon become 5%, then 8% and soon even 10%. 10% of 300 million is? 30 million. It's a game of numbers folks, and we'd win. Whats more is that those who supported a tyrannical government would lose, either by exile or death.

You may consider us as mental cases, but I assure you that we would still win and you would lose.

First of all, I think 3% is extremely optimistic.

Second of all, considering the surveillance technology at the hands of the US Government, the best you can hope for is secret meetings where you bitch about things and practice a secret handshake.

Your plans are remarkably close to the Turner Diaries. And that entire bit of fiction is a joke. Not a snowballs chance in hell. Your group will be seen as domestic terrorists.
keep dreaming. Let's play this out by the numbers though, k?

currently, 3 million active duty military. Let's give them benefit of the doubt and say that 80% would happily and dutifully attack American citizens. That's 2.4 million. Another 600,000 federal and local police and we'll include 80% of those as well, which makes a total of government forces equaling 2,880,000 members.

300 million citizens makes that 3% equal to 3 million armed and angry freedom fighting americans.

So, we have 3,000,000 against 2,880,000.

Of course there is no way that the 3%ers are going to all congregate in to one standing military force but you'll see squad size groups all over.

Now, as cowardly as most of you liberals would like to imagine us real Americans, let me assure you that this is not the case with the 3%ers, especially considering that, again, most of us will be former military members.

How long do you think it would be before our squad size units formed together for platoon size units(that's approximately 52), after acquiring automatic weapons and ammunition, from the dead soldiers and police we've killed, and implemented our own version of martial law in our towns? In those very towns, people would be given a choice.....fight with us or be totally and completely disarmed. Think about this.......we would be our own police/military for that town/county and only those who would meet violence with violence (that now excludes you pacifistic liberals since you'd wet your pants facing gunfire) stand a chance of either escaping or dying.

Now, I'm sure this will be met with laughter, ridicule, and scorn, however you must consider this one thing. WHEN, and it will happen i'm sure, WHEN those government agents come sweeping in to attempt to take back the town/county, do you really think we'd be standing alone? Not a chance in hell. Other 3%ers from surrounding areas would flank those government agents attempting to use force against their fellow citizens and the shootouts would begin.

Also consider that the very first time that any governmental entity would use military forces and hardware against Americans, they are risking a huge political backlash as well as inciting more Americans, who would otherwise have not joined the 3%ers, to fight against the government forces. That 3% would soon become 5%, then 8% and soon even 10%. 10% of 300 million is? 30 million. It's a game of numbers folks, and we'd win. Whats more is that those who supported a tyrannical government would lose, either by exile or death.

You may consider us as mental cases, but I assure you that we would still win and you would lose.

I will give the military the benefit of the doubt and state that damned near ALL of them would regretably and mournfully attack American domestic terrorists if ordered to do so.... to suggest that 20% of the US military would disobey the orders of their superiors is ridiculous.
I will give the military the benefit of the doubt and state that damned near ALL of them would regretably and mournfully attack American domestic terrorists if ordered to do so.... to suggest that 20% of the US military would disobey the orders of their superiors is ridiculous.
After watching video of American personnel taking the guns away from law abiding legally armed citizens, I wouldn't say they would do it for the reason you say...

I will forever understand though, that our military was given a hard time by Iraqis with less arms than we have. I think the citizen of the US is being given shorter shrift than they deserve in this case.
After watching video of American personnel taking the guns away from law abiding legally armed citizens, I wouldn't say they would do it for the reason you say...

I will forever understand though, that our military was given a hard time by Iraqis with less arms than we have. I think the citizen of the US is being given shorter shrift than they deserve in this case.

Oh I have said numerous times that it wouldn't take many americans to disrupt life in the US.

The idea that it would be by military force and with military weaponry is what I disagree with.

Also, I believe the majority of americans would turn in anyone if it kept the cable tv on and the gas prices lower.
Also, I believe the majority of americans would turn in anyone if it kept the cable tv on and the gas prices lower.]

Or if it got them on a realilty TV show. Or even on Maury.

How long before we have a homeland security TV show? ohh wait....
First of all, your dreams of revolution rely on public opinion to swell your ranks.
It is not a dream of revolution. We aren't looking to change or replace the government. It is the last resort of replacing men that have corrupted the government and have sought to oppress a free people.

The problem is that the military would only become involved if the attacks by your "revolutionaries" were to do serious harm to police agencies and national guard troops. Do you really think the public would back your cause after you murdered americans?
Again, it is not about setting out to attack first, but in defense if they come after us.

And make no mistake, the news media will portray your "revolutionaries" as radical lunatics.
not our problem. They'll be dealt with as well.
Remember the "militia" encampment that was surrounded by feds for not paying taxes? Did the public seem sympathetic?
Let's think about this for a second, assuming you're talking about WACO. A compound of religious people were attacked and then surrounded by heavily armed and armored government agents for not paying taxes. Does that not strike you as oppressive at all? Secondly, there was alot more public support than you realize. Here in TX, we don't take kindly to federal intervention, especially armed intervention. That is why none of the branch people on trial for murder of federal agents were convicted of murder. The davidians also had alot of support from that so called 'militia' sector. It is half the reason why the FBI pushed for a raid instead of waiting them out longer. They were concerned about civilian reprisal attacks from behind. Lastly, in ANY armed conflict between civilian and government entities, are you programmed to believe the press immediately and that any who fight against the government are radical lunatics?

Even the Ruby Ridge massacre was not something the public got upset about. The overwhelming majority of people still do not know what happened. And most of those who know did not know at the time.
then would they care about our actions as much?

No, you would be slaughtered.
then you should be happy you're rid of us 'radicals'.

And this claim that the last 8 years were run by liberals is nonsense. No, Bush & Co were not conservatives, but they were certainly republicans.
Did I claim they were liberals? No, I merely said they were not conservatives. Are you telling me that you can only think in two dimensions? that there is only liberal and conservative?

Its funny that you insist that all democrats are liberals and socialists, but you are also quick to try and call so many republicans "unconservative" and distance yourself from them. But the republicans and conservatives were certainly fine with it while Bush was running things. They didn't come out and call him liberal when they were in power. They only started calling him liberal in the last year or less.

You should really learn more about someone before trying to label them. I've said no such thing, that all dems are liberals and socialists.

solitary said:
First of all, I think 3% is extremely optimistic.

Second of all, considering the surveillance technology at the hands of the US Government, the best you can hope for is secret meetings where you bitch about things and practice a secret handshake.

Your plans are remarkably close to the Turner Diaries. And that entire bit of fiction is a joke. Not a snowballs chance in hell. Your group will be seen as domestic terrorists.
then you shouldn't lose very much sleep over it, right?

maineman said:
I will give the military the benefit of the doubt and state that damned near ALL of them would regretably and mournfully attack American domestic terrorists if ordered to do so.... to suggest that 20% of the US military would disobey the orders of their superiors is ridiculous.
foolish thoughts, but whatever. And in reference to Damocles post about armed personnel taking weapons away from people. Let's remember that only a small percentage of units were actually doing that. MOST of those performed that task extremely lackadaisical. That is how their assault on civilians would be done, lackadaisical.