It's Not Wright, It's Obama

there was nothing unwarranted or ugly about it. I long ago concluded that anyone who continues to cheerlead this war, and stubbornly refuses to admit it was an error, is an immoral person. A twisted person. I've concluded that after over five years, after an ocean of blood, up to a million dead people, and a trillion dollars expended, that there is simply NO amount of blood and treasure that Cons will ever say "enough is enough". They would support this war, even to the expenditure of an infinite amount of blood, money, and slaughter.

I guess wanting to bash people faces in is considered NORMAL, to you anti-war, peace loving people of liberal views..
Everybody has different views..But it doesn't make me want to go hurt someone..

Hope you and your buddy can have a good day..:clink:
there was nothing unwarranted or ugly about it. I long ago concluded that anyone who continues to cheerlead this war, and stubbornly refuses to admit it was an error, is an immoral person. A twisted person. I've concluded that after over five years, after an ocean of blood, up to a million dead people, and a trillion dollars expended, that there is simply NO amount of blood and treasure that Cons will ever say "enough is enough". They would support this war, even to the expenditure of an infinite amout of blood, money, and slaughter.

This thread had NOTHING to do with the war. Nothing. The fact that you cheerlead that type of violent behavior is telling us all just what a good little leg humper you are.

That article she referrenced was posted on a left wing website by a not-so conservative man.

Good to see another "tolerant" liberal expressing its violent opposition to those who express different opinions. (rather funny that her post of this article had nothing to do with Iraq, yet you violent lefties still expressed your barbaric attitudes)
This thread had NOTHING to do with the war. Nothing. The fact that you cheerlead that type of violent behavior is telling us all just what a good little leg humper you are.

That article she referrenced was posted on a left wing website by a not-so conservative man.

Good to see another "tolerant" liberal expressing its violent opposition to those who express different opinions. (rather funny that her post of this article had nothing to do with Iraq, yet you violent lefties still expressed your barbaric attitudes)

LOL! Well two folks tried to say it was all about Barack's race, not bothering to read and realize the rather leftward writer also is black. Then Darla, certainly checking out the article, wanted to change the subject, which she did, rather adroitly one must say. ;)

It becomes more and more obvious that the left truly are fascists, when they can they certainly seem more than willing to kill those that have differing opinions than they.
Really? I guess I can't understand what many of them are saying anymore, now that most of their lips are permanently adhered to Bush's arse.

Thanks for letting me know. That really hurts to hear what they think of us.

Kind of makes me proud Onceler.
I am very proud not to have given in to the fearmongering and supported bush and the war.
Kathi, blacks can be rascist too.
And they can also be partisan.
What matters is the truth, not the perception and deception that is put in front of us.
This thread had NOTHING to do with the war. Nothing. The fact that you cheerlead that type of violent behavior is telling us all just what a good little leg humper you are.

That article she referrenced was posted on a left wing website by a not-so conservative man.

Good to see another "tolerant" liberal expressing its violent opposition to those who express different opinions. (rather funny that her post of this article had nothing to do with Iraq, yet you violent lefties still expressed your barbaric attitudes)

Anytime you are plan on being in Cali, PM me, so I can get you prepared for reconstructive surgery, obsessive dumbfuck.

That's right: I don't have a problem with people like Darla, or anyone, going ballistic on war supporters, like you, who cheerled hundreds of thousands to uneccessary deaths, and who then spend five years on message boards making ever shifting excuses and justifications for the slaughter.--. Rather than admitting the war was a bloody and tragic mistake. Its getting sickening. A don't fucking call me a leg humper you celibate, never married, and dateless pansy.
I notice you waited until he wasn't online to spout off. The old man will have to heat up 7 more bags before we get an answer.
Kind of makes me proud Onceler.
I am very proud not to have given in to the fearmongering and supported bush and the war.

Agreed. I won't say that I think the war has been handled in the best way, but what war has been? The surge helped, but has been reduced, and we have the results for the past month.

Let's keep in mind that the US historically does not take casualties lightly, nor open itself to causing such. WWI began in 1914, ended in 1918, US entered 1917. WWII for all purposes began in 1938, ended in '45; US entered in '41, but would not have if not for Pearl Harbor.
From a few on one side Damo.

I rarely threaten anyone. It pretty darned useless on the web anyway.

I just tell em god will get em. Let him do my lightwork.
keyboard warriors...

Aren't they cute.

there was nothing unwarranted or ugly about it. I long ago concluded that anyone who continues to cheerlead this war, and stubbornly refuses to admit it was an error, is an immoral person. A twisted person. I've concluded that after over five years, after an ocean of blood, up to a million dead people, and a trillion dollars expended, that there is simply NO amount of blood and treasure that Cons will ever say "enough is enough". They would support this war, even to the expenditure of an infinite amout of blood, money, and slaughter.

You are special. Feeling good about yourself now?
From a few on one side Damo.

I rarely threaten anyone. It pretty darned useless on the web anyway.

I just tell em god will get em. Let him do my lightwork.

God doesnt get anybody. If he did, do you think these mass-murderers would still be alive?
I notice you waited until he wasn't online to spout off. The old man will have to heat up 7 more bags before we get an answer.

He waited? Does SF pay you for this stuff?

Oh yeah, we're all scared of SF and everyone is "waiting" until he's not here before we speak up.

We're afraid he'll give himself a stroke.

He rarely appears to understand that this is a message board.
God doesnt get anybody. If he did, do you think these mass-murderers would still be alive?

yeah I know that and you know that, but some are too stupid to know and it might work on them.

If you are convinced something bad will happen to you it probably will.

God has long supported mass murderers, read the bible. But that is another issue.
I didn't threaten anyone, Camille. I was honest about my feelings and it felt great!

Oh the drama of it all.

what a bunch of dopes.

Sure you did, if only. Your desires allude to a myriad of issues, but none of which include me.