It's Not Wright, It's Obama


Not So Junior Member
Who would have thought?

Obama, Not Wright, Is Obama's Worst Enemy

Posted April 29, 2008 * 06:18 PM (EST)
Read More: Barack Obama, Black Church, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Jeremiah Wright, John McCain, White House, White Voters, Breaking Home

Whoever on Team Obama keeps feeding into Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's seeming compulsive need to speak out on the Reverend Jeremiah Wright should get the swift boot. When Wright went on his latest public and media tear, Obama should have simply issued a statement saying this: Wright is no longer my pastor. And as I have said repeatedly, his views do not reflect mine, and then move on.

But no, Obama's Wright compulsion drove him to deliver a defensive and apologetic so-called race speech in which Wright was the centerpiece. Next, he denounced Wright's views in an interview. Now he holds a halting, stumbling, anguished voice press conference to denounce Wright again. Here's the effect of all this. He's given a slew of gossipy, media talking heads more salacious grist for the gossip and rumor mill about Wright, the church and Obama's long term relationship with both.

He's elevated Wright from a relatively obscure, local preacher to a nationally known polarizing figure. He's deepened the suspicions of those who all along felt that he was a closet radical and race panderer. This hurt him with white voters in Ohio and Pennsylvania, and almost certainly it will hurt him in Indiana. It has pecked away at the razor thin lead he had over Clinton among Democrats, and dropped him behind McCain in the general election. (Hillary beats McCain by ten points).

He created clouds of doubt among some of his non-rabid, and non-true believer supporters that maybe it's time to take a second look at him and his candidacy. He's given political analysts and pundits boundless ammunition to fire the jibe that maybe he is unelectable. After all, if he bombs with blue collar, rural, and less educated white voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania who are Democrats, what chance does he have of getting a big swatch of the must win independents who fit that same vote demographic in the South, the Midwest and the West to back him in a head to head showdown with McCain? He's gotten so bogged down with the obsessive need to slam Wright that he's managed to self-derail his campaign from the issues that should matter to debating Wright on of all things as to whether Wright and the black church as Wright claims are one and the same.

Finally, and worst of all, no matter how much he protests that Wright doesn't represent him or his thinking, the fact is he sat in his church for nearly two decades, called him a spiritual mentor and family confidant, appointed him to an advisory post in his campaign, and in his so-called race speech refused to disown his two decade experience and relationship with him. This instantly makes his Wright protest sound like the wail of a politician running scared, and who sees the long, arduous, time consuming and patient work he put into building up public trust in him as the nation's great political hope fast washing down the drain.

But Obama is no different than other inexperienced politicians who get blind-sided by damaging and hurtful allegations and associations. They panic, do their public mea culpas, and hope and pray that it all blows over. It never does. The clouds of doubt remain transfixed in the air of the voter's minds, and that doubt will always be there with whispers, wisecracks, and raised eyebrows that maybe the politician with a taint who so many put their fervent faith and hope in is not all that he's cracked up to be.

The more optimistic Obama backers point to Bill Clinton as the best example of a much admired, effective political leader who rebounded from a scandal and attacks and whose popularity ratings soared to the stars. That's true but there are some big differences. Clinton was a battle tested, second term president, the economy was booming, there were no major foreign policy crises, and millions of supporters including many Republicans saw the GOP assaults on him as nothing more than vindictive partisan politics. That was more than enough for him to ride out the tide.

Obama is hardly Clinton. And the issue that dogged Clinton was sex. The issue that dogs Obama is race. That in any season is perennially for a politician, especially a black politician, their worst nightmare. That's even truer for Obama who has worked tirelessly to sell white voters on his non-racial message of unity, harmony, and hope.

Obama then must understand two things. Wright isn't going away. His ego and a press insatiable for any inflammatory Wright quip will insure that. If that's so then Obama should button it up on Wright. Anything else he says on him will further insure that Obama not Wright is Obama's worst enemy.

Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst. His new book is The Ethnic Presidency: How Race Decides the Race to the White House (Middle Passage Press, February 2008).
I don't know what it is about female cons, but I feel like killing them. I mean, I could easily smash their fucking faces in, while smiling.

It's a real problem for me. I guess I am going to have to IA all of them? The female con is a rare thing, and we haven't been infested until recently so I haven't suffered this problem for years now. It makes my blood boil.

I have long tried to figure out what it is, and I think it goes back to the phyllis schlafly effect. A woman who made millions as a writer telling other woman they shouldn't work and needed to stay home and suck their husband's dick on command. I think that really encompasses what con women are. Added to that, I guess a blood-thirsty woman, who will kill other women's children by supporting war, that just stuns me. I know that all of these con women would have had a higher standard of evidence before they said "Yeah ok!" to someone dropping bombs on their children's heads. And when I thinnk of how these bloodthirsty bitches cheer on the dropping of bombs on the heads of other mothers, I think, there is something vicious, unwomanly, and unnatural about that. And I feel hate but most of all, the upmost contempt for them.

I already IA" d that insipid idiot meme, it looks like I will have to do the same to this one, because truly all I can think about when i see her sneering, racist, con posts is smashing her fucking face right in for her.

That's not healthy for me. Well, it would be if I could smash her fucking face in. But alas, cyberspace has its limits, as I always say during cybersex.
I don't know what it is about female cons, but I feel like killing them. I mean, I could easily smash their fucking faces in, while smiling.

It's a real problem for me. I guess I am going to have to IA all of them? The female con is a rare thing, and we haven't been infested until recently so I haven't suffered this problem for years now. It makes my blood boil.

I have long tried to figure out what it is, and I think it goes back to the phyllis schlafly effect. A woman who made millions as a writer telling other woman they shouldn't work and needed to stay home and suck their husband's dick on command. I think that really encompasses what con women are. Added to that, I guess a blood-thirsty woman, who will kill other women's children by supporting war, that just stuns me. I know that all of these con women would have had a higher standard of evidence before they said "Yeah ok!" to someone dropping bombs on their children's heads. And when I thinnk of how these bloodthirsty bitches cheer on the dropping of bombs on the heads of other mothers, I think, there is something vicious, unwomanly, and unnatural about that. And I feel hate but most of all, the upmost contempt for them.

I already IA" d that insipid idiot meme, it looks like I will have to do the same to this one, because truly all I can think about when i see her sneering, racist, con posts is smashing her fucking face right in for her.

That's not healthy for me. Well, it would be if I could smash her fucking face in. But alas, cyberspace has its limits, as I always say during cybersex.

I hope I didn't offend anyone with this post. It was meant with all due respect, certainly.
I hope I didn't offend anyone with this post. It was meant with all due respect, certainly.

It's the first thing I read this morning. I truly enjoyed it. I think you were as respectful as possible, given the circumstances.
I hope I didn't offend anyone with this post. It was meant with all due respect, certainly.

I hear ya.

I'm pretty much through with cutting slack to any war supporter who continues to cheerlead the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq, who refuses to admit they made a mistake invading iraq, who can't post a single reason for why McCain should be elected to bush's third term, and instead prays for republican victory on the back of race baiting.

Apparently you should be careful posting articles from that Rightwingnut website Huffingtonpost. The leftwing nut violent "I love killing unborn children crowd" seem to want to smash your face in for violating their "though shall not post anything against Saint Obama" mandate.

Not to mention the article was written by Hutchinson... a well known hard core conservative.
Apparently you should be careful posting articles from that Rightwingnut website Huffingtonpost. The leftwing nut violent "I love killing unborn children crowd" seem to want to smash your face in for violating their "though shall not post anything against Saint Obama" mandate.

Not to mention the article was written by Hutchinson... a well known hard core conservative.

:cool: I know, now I have to fear death from Darla. :eek: Wonder why so much of the posts are just a large echo. I love their idea of free speech. :gives:
:cool: I know, now I have to fear death from Darla. :eek: Wonder why so much of the posts are just a large echo. I love their idea of free speech. :gives:

I know it can be confusing at times, but the "echo" effect is common among parrots. They hear something, they repeat it. No matter how idiotic the content is.
I don't know what it is about female cons, but I feel like killing them. I mean, I could easily smash their fucking faces in, while smiling.

It's a real problem for me. I guess I am going to have to IA all of them? The female con is a rare thing, and we haven't been infested until recently so I haven't suffered this problem for years now. It makes my blood boil.

I have long tried to figure out what it is, and I think it goes back to the phyllis schlafly effect. A woman who made millions as a writer telling other woman they shouldn't work and needed to stay home and suck their husband's dick on command. I think that really encompasses what con women are. Added to that, I guess a blood-thirsty woman, who will kill other women's children by supporting war, that just stuns me. I know that all of these con women would have had a higher standard of evidence before they said "Yeah ok!" to someone dropping bombs on their children's heads. And when I thinnk of how these bloodthirsty bitches cheer on the dropping of bombs on the heads of other mothers, I think, there is something vicious, unwomanly, and unnatural about that. And I feel hate but most of all, the upmost contempt for them.

I already IA" d that insipid idiot meme, it looks like I will have to do the same to this one, because truly all I can think about when i see her sneering, racist, con posts is smashing her fucking face right in for her.

That's not healthy for me. Well, it would be if I could smash her fucking face in. But alas, cyberspace has its limits, as I always say during cybersex.

You might want to seek help..:clink:
Awww. aren't you all sweet to suck up to the Darla when she is having one of her ugly meltdowns..

Maybe an 'ugly meltdown' to you, but all I saw was someone speaking with some honesty.

I could really relate to where she was coming from. My frustration with the willful ignorance of many on the right has reached somewhat epic proportions; the only difference is that it isn't gender-specific with me.
Maybe an 'ugly meltdown' to you, but all I saw was someone speaking with some honesty.

I could really relate to where she was coming from. My frustration with the willful ignorance of many on the right has reached somewhat epic proportions; the only difference is that it isn't gender-specific with me.

He don't feel like the lone Ranger..Republicans speak about you Democrats as idiots all the time no big deal..:D
Maybe an 'ugly meltdown' to you, but all I saw was someone speaking with some honesty.

I could really relate to where she was coming from. My frustration with the willful ignorance of many on the right has reached somewhat epic proportions; the only difference is that it isn't gender-specific with me.

It’s not really with me either. I’m sure you’ve noticed that I don’t exactly fawn over male cons. But, I think it’s the war thing that for me, just makes it worse in a woman. I can’ t abide that gross disregard for other women’s children. It’s unnatural in a woman, that’s how I feel, period.
He don't feel like the lone Ranger..Republicans speak about you Democrats as idiots all the time no big deal..:D

Really? I guess I can't understand what many of them are saying anymore, now that most of their lips are permanently adhered to Bush's arse.

Thanks for letting me know. That really hurts to hear what they think of us.
Really? I guess I can't understand what many of them are saying anymore, now that most of their lips are permanently adhered to Bush's arse.

Thanks for letting me know. That really hurts to hear what they think of us.

Awww. aren't you all sweet to suck up to the Darla when she is having one of her ugly meltdowns..

there was nothing unwarranted or ugly about it. I long ago concluded that anyone who continues to cheerlead this war, and stubbornly refuses to admit it was an error, is an immoral person. A twisted person. I've concluded that after over five years, after an ocean of blood, up to a million dead people, and a trillion dollars expended, that there is simply NO amount of blood and treasure that Cons will ever say "enough is enough". They would support this war, even to the expenditure of an infinite amout of blood, money, and slaughter.