It's not just cliched - everyone really should chill

I took a lot of time off from this board, and I see why. Thought I'd dip my toes back in the water w/ what I thought was a pretty reasonable post about what happened today.

This board is truly toxic. It's a shame. I don't even think some read the OP - they just lashed out.

Good chatting w/ everyone again. Maybe see y'all in the next life.
I took a lot of time off from this board, and I see why. Thought I'd dip my toes back in the water w/ what I thought was a pretty reasonable post about what happened today.

This board is truly toxic. It's a shame. I don't even think some read the OP - they just lashed out.

Good chatting w/ everyone again. Maybe see y'all in the next life.
I doubt you'll be where I will, deceiver. IF I even make it there.

IMO, if I see you in the next life, it means I messed up pretty bad.
I took a lot of time off from this board, and I see why. Thought I'd dip my toes back in the water w/ what I thought was a pretty reasonable post about what happened today.

This board is truly toxic. It's a shame. I don't even think some read the OP - they just lashed out.

Good chatting w/ everyone again. Maybe see y'all in the next life.
sorry.....but after listening to you cunts lie for seven years the last thing we needed right now was some lib'rul cunt telling us WE needed to chilll.......
What is so bad in our lives?

What can't you do that you want to do?

Both sides act like the other is an existential threat to America. There is a lot of play about how the Dems brought rhetoric to a fever pitch with all of the "Hitler" stuff, and that's very fair. But the people talking about that said nothing about the stolen election rhetoric and the death threats faced by countless election workers across the country.

Again: BOTH sides do this.

But why? We've lost sight of what we have here. America is a great country - it's so rare in world history that people have been able to live like we're able to live. And we get so ticked of by a transgender on a beer can, or someone on SCOTUS taking an expensive trip. These things do not impact our lives.

Let's get back to being a country of people who just disagree w/ each other again. A country of people who understand that they're going to win some elections, and they're going to lose some. A country of people who respect each other at a basic level, regardless of their opposing views.

We've got it good here. I do not want Trump to be President again - but I am disgusted by what happened today, and wish the best for him right now.
Fuck Trump. He deserves it.
Unfortunately, you can't do that with the Left. The far Right is irrelevant, and everybody thinks they're idiots, you know, like neo-Nazis and such. On the Left, there is no room for debate. Either you agree with them or it's off to the gulag with you.

Today, that's where the Democrat party is today, on the Left. There's no reasoning with them. I learned that decades ago in college, and that message has been reinforced ever since. It's like trying to discuss religion with the religious conservate movement.
Thanks Rino hunter
The side that attempts to assassinate an Ex-President.

That one.
You mean the shooter, who was a registered Republican.

Also, remember this guy?

NEW YORK — The leader of a conservative think tank orchestrating plans for a massive overhaul of the federal government in the event of a Republican presidential win said that the country is in the midst of a “second American Revolution” that will be bloodless “if the left allows it to be.”

Seems like a threat, no? And that guy's no "lefty" either.